Displaying 4051 - 4100 of 5635 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
24 Apr 2019
19:58 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Articles of Association Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
24 Apr 2019
19:56 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Board of Directors Report - Item Seven Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
24 Apr 2019
19:53 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Board of Director's Proposal - Item Seven Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
24 Apr 2019
19:51 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Board of Directors' Proposal - Item Six Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
24 Apr 2019
19:49 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Supervisory Board Proposal - Item Fifth Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
24 Apr 2019
19:46 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Remuneration Committee Proposal - Item Four Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
24 Apr 2019
19:43 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Visabeira Industria Proposal - Item Three Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
24 Apr 2019
19:41 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Board Directors' Proposal - Item Second Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
24 Apr 2019
19:39 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Annual General Meeting 30 April 2019 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
12 Apr 2019
21:08 CEST
RAMADA Ramada Investimentos e Indústria, S.A. informs change of the Registered Office Iron&Steel Legal
12 Apr 2019
21:07 CEST
RAMADA Ramada Investimentos e Indústria, S.A. informa sobre alteração da Sede Social Iron&Steel Legal
12 Apr 2019
20:36 CEST
ALTRI SGPS Altri, SGPS, S.A. informs change of the Registered Office Diversified Industrials Legal
12 Apr 2019
20:35 CEST
ALTRI SGPS Altri, SGPS, S.A. informa sobre alteração da Sede Social Diversified Industrials Legal
12 Apr 2019
20:16 CEST
COFINA,SGPS COFINA - SGPS, S.A. informs change of the Registered Office Publishing Legal
12 Apr 2019
20:14 CEST
COFINA,SGPS COFINA - SGPS, S.A. informa sobre alteração da Sede Social Publishing Legal
11 Apr 2019
20:04 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informs on 2018 Corporate Governance Report approved at the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of April 11, 2019 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
11 Apr 2019
20:03 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informs on 2018 Annual Report approved on the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of April 11, 2019 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
11 Apr 2019
20:02 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informs on Dividend Payment Food Retailers&Wholesalers Dividend
11 Apr 2019
20:01 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informs on appointment of Company Secretary Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
11 Apr 2019
19:59 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informs on election of Corporate Bodies Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
11 Apr 2019
19:58 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informs on CFO nomination Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
11 Apr 2019
19:57 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informs on Board of Directors resolution Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
11 Apr 2019
19:56 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informs on Resolutions of the AGM 2019 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
11 Apr 2019
19:55 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Relatório do Governo da Sociedade de 2018 aprovado na Assembleia Geral de Accionistas de 11 de Abril de 2019 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
11 Apr 2019
19:53 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Relatório e Contas de 2018 aprovado em Assembleia Geral de Accionistas de 11 de Abril de 2019 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
11 Apr 2019
19:51 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Pagamento de Dividendos Food Retailers&Wholesalers Dividend
11 Apr 2019
19:48 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informa sobre nomeação do Secretário da Sociedade Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
11 Apr 2019
19:47 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Eleição de Órgãos Sociais Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
11 Apr 2019
19:45 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informa sobre nomeação de Responsável Financeiro Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
11 Apr 2019
19:44 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informa sobre deliberação do Conselho de Administração Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
11 Apr 2019
19:41 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informa sobre deliberações da Assembleia Geral de Accionistas Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
10 Apr 2019
20:41 CEST
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informs about bond issue and refinancing of medium and long-term debt Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
10 Apr 2019
20:40 CEST
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informa sobre emissão de empréstimo obrigacionista e refinanciamento da dívida de médio e longo prazo Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
08 Apr 2019
21:06 CEST
SONAE Sonae informs on update of the information provided pursuant to subparagraph d), paragraph 1, of article 289 of the Portuguese Companies Act Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
08 Apr 2019
21:05 CEST
SONAE Sonae informa sobre atualização de informação nos termos e para os efeitos da alínea d) do n.º 1 do art.º 289 do Código das Sociedades Comerciais Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
08 Apr 2019
18:54 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informs on Qualified Holding Specialty Finance Other subject
08 Apr 2019
18:54 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informa sobre Participação Qualificada Specialty Finance Other subject
06 Apr 2019
01:35 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, S.A. informs on Qualified Shareholding Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
06 Apr 2019
01:34 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Participação Qualificada Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
06 Apr 2019
00:56 CEST
SONAE Sonae informs on rectification of the proposal related to agenda item no. 6 of the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting to be held on 30th April 2019 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
06 Apr 2019
00:55 CEST
SONAE Sonae informa sobre retificação à proposta relativa ao ponto n.º 6 da Ordem de Trabalhos da Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas convocada para 30 de abril de 2019 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
05 Apr 2019
22:33 CEST
SONAECOM,SGPS Sonaecom SGPS, SA informa sobre o Relatório do Governo da Sociedade 2018 Mobile Telecommunications Corporate life
05 Apr 2019
22:30 CEST
SONAECOM,SGPS Sonaecom – SGPS, S.A. informs on the 2018 Annual Report and Accounts Mobile Telecommunications Commercial results
05 Apr 2019
22:29 CEST
SONAECOM,SGPS Sonaecom – SGPS, S.A. informa sobre o Relatório e Contas de 2018 Mobile Telecommunications Commercial results
05 Apr 2019
22:25 CEST
SONAECOM,SGPS Sonaecom SGPS, SA informa sobre Propostas relativas à Ordem de Trabalhos da Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas convocada para 30 de Abril de 2019 Mobile Telecommunications General meeting / Board Meeting
05 Apr 2019
22:24 CEST
SONAECOM,SGPS Sonaecom – SGPS, S.A. informs on the Notice of Meeting of the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting, to be held on April, 30, 2019 Mobile Telecommunications General meeting / Board Meeting
05 Apr 2019
22:22 CEST
SONAECOM,SGPS Sonaecom SGPS, SA informa sobre Convocatória para Assembleia Geral de Acionistas convocada para 30 de Abril de 2019 Mobile Telecommunications General meeting / Board Meeting
03 Apr 2019
19:00 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informs on transaction by person discharging managerial responsibilities Specialty Finance Legal
03 Apr 2019
18:58 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informa sonre Transacção de Dirigente Specialty Finance Legal
03 Apr 2019
18:57 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informs on transaction by person discharging managerial responsibilities Specialty Finance Legal