Displaying 2301 - 2350 of 5632 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
07 Jun 2021
18:09 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS, SA informs on transactions by person closely connected with persons discharging managerial responsibilities 50101035 Building Materials: Other Other subject
07 Jun 2021
00:44 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Convocatórias 40202025 Household Equipment and Products Other subject
07 Jun 2021
00:42 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Convocatórias 40202025 Household Equipment and Products Other subject
07 Jun 2021
00:41 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Convocatórias 40202025 Household Equipment and Products Other subject
07 Jun 2021
00:40 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Convocatórias 40202025 Household Equipment and Products Other subject
07 Jun 2021
00:39 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Convocatórias 40202025 Household Equipment and Products Other subject
07 Jun 2021
00:37 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Convocatórias 40202025 Household Equipment and Products Other subject
04 Jun 2021
20:25 CEST
MARTINS-S.G.P.S. SA(JERONIMO) Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informs on Qualified Shareholding – BlackRock, Inc. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
04 Jun 2021
20:22 CEST
MARTINS-S.G.P.S. SA(JERONIMO) Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Participação Qualificada – BlackRock, Inc. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
04 Jun 2021
12:14 CEST
SONAE Sonae informs about Payment of Interests of Coupon Number 1, concerning the bond – Sonae SGPS - Emp. Obrig. EO SONAE ESG 20/25. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
04 Jun 2021
12:12 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informa sobre pagamento de juros do cupão nº 1, referente ao empréstimo obrigacionista – Sonae SGPS - Emp. Obrig. EO SONAE ESG 20/25. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
02 Jun 2021
22:39 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria, SGPS, SA announces Proposals in the Agenda of the Shareholders Annual General Meeting convened for 28 June 2021 50101035 Building Materials: Other General meeting / Board Meeting
02 Jun 2021
22:36 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS, SA informa sobre Propostas da Ordem de Trabalhos da Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas convocada para o dia 28 de Junho de 2021 50101035 Building Materials: Other General meeting / Board Meeting
02 Jun 2021
22:34 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS, SA informa sobre Convocatória para a Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas a realizar em 28 de Junho de 2021 50101035 Building Materials: Other General meeting / Board Meeting
02 Jun 2021
22:33 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS, SA announces notice of convening of the Shareholders Annual General Meeting to be held on 28 June 2021 50101035 Building Materials: Other General meeting / Board Meeting
02 Jun 2021
18:22 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS, SA informa sobre transações de pessoa estreitamente relacionada com dirigentes 50101035 Building Materials: Other Other subject
02 Jun 2021
18:21 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS, SA informs on transactions by person closely connected with persons discharging managerial responsibilities 50101035 Building Materials: Other Other subject
02 Jun 2021
17:46 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Informação Privilegiada 40202025 Household Equipment and Products Other subject
02 Jun 2021
17:45 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Informação privilegiada 40202025 Household Equipment and Products Other subject
01 Jun 2021
18:41 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS, SA informa sobre transações de pessoa estreitamente relacionada com dirigentes 50101035 Building Materials: Other Other subject
01 Jun 2021
18:40 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS, SA informs on transactions by person closely connected with persons discharging managerial responsibilities 50101035 Building Materials: Other Other subject
01 Jun 2021
18:08 CEST
SONAE.COM S.G.P.S. S.A. Sonaecom, SGPS, S.A. informs about the agreement reached between its subsidiary Sonae IM and Claranet Portugal, S.A. 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
01 Jun 2021
18:07 CEST
SONAE.COM S.G.P.S. S.A. Sonaecom, SGPS, S.A. informa sobre acordo entre a sua subsidiária Sonae IM e a Claranet Portugal, S.A. 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
31 May 2021
19:01 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Contas Trimestrais 40202025 Household Equipment and Products Other subject
31 May 2021
18:59 CEST
VAA VISTA ALEGRE Contas Trimestrais 40202025 Household Equipment and Products Other subject
28 May 2021
19:30 CEST
SONAE.COM S.G.P.S. S.A. Sonaecom SGPS, S.A. informs on First Quarter Management Report and Accounts 15102015 Telecommunications Services Other subject
28 May 2021
19:26 CEST
SONAE.COM S.G.P.S. S.A. Sonaecom SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Relatório e Contas do Primeiro Trimestre de 2021 15102015 Telecommunications Services Other subject
28 May 2021
18:50 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA – 1Q21 Report and Accounts 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
28 May 2021
18:46 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA - Exercício do 1º trimestre de 2021 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
28 May 2021
18:25 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS, SA informa sobre transações de pessoa estreitamente relacionada com dirigentes 50101035 Building Materials: Other Other subject
28 May 2021
18:23 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS, SA informs on transactions by person closely connected with persons discharging managerial responsibilities 50101035 Building Materials: Other Other subject
28 May 2021
17:58 CEST
Corticeira Amorim-SGPS Corticeira Amorim, S.G.P.S., S.A. | Relatório e contas consolidados, não auditados, reportados a 31 de março de 2021 50203030 Containers and Packaging Corporate life
28 May 2021
17:57 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. Informs about change to attribution title of qualified holding and reduction of qualified holding 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 May 2021
17:56 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre alteração de Título de Imputação de Participação Qualificada e diminuição de Participação Qualificada 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 May 2021
17:55 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. Informs about transaction by person closely associated to persons discharging managerial responsibilities 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 May 2021
17:55 CEST
Corticeira Amorim-SGPS Corticeira Amorim, S.G.P.S., S.A. | Non-audited report and accounts as of March 31, 2021 50203030 Containers and Packaging Corporate life
28 May 2021
17:53 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre transação de pessoa estreitamente relacionada com dirigentes 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 May 2021
16:55 CEST
Imob.Const.Grão Pará Imobiliária Construtora Grão-Pará, SA informa sobre propostas a submeter à A.G.Anual de 30 de Junho - Individual e Consolidada 40501025 Hotels and Motels Other subject
28 May 2021
16:53 CEST
Imob.Const.Grão Pará Imobiliária Construtora Grão-Para, SA Informa sobre convocatórias para A.G. Anual - Contas Individuais e Consolidadas 40501025 Hotels and Motels Other subject
28 May 2021
10:17 CEST
SONAE Sonae informs about Payment of Interests of Coupon Number 1, concerning the bond – Sonae SGPS - Emp. Obrig. Son ESG 20/25. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
28 May 2021
10:16 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informa sobre pagamento de juros do cupão nº 1, referente ao empréstimo obrigacionista – Sonae SGPS - Emp. Obrig. Son ESG 20/25. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
26 May 2021
23:32 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informs about additional details about the agreement by Sonae MC SGPS SA to sell its 50% stake in Modelo – Distribuição de Materiais de Construção, SA (“Maxmat”) 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
26 May 2021
23:30 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS informa detalhes adicionais sobre acordo alcançado pela Sonae MC SGPS SA para a alienação de 50% do capital da Modelo - Distribuição de Materiais de Construção, SA (“Maxmat”) 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
26 May 2021
13:38 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria informa sobre participação qualificada 50101035 Building Materials: Other Other subject
26 May 2021
13:37 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS, SA informs on communication of qualified holding received 50101035 Building Materials: Other Other subject
26 May 2021
13:36 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS, SA informa sobre transações de pessoa estreitamente relacionada com dirigentes 50101035 Building Materials: Other Other subject
26 May 2021
12:27 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS, SA informs on transactions by person closely connected with persons discharging managerial responsibilities 50101035 Building Materials: Other Other subject
25 May 2021
20:00 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informs about appointment of the corporate bodies for the 2021-2023 term of office, delegation of day-to-day management and Company’s Secretary 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
25 May 2021
20:00 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informa sobre eleição de órgãos sociais para o triénio 2021-2023, delegação da gestão corrente da Sociedade e Secretário da Sociedade 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
25 May 2021
19:59 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informs on resolutions approved at the General Meeting of Shareholders 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting