Displaying 13651 - 13700 of 14644 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
11 Dec 2017
20:18 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Rapport sur l'état d’exécution du programme de rachat d'actions propres Software Other financial transaction
11 Dec 2017
20:16 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Verslag over de stand van uitvoering van het programma voor de inkoop van eigen aandelen Software Other financial transaction
11 Dec 2017
17:52 CET
GBL GBL - Inkoop van eigen aandelen 11-12-2017 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
11 Dec 2017
17:51 CET
GBL GBL - Rachat d'actions propres 11-12-2017 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
11 Dec 2017
17:51 CET
GBL GBL - Share buyback 11-12-2017 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
11 Dec 2017
17:45 CET
BE0974284169.ALXB KKO INTERNATIONAL - The 2017/2018 season gets underway Food Products -
11 Dec 2017
17:45 CET
BE0974284169.ALXB KKO INTERNATIONAL - Démarrage de la campagne 2017/2018 Food Products -
08 Dec 2017
15:12 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU Barco and China Film Co agree to new ownership structure of the BarcoCFG joint venture for the Chinese market Electronic Equipment Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
08 Dec 2017
15:10 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU Barco joins forces with strategic partners to advance the delivery of dedicated and new cinema solutions Electronic Equipment Joint venture
08 Dec 2017
15:09 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU TRADING UPDATE 3Q17 Electronic Equipment Commercial results
08 Dec 2017
15:08 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU Barco NV shares eligible for French PEA-PME savings plan Electronic Equipment -
08 Dec 2017
15:07 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU Barco and KanexPro settle patent infringement dispute Electronic Equipment -
08 Dec 2017
15:06 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU Disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 2 May 2007: Transparency law Electronic Equipment Change in Capital
08 Dec 2017
15:04 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU Transparency declaration by Norges Bank (the Central Bank of Norway): Downward crossing Electronic Equipment Share history
08 Dec 2017
15:02 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU Transparency declaration by Norges Bank (the Central Bank of Norway): Downward crossing Electronic Equipment Share history
08 Dec 2017
15:00 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU Transparency declaration by Norges Bank (the Central Bank of Norway): Downward crossing Electronic Equipment Share history
08 Dec 2017
14:58 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU Solid profitability - Continued strong order intake Electronic Equipment Commercial results
08 Dec 2017
14:56 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU Transparency declaration by Norges Bank (the Central Bank of Norway): Threshold crossed Electronic Equipment Share history
08 Dec 2017
14:55 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU Disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 2 May 2007: Transparency law Electronic Equipment -
08 Dec 2017
14:53 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU Transparency declaration by Norges Bank (the Central Bank of Norway): Threshold crossed Regulated information Electronic Equipment Share history
07 Dec 2017
18:00 CET
EXMAR Persbericht Exmar Excelerate Marine Transportation -
07 Dec 2017
17:59 CET
EXMAR Press release Exmar Excelerate Marine Transportation -
06 Dec 2017
18:00 CET
IEP INVEST Mededeling conform de bepalingen van de Wet van 2 mei 2007 Industrial Machinery -
06 Dec 2017
17:45 CET
BE0974284169.ALXB KKO INTERNATIONAL - Conversion d'obligations convertibles pour un nominal de 100 000 € Food Products -
05 Dec 2017
17:55 CET
LOTUS BAKERIES Openbaarmaking van inkoop van eigen aandelen Food Products -
05 Dec 2017
17:54 CET
LOTUS BAKERIES Publication d'acquisition d'actions propres Food Products -
05 Dec 2017
17:51 CET
LOTUS BAKERIES Disclosure of buyback of treasury shares Food Products -
05 Dec 2017
17:49 CET
BE0974284169.ALXB KKO INTERNATIONAL - Nombre d'actions et de droits de vote Food Products Share introduction and issues
05 Dec 2017
08:28 CET
05 Dec 2017
08:25 CET
04 Dec 2017
23:13 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Report on the progress of the share buy-back programme Software Other financial transaction
04 Dec 2017
23:12 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Rapport sur l'état d’exécution du programme de rachat d'actions propres Software Other financial transaction
04 Dec 2017
23:10 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Verslag over de stand van uitvoering van het programma voor de inkoop van eigen aandelen Software Other financial transaction
04 Dec 2017
17:55 CET
GBL GBL - Inkoop van eigen aandelen 04-12-2017 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
04 Dec 2017
17:55 CET
GBL GBL - Rachat d'actions propres 04-12-2017 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
04 Dec 2017
17:53 CET
GBL GBL - Share buyback 04-12-2017 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
04 Dec 2017
17:52 CET
BPOST bpost kondigt de uitkering aan van een interimdividend van 1,06 euro bruto per aandeel Delivery Services Dividend
04 Dec 2017
17:51 CET
BPOST bpost annonce le versement d'un acompte sur dividende de 1,06 euro brut par action Delivery Services -
04 Dec 2017
17:50 CET
BPOST bpost announces the payment of an interim dividend of 1.06 euro gross per share Delivery Services Dividend
04 Dec 2017
17:50 CET
BPOST bpost announces the payment of an interim dividend of 1.06 euro gross per share Delivery Services Dividend
01 Dec 2017
14:03 CET
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL voorziet om, in drie fasen, de Franse vastgoedgroep NAFILYAN & PARTNERS over te nemen en bevestigt zo haar strategie van internationale diversificatie Real Estate Holding&Development -
01 Dec 2017
14:03 CET
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL plans to acquire the French property group NAFILYAN & PARTNERS in three stages, thus confirming its international diversification strategy Real Estate Holding&Development -
01 Dec 2017
14:02 CET
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL prévoit d’acquérir, en trois étapes, le groupe immobilier français NAFILYAN & PARTNERS et confirme ainsi sa stratégie de diversification internationale Real Estate Holding&Development -
30 Nov 2017
17:45 CET
CARE PROPERTY INV. Accord concernant l’acquisition d’un centre de services de soins et de logement et d’un groupe de logements à assistance à Berchem Residential REITs -
30 Nov 2017
17:45 CET
CARE PROPERTY INV. Agreement on the acquisition of a residential care centre and a group of assisted living apartments in Berchem Residential REITs -
30 Nov 2017
17:45 CET
CARE PROPERTY INV. Akkoord inzake de verwerving van een woonzorgcentrum en een groep van assistentiewoningen te Berchem  Residential REITs -
30 Nov 2017
08:24 CET
EURONAV Euronav verkoopt Suezmax Cap Georges Marine Transportation Sales
30 Nov 2017
08:23 CET
EURONAV Euronav sells Suezmax Cap Georges Marine Transportation Sales
28 Nov 2017
18:18 CET
LOTUS BAKERIES Openbaarmaking van inkoop van eigen aandelen Food Products -
28 Nov 2017
18:10 CET
LOTUS BAKERIES Publication d'acquisition d'actions propres Food Products -