Displaying 12801 - 12850 of 14644 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
05 Oct 2018
18:09 CEST
NL0009901610.XBRU Updated timeline regarding change of primary market to Euronext Amsterdam Waste&Disposal Services Other subject
04 Oct 2018
18:03 CEST
NL0009901610.XBRU Envipco announces change of primary market to Euronext Amsterdam Waste&Disposal Services Other subject
03 Oct 2018
18:47 CEST
ATENOR 2018.10.03 - IWG (ex Regus), eerste huurovereenkomst in het kantoorgebouw City Dox (Geïntegreerde diensten aan ondernemingen) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
03 Oct 2018
18:46 CEST
ATENOR 2018.10.03 - IWG (ex Regus), première location dans l'immeuble de bureaux (Services intégrés aux entreprises) de City Dox Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
03 Oct 2018
18:44 CEST
ATENOR 2018.10.03 - IWG (Ex Regus), first lease in the City Dox office Building (Integrated business services) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
03 Oct 2018
17:57 CEST
LOTUS BAKERIES Capital increase through exercise of warrants Food Products -
03 Oct 2018
17:57 CEST
LOTUS BAKERIES Capital increase through exercise of warrants Food Products -
03 Oct 2018
17:56 CEST
LOTUS BAKERIES Capital increase through exercise of warrants Food Products -
03 Oct 2018
17:45 CEST
EXMAR Refinancing Pressurized Fleet Marine Transportation -
02 Oct 2018
18:02 CEST
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL lance un emprunt obligataire aux investisseurs particuliers de minimum 75 MEUR Real Estate Holding&Development -
02 Oct 2018
17:58 CEST
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL plant een obligatie-uitgifte voor particuliere beleggers van een minimumbedrag van 75 MEUR Real Estate Holding&Development -
02 Oct 2018
17:54 CEST
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL launches a bond-issue to retail investors of minimum 75 MEUR Real Estate Holding&Development Other financial transaction
02 Oct 2018
17:50 CEST
CARE PROPERTY INV. Verwerving van een woonzorgcentrum met groep van assistentiewoningen te Meeuwen-Gruitrode. Residential REITs -
02 Oct 2018
17:50 CEST
CARE PROPERTY INV. Acquisition of a residential care centre with a group of assisted living apartments in Meeuwen-Gruitrode.  Residential REITs -
02 Oct 2018
17:50 CEST
CARE PROPERTY INV. Acquisition d'un centre de services de soins et de logement avec un groupe de logements à assistance à Meeuwen-Gruitrode. Residential REITs -
01 Oct 2018
18:00 CEST
IEP INVEST Inkoop eigen aandelen Industrial Machinery -
01 Oct 2018
17:55 CEST
GBL GBL - Inkoop van eigen aandelen 01-10-2018 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
01 Oct 2018
17:54 CEST
GBL GBL - Rachat d'actions propres 01-10-2018 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
01 Oct 2018
17:53 CEST
GBL GBL - Share buyback 01-10-2018 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
01 Oct 2018
17:40 CEST
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL: Repurchase of own shares in the context of the liquidity contract Period 2018/09/24 until 2018/09/28 Real Estate Holding&Development -
01 Oct 2018
06:01 CEST
NL0009901610.XBRU Envipco announces Change of Central Securities Depository Waste&Disposal Services Other subject
28 Sep 2018
18:09 CEST
CARE PROPERTY INV. Eerste zorgproject in Nederland voor Care Property Invest. Residential REITs Commercial operations
28 Sep 2018
18:08 CEST
CARE PROPERTY INV. Premier projet de soins de santé aux Pays-Bas pour Care Property Invest. Residential REITs Commercial operations
28 Sep 2018
18:06 CEST
CARE PROPERTY INV. First healthcare project for Care Property Invest in The Netherlands. Residential REITs Commercial operations
27 Sep 2018
18:37 CEST
CRESCENT GEREGLEMENTEERDE INFORMATIE EN VOORWETENSCHAP Uitstel publicatie Crescent halfjaarresultaten 2018 en prospectus Telecommunications Equipment -
27 Sep 2018
18:36 CEST
CRESCENT REGULATED INFORMATION - INSIDE INFORMATION Postponement publication half-year results 2018 and prospectus Telecommunications Equipment -
27 Sep 2018
18:21 CEST
CENERGY Antidumping rate amended Diversified Industrials Other subject
27 Sep 2018
18:20 CEST
CENERGY Antidumping rate amended Diversified Industrials Other subject
27 Sep 2018
17:49 CEST
27 Sep 2018
17:48 CEST
27 Sep 2018
17:48 CEST
27 Sep 2018
17:47 CEST
VIOHALCO FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 Diversified Industrials Other subject
27 Sep 2018
07:47 CEST
CENERGY RAPPORT FINANCIER SEMESTRIEL AU 30 JUIN 2018 Diversified Industrials Commercial results
27 Sep 2018
07:45 CEST
CENERGY INTERIM REPORT FOR THE SIX MONTH PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 Diversified Industrials Commercial results
27 Sep 2018
07:44 CEST
CENERGY RÉSULTATS FINANCIERS SEMESTRIELS AU 30 JUIN 2018 Diversified Industrials Commercial results
27 Sep 2018
07:43 CEST
CENERGY FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE 6 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 Diversified Industrials Commercial results
24 Sep 2018
21:54 CEST
GBL GBL - Inkoop van eigen aandelen 24-09-2018 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
24 Sep 2018
21:53 CEST
GBL GBL - Rachat d'actions propres 24-09-2018 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
24 Sep 2018
21:52 CEST
GBL GBL - Share buyback 24-09-2018 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
24 Sep 2018
17:40 CEST
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL: Repurchase of own shares in the context of the liquidity contract Period 2018/09/17 until 2018/09/21 Real Estate Holding&Development -
24 Sep 2018
08:40 CEST
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL en Fort Partners zijn in exclusieve onderhandelingen met Four Seasons met de intentie een nieuw resort in Marbella, Spanje te ontwikkelen Real Estate Holding&Development -
24 Sep 2018
08:40 CEST
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL and Fort Partners are in exclusive talks with Four Seasons with the intention to develop a new resort in Marbella, Spain Real Estate Holding&Development -
24 Sep 2018
08:40 CEST
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL et Fort Partners sont en pourparlers exclusifs avec Four Seasons dans le but de développer un nouveau « resort » à Marbella, en Espagne Real Estate Holding&Development -
24 Sep 2018
07:39 CEST
CENERGY Segment Câbles: Deux projets (Lot A et Lot C) d'interconnexion sous-marine entre Crète-Péloponnèse ont été attribués à Fulgor, une filiale de Hellenic Cables Diversified Industrials -
24 Sep 2018
07:38 CEST
CENERGY Cables segment: Two projects (Lot A and Lot C) of Crete-Peloponnese submarine interconnection awarded to Hellenic Cables and its subsidiary, Fulgor Diversified Industrials -
21 Sep 2018
18:00 CEST
IEP INVEST Inkoop eigen aandelen Industrial Machinery -
19 Sep 2018
07:30 CEST
MIKO Miko: Half-yearly results 2018 Soft Drinks -
19 Sep 2018
07:29 CEST
MIKO Miko: résultats semestriels 2018 Soft Drinks -
19 Sep 2018
07:28 CEST
MIKO Miko: Halfjaarresultaten 2018 Soft Drinks -
17 Sep 2018
18:00 CEST
ATENOR 2018.09.17 - Akkoord over de verkoop van NAOS (Luxemburg) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject