Displaying 10251 - 10300 of 14653 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
28 Apr 2021
19:00 CEST
VAN DE VELDE VAN DE VELDE : Dividenduitkering 40204020 Clothing and Accessories Dividend
28 Apr 2021
19:00 CEST
VAN DE VELDE VAN DE VELDE : Dividend payment 40204020 Clothing and Accessories Dividend
27 Apr 2021
18:29 CEST
GBL GBL - Gewone Algemene Vergadering 27 april 2021 - Dividend 30202000 Diversified Financial Services Dividend
27 Apr 2021
18:27 CEST
GBL GBL - Assemblée Générale Ordinaire du 27 avril 2021 - Dividende 30202000 Diversified Financial Services Dividend
27 Apr 2021
18:26 CEST
GBL GBL - Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting April 27, 2021 - Dividend 30202000 Diversified Financial Services Dividend
27 Apr 2021
17:59 CEST
CENERGY Cenergy Holdings - Publication relative à une notification de transparence 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
27 Apr 2021
17:58 CEST
CENERGY Cenergy Holdings - Publication of a transparency notification 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
27 Apr 2021
08:28 CEST
VIOHALCO Viohalco - Résultats de la construction accélérée de livre d'ordres (accelerated bookbuild) des actions de ElvalHalcor S.A. 55102015 Metal Fabricating Share introduction and issues
27 Apr 2021
08:27 CEST
VIOHALCO Viohalco - Results of the accelerated bookbuild of shares in ElvalHalcor S.A. 55102015 Metal Fabricating Share introduction and issues
26 Apr 2021
18:10 CEST
GBL GBL - Transacties op GBL-aandelen 26-04-2021 30202000 Diversified Financial Services Other financial transaction
26 Apr 2021
18:09 CEST
GBL GBL - Transactions sur actions propres 26-04-2021 30202000 Diversified Financial Services Other financial transaction
26 Apr 2021
18:08 CEST
GBL GBL - Transactions on GBL shares 26-04-2021 30202000 Diversified Financial Services Other financial transaction
26 Apr 2021
16:30 CEST
VIOHALCO Viohalco lance une construction accélérée de livre d'ordres (accelerated bookbuild) des actions de ElvalHalcor S.A. 55102015 Metal Fabricating Share introduction and issues
26 Apr 2021
16:29 CEST
VIOHALCO Viohalco launches accelerated bookbuild of shares in ElvalHalcor S.A. 55102015 Metal Fabricating Share introduction and issues
26 Apr 2021
08:03 CEST
EXMAR ord. FSRU arbitrage 50206030 Marine Transportation Corporate life
26 Apr 2021
08:02 CEST
EXMAR ord. FSRU arbiration 50206030 Marine Transportation Corporate life
26 Apr 2021
06:59 CEST
BALTA GROUP Balta Group - oproeping gewone algemene vergadering 40202015 Household Furnishings Other subject
26 Apr 2021
06:58 CEST
BALTA GROUP Balta Group - convocation annual shareholders meeting 40202015 Household Furnishings Other subject
23 Apr 2021
18:00 CEST
VAN DE VELDE VAN DE VELDE : Inkoop eigen aandelen 40204020 Clothing and Accessories Other subject
23 Apr 2021
18:00 CEST
VAN DE VELDE VAN DE VELDE : Acquisition of treasury shares 40204020 Clothing and Accessories Other subject
23 Apr 2021
09:47 CEST
HAMON ET CIE OPROEPING TOT DE ALGEMENE VERGADERING VAN OBLIGATIEHOUDERS 50202030 Electronic Equipment: Pollution Control Other subject
23 Apr 2021
09:46 CEST
HAMON ET CIE CONVENING NOTICE TO THE MEETING OF BONDHOLDERS 50202030 Electronic Equipment: Pollution Control Other subject
23 Apr 2021
09:44 CEST
23 Apr 2021
08:00 CEST
CARE PROPERTY INVEST Oproeping gewone algemene vergadering 2021. 35102040 Residential REITs General meeting / Board Meeting
23 Apr 2021
08:00 CEST
CARE PROPERTY INVEST Invitation to the ordinary general meeting of shareholders 2021  35102040 Residential REITs General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Apr 2021
19:11 CEST
TITAN CEMENT Publication d’une notification de transparence 50101030 Cement Corporate life
22 Apr 2021
19:10 CEST
TITAN CEMENT Publication of a transparency notification 50101030 Cement Corporate life
22 Apr 2021
19:03 CEST
CARE PROPERTY INVEST Publication annual financial report 2020 Care Property Invest 35102040 Residential REITs Commercial operations
22 Apr 2021
19:02 CEST
CARE PROPERTY INVEST Publication rapport financier annuel 2020 Care Property Invest 35102040 Residential REITs Commercial operations
22 Apr 2021
19:01 CEST
CARE PROPERTY INVEST Publicatie jaarlijks financieel verslag 2020 Care Property Invest 35102040 Residential REITs Commercial results
22 Apr 2021
18:50 CEST
EXMAR ord. Exmar First Quarter Results 2021 50206030 Marine Transportation Commercial results
22 Apr 2021
18:49 CEST
EXMAR ord. Exmar resultaten eerste kwartaal 2021 50206030 Marine Transportation Commercial results
22 Apr 2021
18:49 CEST
VIOHALCO PROXY 55102015 Metal Fabricating General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Apr 2021
18:48 CEST
VIOHALCO PROCURATION 55102015 Metal Fabricating General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Apr 2021
18:47 CEST
EXMAR ord. Exmar First Quarter Results 2021 50206030 Marine Transportation Commercial results
22 Apr 2021
18:46 CEST
VIOHALCO VOTE BY MAIL 55102015 Metal Fabricating General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Apr 2021
18:45 CEST
VIOHALCO VOTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE 55102015 Metal Fabricating General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Apr 2021
18:44 CEST
VIOHALCO TOTAL NUMBER OF SHARES AND VOTING RIGHTS 55102015 Metal Fabricating General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Apr 2021
18:42 CEST
VIOHALCO NOMBRE TOTAL D’ACTIONS ET DROITS DE VOTE 55102015 Metal Fabricating General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Apr 2021
18:40 CEST
VIOHALCO CONFIRMATION OF PARTICIPATION 55102015 Metal Fabricating General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Apr 2021
18:40 CEST
VIOHALCO CONFIRMATION DE PARTICIPATION 55102015 Metal Fabricating General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Apr 2021
18:39 CEST
22 Apr 2021
18:37 CEST
VIOHALCO CONVOCATION À L’ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ORDINAIRE DES ACTIONNAIRES DU 25 MAI 2021 55102015 Metal Fabricating General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Apr 2021
18:30 CEST
IEP INVEST Gewone algemene vergadering van 26 mei 2021 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Apr 2021
18:30 CEST
IEP INVEST Buitengewone algemene vergadering van 26 mei 2021 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Apr 2021
18:05 CEST
ACCENTIS Oproeping Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van 25 mei 2021 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Meetings / events
22 Apr 2021
18:02 CEST
VIOHALCO Viohalco publie son rapport annuel 2020 55102015 Metal Fabricating Other subject
22 Apr 2021
18:01 CEST
VIOHALCO Publication of the annual report 2020 55102015 Metal Fabricating Other subject
22 Apr 2021
18:00 CEST
ACCENTIS Oproeping Gewone Algemene Vergadering van 25 mei 2021 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Meetings / events
22 Apr 2021
16:24 CEST
GBL GBL - Transparantieverklaring 22-04-2021 30202000 Diversified Financial Services Legal