Displaying 301 - 350 of 683 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
22 Oct 2021
18:13 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informs about interim report on the transactions conducted under the share buy-back programme 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
22 Oct 2021
18:12 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informa sobre relatório intercalar das operações realizadas no quadro do programa de recompra de ações próprias 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
14 Oct 2021
18:17 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informs about interim report on the transactions conducted under the share buy-back programme 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
14 Oct 2021
18:16 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informa sobre relatório intercalar das operações realizadas no quadro do programa de recompra de ações próprias 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
06 Oct 2021
18:00 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informs about interim report on the transactions conducted under the share buy-back programme 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
06 Oct 2021
17:59 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informa sobre relatório intercalar das operações realizadas no quadro do programa de recompra de ações próprias 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 Sep 2021
17:50 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. informs about Report and Accounts of 1st half 2021 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 Sep 2021
17:48 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Relatório e Contas do 1º semestre de 2021 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 Sep 2021
17:47 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. informs about start of trading in the context of the buy-back programme of own shares 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 Sep 2021
17:46 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre início da negociação no quadro do programa de recompra de ações próprias 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
15 Sep 2021
17:56 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. informs about Gender Equality and Diversity Plan 2021-2022 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
15 Sep 2021
17:55 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Plano para a Igualdade de Género e Diversidade 2021-2022 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
04 Aug 2021
19:32 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informs about transactions by persons closely associated to a person discharging managerial responsibilities 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
04 Aug 2021
19:31 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informa sobre transações de pessoas estreitamente relacionadas com dirigente 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
29 Jul 2021
17:44 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A., informs about 1st half 2021 consolidated results 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
29 Jul 2021
17:42 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A., informa, informa sobre resultados consolidados do 1º semestre de 2021 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 Jun 2021
18:25 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informs about management transaction 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 Jun 2021
18:24 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informa sobre transação de dirigentes 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 Jun 2021
18:23 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informs about qualified holding 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 Jun 2021
18:22 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informa sobre participação qualificada 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
09 Jun 2021
20:47 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informs about rectification of announcement on the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
09 Jun 2021
20:45 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informa sobre retificação de comunicado sobre a Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
09 Jun 2021
20:43 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informs about rectification of announcement on the Appointment of the corporate bodies for the 2021-2023 term of office, delegation of day-to-day management and Company’s Secretary 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
09 Jun 2021
20:42 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informa sobre retificação de comunicado sobre a Eleição de órgãos sociais para o triénio 2021-2023, delegação da gestão corrente da Sociedade e Secretário da Sociedade 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
28 May 2021
17:57 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. Informs about change to attribution title of qualified holding and reduction of qualified holding 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 May 2021
17:56 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre alteração de Título de Imputação de Participação Qualificada e diminuição de Participação Qualificada 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 May 2021
17:55 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. Informs about transaction by person closely associated to persons discharging managerial responsibilities 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
28 May 2021
17:53 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre transação de pessoa estreitamente relacionada com dirigentes 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
25 May 2021
20:00 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informs about appointment of the corporate bodies for the 2021-2023 term of office, delegation of day-to-day management and Company’s Secretary 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
25 May 2021
20:00 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informa sobre eleição de órgãos sociais para o triénio 2021-2023, delegação da gestão corrente da Sociedade e Secretário da Sociedade 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
25 May 2021
19:59 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informs on resolutions approved at the General Meeting of Shareholders 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
25 May 2021
19:58 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase – SGPS, S.A. informa sobre deliberações da Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
20 May 2021
17:42 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. informs about Trading Update 3M21 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
20 May 2021
17:40 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Trading Update 3M21 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
19 May 2021
20:22 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS S.A. informs about rectification of the annex to the proposal of item 6 of the agenda of the annual general meeting to be held on the 25th of May of 2021 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
19 May 2021
20:21 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS S.A. informa sobre retificação do anexo à proposta do ponto 6 da ordem de trabalhos da assembleia geral de acionistas a realizar a 25 de maio de 2021 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
30 Apr 2021
20:52 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informs about New Shareholders Agreement and Change to Qualified Holding 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
30 Apr 2021
20:51 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informa sobre Novo Acordo Parassocial e Alteração de Participação Qualificada 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
29 Apr 2021
22:51 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informs about 2020 Accounts for appreciation at the next general meeting of shareholders to be held on the 25th of May of 2021 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
29 Apr 2021
22:50 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA, informs about Corporate Governance Report of 2020 for appreciation at the next general meeting of shareholders to be held on the 25th of May of 2021 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
29 Apr 2021
22:49 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informs about proposal of item 8 of the agenda of the annual general meeting to be held on the 25th of May of 2021 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Apr 2021
22:48 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informs about proposal of item 7 of the agenda of the annual general meeting to be held on the 25th of May of 2021 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Apr 2021
22:47 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informs about proposal of item 6 of the agenda of the annual general meeting to be held on the 25th of May of 2021 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Apr 2021
22:47 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informs about proposal of item 5 of the agenda of the annual general meeting to be held on the 25th of May of 2021 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Apr 2021
22:46 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informs about proposal of item 4 of the agenda of the annual general meeting to be held on the 25th of May of 2021 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Apr 2021
22:45 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informs about proposal of item 3 of the agenda of the annual general meeting to be held on the 25th of May of 2021 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Apr 2021
22:44 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informs about proposal of item 2 of the agenda of the annual general meeting to be held on the 25th of May of 2021 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Apr 2021
22:43 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informs about proposal of item 1 of the agenda of the annual general meeting to be held on the 25th of May of 2021 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Apr 2021
22:42 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, S.A. informs about the call to the Annual General Meeting to be held on the 25th of May of 2021 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Apr 2021
22:42 CEST
NOVABASE SGPS S.A. Novabase SGPS, SA informa sobre Contas Consolidadas e Individuais de 2020 para apreciação na próxima assembleia geral de acionistas a realizar a 25 de maio de 2021 10101010 Computer Services Other subject