Displaying 51 - 100 of 366 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
29 Apr 2024
18:15 CEST
VOLTALIA Voltalia wins a 266-megawatt maintenance contract in Brazil 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
29 Apr 2024
18:15 CEST
VOLTALIA Voltalia remporte un contrat de maintenance de 266 mégawatts au Brésil 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
24 Apr 2024
19:01 CEST
VOLTALIA Chiffre d'affaires du premier trimestre 2024 de Voltalia 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
24 Apr 2024
19:01 CEST
VOLTALIA Voltalia 2024 first quarter Turnover 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
15 Apr 2024
19:20 CEST
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA : Mise à disposition du Document d’Enregistrement Universel 2023 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
15 Apr 2024
19:20 CEST
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA: Availability of the Universal Registration Document 2023 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
15 Apr 2024
18:15 CEST
VOLTALIA Financement participatif de Sud Vannier 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
15 Apr 2024
18:15 CEST
VOLTALIA Sud Vannier crowdfunding 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
09 Apr 2024
18:29 CEST
VOLTALIA Voltalia consensus as of April 9th, 2024 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
09 Apr 2024
18:29 CEST
VOLTALIA Consensus de Voltalia au 9 avril 2024 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
08 Apr 2024
18:50 CEST
VOLTALIA Construction of the Paddock solar project in the United Kingdom 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
08 Apr 2024
18:50 CEST
VOLTALIA Construction du projet solaire Paddock au Royaume-Uni 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
02 Apr 2024
07:00 CEST
VOLTALIA 2023 FULL YEAR RESULTS 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
02 Apr 2024
07:00 CEST
VOLTALIA RESULTATS ANNUELS 2023 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
26 Mar 2024
19:11 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia consensus as of march 26, 2024 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
26 Mar 2024
19:11 CET
VOLTALIA Consensus de Voltalia au 26 mars 2024 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
20 Mar 2024
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA: Total number of shares and voting rights in the share capital as of February 29, 2024 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
20 Mar 2024
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA : Nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital en date du 29 février 2024 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
12 Feb 2024
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA : Nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital en date du 31 janvier 2024 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
12 Feb 2024
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA: Total number of shares and voting rights in the share capital as of January 31, 2024  65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
31 Jan 2024
18:10 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA : Croissance du chiffre d’affaires de +20% au T4 2023 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
31 Jan 2024
18:10 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA: Turnover growth of +20% in Q4 2023 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
25 Jan 2024
18:10 CET
VOLTALIA Mise en service de la centrale solaire de Logelbach 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
25 Jan 2024
18:10 CET
VOLTALIA Commissioning of Logelbach solar power plant 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
15 Jan 2024
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA:Total number of shares and voting rights in the share capital as of December 31, 2023  65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
15 Jan 2024
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA : Nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital en date du 31 décembre 2023 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
10 Jan 2024
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA: Half-year statement of the liquidity contract as of December 31, 2023 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
10 Jan 2024
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA : Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité au 31 décembre 2023 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
09 Jan 2024
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia exceeds its capacity targets 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
09 Jan 2024
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia dépasse ses objectifs de capacité 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
02 Jan 2024
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA: 2024 financial communication calendar 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
02 Jan 2024
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA : Calendrier de communication financière 2024 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
28 Dec 2023
18:48 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia sells 33 megawatts of wind power in France 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
28 Dec 2023
18:48 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia cède 33 mégawatts éoliens en France 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
26 Dec 2023
18:05 CET
VOLTALIA EthiFinance décerne une médaille d’or à Voltalia pour sa performance extra-financière 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
26 Dec 2023
18:05 CET
VOLTALIA EthiFinance awards a gold medal to Voltalia for its extra-financial performance 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
19 Dec 2023
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital en date du 30 novembre 2023 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
19 Dec 2023
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Total number of shares and voting rights in the share capital as of November 30, 2023  65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
18 Dec 2023
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA La centrale solaire de Karavasta produit ses premiers mégawattheures 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
18 Dec 2023
18:00 CET
VOLTALIA Karavasta solar plant produces its first megawatt-hours 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
12 Dec 2023
18:45 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia sells a 90-megawatt ready-to-build project to TODA in Brazil 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
12 Dec 2023
18:45 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia vend un projet de 90 mégawatts prêt à construire à TODA au Brésil 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
06 Dec 2023
18:30 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia acquires a 60 megawatt solar plant 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
06 Dec 2023
18:30 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia acquiert une centrale solaire de 60 mégawatts 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
29 Nov 2023
18:30 CET
VOLTALIA 73 megawatts won in France 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
29 Nov 2023
18:30 CET
VOLTALIA 73 mégawatts remportés en France 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
29 Nov 2023
08:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA: Declaration of transactions in own shares. Period from October 02 to October 06, 2023 (in French) 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
29 Nov 2023
08:00 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia SA : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres. Période du 02 au 06 octobre 2023 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
23 Nov 2023
07:30 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia and Co-op forge a sustainable partnership for green electricity supply in the United Kingdom 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject
23 Nov 2023
07:30 CET
VOLTALIA Voltalia et Co-op concluent un partenariat durable pour la fourniture d'électricité verte au Royaume-Uni 65101010 Alternative Electricity Other subject