Displaying 601 - 650 of 1084 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
16 Jan 2023
08:55 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE:Brazil: Launch of the Lapa South-West Project 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
16 Jan 2023
08:55 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Brésil : lancement du projet Lapa South-West 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
13 Jan 2023
18:36 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Statement in Compliance With the Article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des marchés financiers) 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
13 Jan 2023
18:36 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration au titre de l'article 223-16 du Règlement Général de l'Autorité des marchés financiers 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
13 Jan 2023
08:52 CET
TOTALENERGIES Commissioning of the Floating LNG Regasification Unit Delivered by TotalEnergies to Lubmin Terminal in Germany 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
13 Jan 2023
08:52 CET
TOTALENERGIES Allemagne : mise en service de l’unité de regazéification flottante de GNL livrée par TotalEnergies au terminal de Lubmin 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
12 Jan 2023
08:55 CET
TOTALENERGIES Biogaz en France : TotalEnergies met en service BioBéarn, la plus grande unité de méthanisation du pays 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
12 Jan 2023
08:55 CET
TOTALENERGIES Biogas in France: TotalEnergies commissions BioBéarn, the country’s largest anaerobic digestion unit 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
09 Jan 2023
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
09 Jan 2023
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
02 Jan 2023
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
02 Jan 2023
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
26 Dec 2022
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
26 Dec 2022
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
21 Dec 2022
10:29 CET
TOTALENERGIES Chypre : TotalEnergies annonce une nouvelle découverte de gaz offshore sur le bloc 6 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
21 Dec 2022
10:29 CET
TOTALENERGIES Cyprus: TotalEnergies Announces a New Gas Discovery in Offshore Block 6 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
19 Dec 2022
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
19 Dec 2022
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
19 Dec 2022
11:27 CET
TOTALENERGIES Brazil: TotalEnergies Wins a New Exploration License 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
19 Dec 2022
11:27 CET
TOTALENERGIES Brésil : TotalEnergies remporte un nouveau permis d’exploration offshore 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
15 Dec 2022
14:06 CET
TOTALENERGIES Aramco and TotalEnergies to Build a Giant Petrochemical Complex in Saudi Arabia 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
15 Dec 2022
14:06 CET
TOTALENERGIES Aramco et TotalEnergies vont construire un complexe pétrochimique géant en Arabie Saoudite 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
12 Dec 2022
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
12 Dec 2022
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
12 Dec 2022
08:32 CET
TOTALENERGIES Lebanon: TotalEnergies Mobilizes to Explore Block 9 in 2023 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
12 Dec 2022
08:32 CET
TOTALENERGIES Liban : TotalEnergies se mobilise pour l’exploration du bloc 9 en 2023 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
09 Dec 2022
12:45 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration au titre de l'article 223-16 du Règlement Général de l'Autorité des marchés financiers 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
09 Dec 2022
12:45 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Statement in Compliance With the Article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des marchés financiers) 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
09 Dec 2022
09:49 CET
TOTALENERGIES Russie : TotalEnergies décide de retirer ses administrateurs de la société Novatek, déconsolidera sa participation dans Novatek de ses comptes et enregistrera une dépréciation exceptionnelle de 3.7 milliards de dollars au 4ème trimestre 2022 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
09 Dec 2022
09:49 CET
TOTALENERGIES Russia: TotalEnergies Decides to Withdraw Its Directors From Novatek And Will No Longer Equity Account for Its Stake in Novatek and Record a 3.7 b$ Impairment in Q4 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
06 Dec 2022
10:15 CET
TOTALENERGIES Premier bilan des appels à partenaires de la Fondation TotalEnergies : 55 000 jeunes bénéficiaires grâce à 26 projets à fort impact social 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
06 Dec 2022
10:15 CET
TOTALENERGIES First Progress Report on TotalEnergies Foundation's Call for Partners: 26 High Social Impact Projects Serving 55,000 Young People 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
05 Dec 2022
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
05 Dec 2022
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
05 Dec 2022
09:13 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies et Air France-KLM signent un protocole d’accord sur la fourniture de carburant d’aviation durable pendant 10 ans 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
05 Dec 2022
09:13 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies and Air France-KLM Sign a Memorandum of Understanding to Supply Sustainable Aviation Fuel for 10 Years 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
01 Dec 2022
08:32 CET
TOTALENERGIES Kazakhstan: TotalEnergies Implements its Energy Transition Strategy 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
01 Dec 2022
08:32 CET
TOTALENERGIES Kazakhstan : TotalEnergies met en œuvre sa stratégie de transition énergétique 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
28 Nov 2022
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
28 Nov 2022
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
23 Nov 2022
15:43 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Statement in Compliance With the Article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des marchés financiers) 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
23 Nov 2022
15:43 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration au titre de l'article 223-16 du Règlement Général de l'Autorité des marchés financiers 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
22 Nov 2022
16:38 CET
TOTALENERGIES Afrique du Sud : TotalEnergies répond aux associations Bloom et The Green Connection 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
22 Nov 2022
16:38 CET
TOTALENERGIES South Africa: TotalEnergies Responds to Bloom and The Green Connection 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
22 Nov 2022
08:30 CET
TOTALENERGIES Circular Economy: TotalEnergies and Air Liquide Innovate to Produce Renewable, Low Carbon Hydrogen at the Grandpuits Zero Crude Platform 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
22 Nov 2022
08:30 CET
TOTALENERGIES Economie circulaire : TotalEnergies et Air Liquide innovent pour produire de l’hydrogène renouvelable et bas carbone sur la plateforme zéro pétrole de Grandpuits 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
21 Nov 2022
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
21 Nov 2022
18:00 CET
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
15 Nov 2022
14:23 CET
TOTALENERGIES Libya: TotalEnergies Increases its Interest in the Waha Concessions 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
15 Nov 2022
14:23 CET
TOTALENERGIES Libye : TotalEnergies augmente sa participation dans les concessions de Waha 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject