Displaying 51 - 100 of 102 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
26 Sep 2022
17:51 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Governance changes 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
26 Sep 2022
17:51 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Evolution de la gouvernance 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
05 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP ARAMIS GROUP - Valérie Labouré Hirsch appointed as Group Chief Financial Officer 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
05 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP ARAMIS GROUP - Valérie Labouré Hirsch nommée Directrice financière du Groupe 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
27 Jul 2022
17:45 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP ARAMIS GROUP - Half-yearly statement of the company's liquidity contract 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
27 Jul 2022
17:45 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP ARAMIS GROUP - Bilan semestriel contrat de liquidité 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
26 Jul 2022
17:45 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - 2022 third-quarter activity 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
26 Jul 2022
17:45 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Chiffre d'affaires T3 2022 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
29 Jun 2022
17:45 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Inauguration of the second vehicle refurbishing site in France 40401030 Specialty Retailers Corporate life
29 Jun 2022
17:45 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Inauguration du second site de reconditionnement industriel de véhicules en France 40401030 Specialty Retailers Corporate life
27 Jun 2022
18:30 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Acquisition d'Onlinecars, leader en Autriche de la vente de véhicules reconditionnés 40401030 Specialty Retailers Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
27 Jun 2022
18:30 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Acquisition of Onlinecars, the Austrian market leader for refurbished vehicle sales 40401030 Specialty Retailers Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
16 Jun 2022
17:47 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Promotion d'Anne-Claire Baschet au poste de Directrice Data et Produit 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
16 Jun 2022
17:47 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Anne-Claire Baschet promoted to Aramis Group Chief Data & Product Officer 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
23 May 2022
19:18 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Mise à disposition du rapport financier semestriel 2022 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
23 May 2022
19:18 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - 2022 half-year financial report release 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
16 May 2022
17:40 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - 2022 first-half results: very strong growth in refurbished vehicle sales in a disrupted market 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
16 May 2022
17:40 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Résultats du 1er semestre 2022: très forte hausse des ventes de véhicules reconditionnés dans un marché perturbé 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
19 Apr 2022
17:45 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Business and results trends for 2022 first-half and adjustment of full-year objectives 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
19 Apr 2022
17:45 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Tendances d’activité et de résultats du 1er semestre 2022 et ajustement des objectifs annuels 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
04 Apr 2022
17:40 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Change in the management team of Clicars, Spanish entity of Aramis Group 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
04 Apr 2022
17:40 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Évolution de l'équipe dirigeante de Clicars, entité espagnole d'Aramis Group 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
14 Mar 2022
18:00 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Results of the SHARE 2022 plan, the first employee share plan of Aramis Group 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
14 Mar 2022
18:00 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Résultats du plan SHARE 2022, premier plan d’actionnariat salarié d’Aramis Group 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
04 Mar 2022
19:04 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Availability of documents and information relating to the Combined General Meeting of March 25, 2022 40401030 Specialty Retailers General meeting / Board Meeting
04 Mar 2022
19:04 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Mise à disposition des documents et renseignements relatifs à l’Assemblée générale mixte du 25 mars 2022 40401030 Specialty Retailers General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Feb 2022
18:03 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Information relative au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social au 31 janvier 2022 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
22 Feb 2022
18:03 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Information relating to the total number of shares and voting rights forming the share capital at January 31, 2022 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
28 Jan 2022
19:12 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Opération d’actionnariat salarié « SHARE 2022 » 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
28 Jan 2022
19:12 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Employee shareholding plan « SHARE 2022 » 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
28 Jan 2022
18:49 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité de la société 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
28 Jan 2022
18:49 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Half-yearly statement of the company's liquidity contract 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
27 Jan 2022
17:45 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Q1 2022 revenues 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
27 Jan 2022
17:45 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Chiffre d'affaires T1 2022 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
26 Jan 2022
19:45 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis - Publication of the 2021 Universal Registration Document including the 2021 Annual Financial Report 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
26 Jan 2022
19:45 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis - Mise à disposition du Document d’Enregistrement Universel 2021 incluant le rapport financier annuel 2021 40401030 Specialty Retailers Other subject
05 Jan 2022
18:30 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group: evolution of Finance team 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
05 Jan 2022
18:30 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group : évolution de l’équipe Finance 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
09 Dec 2021
07:30 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group: 2021 objectives achieved and 2022 objectives upgraded 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
09 Dec 2021
07:30 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group : objectifs 2021 atteints et objectifs 2022 révisés à la hausse 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
17 Nov 2021
17:53 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group increases its used car refurbishment capacity with the opening of a fourth centre 40401030 Specialty Retailers New
17 Nov 2021
17:53 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group augmente ses capacités de reconditionnement de voitures d’occasion avec l’ouverture d’un 4ème centre 40401030 Specialty Retailers New
09 Nov 2021
07:30 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Forte croissance de l’activité en 2021 - Performance record du segment des voitures d’occasion reconditionnées 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
09 Nov 2021
07:30 CET
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Strong business growth in 2021 - Record performance of refurbished used cars sales 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
14 Oct 2021
07:30 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group : Nomination de Stéphane Rougeot au poste de Directeur Financier et d’Arnaud Defrenne au poste de Directeur Technologie & Information 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
14 Oct 2021
07:30 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group: Appointment of Stéphane Rougeot as Chief Financial Officer and Arnaud Defrenne as Chief Technology & Information Officer 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
08 Sep 2021
07:30 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group révise à la hausse ses objectifs annuels de volumes et de chiffre d’affaires pour l’exercice 2021 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
08 Sep 2021
07:30 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group revises upwards its annual volume and revenue targets for the financial year of 2021 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
29 Jul 2021
07:30 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - Forte croissance du chiffre d’affaires au 3ème trimestre clos le 30 juin 2021 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
29 Jul 2021
07:30 CEST
ARAMIS GROUP Aramis Group - strong revenue growth in 3rd quarter ended 30 June 2021 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales