Displaying 251 - 300 of 447 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
09 Mar 2021
17:51 CET
CENERGY CENERGY HOLDINGS - Hellenic Cables signe un nouveau contrat avec la société danoise Energinet pour des câbles sous-marins à haute tension 50202010 Electrical Components News contracts
09 Mar 2021
17:48 CET
CENERGY CENERGY HOLDINGS - Hellenic Cables signs new contract with Denmark’s Energinet for High Voltage Submarine Cables 50202010 Electrical Components News contracts
26 Feb 2021
17:48 CET
CENERGY Collaboration entre DEPA Commercial, DEPA International Projects et Corinth Pipeworks pour promouvoir l'utilisation de l'hydrogène dans le système énergétique grec 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
26 Feb 2021
17:47 CET
CENERGY Collaboration between DEPA Commercial, DEPA International Projects and Corinth Pipeworks to promote the use of hydrogen in Greece’s energy system 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
18 Feb 2021
17:51 CET
CENERGY Hellenic Cables entre sur le marché des câbles de puissance haute tension en France 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
18 Feb 2021
17:49 CET
CENERGY Hellenic Cables enters the market of High Voltage Power Cables in France 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
28 Jan 2021
17:55 CET
CENERGY Test d'électrification réussi de l'interconnexion sous-marine de Skiathos par Hellenic Cables 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
28 Jan 2021
17:54 CET
CENERGY Successful electrification test of Skiathos submarine interconnection by Hellenic Cables 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
30 Nov 2020
07:17 CET
CENERGY COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE DE CENERGY HOLDINGS SA 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
30 Nov 2020
07:15 CET
CENERGY PRESS RELEASE OF CENERGY HOLDINGS SA 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
23 Nov 2020
18:00 CET
CENERGY CENERGY HOLDINGS - Hellenic Cables renforce sa position sur le marché britannique avec un nouveau contrat clé en main pour les câbles terrestres HT 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
23 Nov 2020
17:58 CET
CENERGY CENERGY HOLDINGS - Hellenic Cables solidifies its position in the UK market with new turnkey contract for HV land cables 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
16 Nov 2020
17:51 CET
CENERGY Cooptation d'un nouvel administrateur et nomination d'un nouveau président 50202010 Electrical Components Journal / appointments
16 Nov 2020
17:49 CET
CENERGY Co-optation of new Board member and appointment of new Chairman 50202010 Electrical Components Journal / appointments
12 Nov 2020
13:58 CET
CENERGY COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE DE CENERGY HOLDINGS SA 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
12 Nov 2020
13:57 CET
CENERGY PRESS RELEASE OF CENERGY HOLDINGS SA 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
14 Oct 2020
17:45 CEST
CENERGY Cenergy Holdings rejoint l’Hydrogen Europe 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
14 Oct 2020
17:43 CEST
CENERGY Cenergy Holdings joins Hydrogen Europe 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
30 Sep 2020
17:46 CEST
CENERGY Hellenic Cables signe le plus gros contrat de câbles inter-réseaux jamais réalisé pour Dogger Bank au Royaume-Uni 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
30 Sep 2020
17:45 CEST
CENERGY Hellenic Cables signs biggest ever inter-array cables contract for Dogger Bank in the UK 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
29 Sep 2020
17:46 CEST
CENERGY Corinth Pipeworks to provide King’s Quay HFW steel pipes deep-water in the Gulf of Mexico 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
29 Sep 2020
17:45 CEST
CENERGY Corinth Pipeworks to provide King’s Quay HFW steel pipes deep-water in the Gulf of Mexico 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
23 Sep 2020
18:04 CEST
CENERGY Νouveau CEO 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
23 Sep 2020
18:03 CEST
CENERGY New CEO 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
23 Sep 2020
17:58 CEST
CENERGY RAPPORT FINANCIER SEMESTRIEL AU 30 JUIN 2020 50202010 Electrical Components Commercial results
23 Sep 2020
17:56 CEST
CENERGY INTERIM REPORT FOR THE SIX MONTH PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2020 50202010 Electrical Components Commercial results
23 Sep 2020
17:54 CEST
CENERGY RÉSULTATS FINANCIERS DU PREMIER SEMESTRE 2020 50202010 Electrical Components Commercial results
23 Sep 2020
17:49 CEST
CENERGY 2020 FIRST HALF YEAR FINANCIAL RESULTS 50202010 Electrical Components Commercial results
16 Sep 2020
18:25 CEST
CENERGY Cenergy Holdings rejoint l'Alliance européenne pour un hydrogène propre 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
16 Sep 2020
17:45 CEST
CENERGY Cenergy Holdings joins the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
02 Sep 2020
18:07 CEST
CENERGY Corinth Pipeworks remporte le projet Shell Colibri avec des tubes ultra-longs 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
02 Sep 2020
18:06 CEST
CENERGY Corinth Pipeworks wins Shell Colibri project with ultra-long pipes 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
09 Jul 2020
17:49 CEST
CENERGY Hellenic Cables obtient un nouveau contrat éolien offshore au Royaume-Uni 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
09 Jul 2020
17:48 CEST
CENERGY Hellenic Cables secures new offshore wind contract in the UK 50202010 Electrical Components Other subject
26 May 2020
18:04 CEST
CENERGY Cenergy Holdings: Résultats de l’assemblée générale ordinaire et extraordinaire des actionnaires du 26 mai 2020 50202010 Electrical Components General meeting / Board Meeting
26 May 2020
18:02 CEST
CENERGY Cenergy Holdings: Results of the ordinary and extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of 26 May 2020 50202010 Electrical Components General meeting / Board Meeting
12 May 2020
17:45 CEST
CENERGY Energinet annonce l'attribution du LOT 3 du Baltic Pipe à Corinth Pipeworks Diversified Industrials Other subject
12 May 2020
17:44 CEST
CENERGY Energinet announces award of Baltic Pipe LOT 3 to Corinth Pipeworks Diversified Industrials Other subject
24 Apr 2020
07:14 CEST
08 Apr 2020
17:58 CEST
CENERGY Publication du rapport annuel 2019 Diversified Industrials Other subject
08 Apr 2020
17:57 CEST
CENERGY Publication of the Annual Report 2019 Diversified Industrials Other subject
07 Apr 2020
17:45 CEST
CENERGY Changement du calendrier financier Diversified Industrials Other subject
07 Apr 2020
17:44 CEST
CENERGY Change in Financial Calendar Diversified Industrials Other subject
31 Mar 2020
17:58 CEST
CENERGY Hellenic Cables va fournir des câbles sous-marins de moyenne tension à Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks Diversified Industrials Other subject
31 Mar 2020
17:57 CEST
CENERGY Hellenic Cables to supply Medium Voltage submarine cables to Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks Diversified Industrials Other subject
18 Mar 2020
17:47 CET
CENERGY Cenergy Holdings Résultats Financiers De L’exercice Arrêté Le 31 Décembre 2019 Diversified Industrials Commercial results
18 Mar 2020
17:46 CET
CENERGY Cenergy Holdings Financial Results for the year ended 31 December 2019 Diversified Industrials Commercial results
10 Mar 2020
18:32 CET
CENERGY Hellenic Cables rejoint l'accord-cadre d'Energinet pour le projet de câbles à haute tension Diversified Industrials Other subject
10 Mar 2020
18:32 CET
CENERGY Hellenic Cables joins Energinet framework agreement for High Voltage cable projects Diversified Industrials Other subject
29 Jan 2020
17:45 CET
CENERGY Anglo American attribue à Corinth Pipeworks un projet de pipeline au Chili Diversified Industrials Other subject