Antevenio: FY 2016 sales at €25.4m, up10%

22 Feb 2017 17:45 CET

Company Name





Euronext Growth




FY 2016 sales at € 25.4 million, up 10%

5th consecutive half-year increase in sales

Madrid, February 22nd, 2017 - The Antevenio Group (ISIN ES0109429037), leader in Southern Europe in publishing and marketing technologies, publishes its net consolidated revenues for the fiscal year ended December 31st, 2016.

In million euros



Var. %





Marketing Technology




Digital Media Trading




Consolidated revenues (1)




Net revenues (2)




(1) Excluding intra-group sales: €1.4 million (€1.2 million in 2015)



(2) Consolidated revenues less volume discounts on ad sales



Continued growth in 2016______________________________________________________________________________________

Antevenio continued its growth in 2016 and recorded a fifth consecutive half-year increase in sales at December 31st, 2016.

Over the year, the Group's sales increased by 10%, representing a turnover of € 25.4 million, driven by the very strong growth in the Marketing Technology division.

In 2016, the Group also observed the following trends in each of its divisions:

  • the Publishing division (creation of content via the Group’s main vertical portals: travel, fashion and training) saw a slight increase in activity of + 3% to € 12.6 million, compared to € 12.2 million in 2015.
  • the Marketing Technology division (MDirector software suite in SaaS mode and associated services) continued the very strong growth that began at the end of 2015, doubling its turnover to 4.6 million euros, compared with 2.2 million euros in 2015. 2016 turnover is made of 1.7 million euros in software sales and 2.9 million in revenues from associated services. In line with the strategy pursued by the Group, the division is increasing its share of overall sales. Thus, it now represents 18% of turnover over the year against less than 10% last year.
  • the Digital Media Trading division (media buying and selling activities, programmatic marketing, native advertising and affiliation) is stable with revenues of 10.8 million euros, compared with 10.7 million euros in 2015.

The geographical distribution of sales over the year varies only slightly in favor of Latin America, which now accounts for 15% of sales, compared with 12% in 2015. The Group continues to strengthen its international presence. In Spain, sales also rose, reaching 45% of the Group's turnover, compared to 43% in 2015. In the other countries, sales in Italy amounted to 28% of turnover and France to 12%.



The very good performance recorded in the second half of 2016 confirms the Group expectation of a growth in earnings for the financial year 2016. The ramp-up of the Marketing Technology division, which has higher margins, and the volume effect brought about by the increase in turnover lead to a significant improvement in the Group's profitability.

For 2017, the Group is particularly confident. The business should continue to grow, notably driven by the launch of new products. In late 2016, Antevenio launched a new mobile application dedicated to travel in Spain. In addition, two new thematic portals, Pets and Health / LifeStyle, are currently being tested and are expected to be launched soon.

Lastly, the synergies between Antevenio and ISP, which now holds more than 83% of Antevenio's capital, should support growth. Antevenio intends to rely on ISP's international network and its know-how in Big Data and Data Science to expand its international presence and strengthen its technological solutions.








About Antevenio ______________________________________________________________________________________________


Antevenio is an innovative company in publishing and marketing technology, leader in Southern Europe (Spain, Italy, France). It helps brands to convey their value proposition to consumers through a comprehensive offering combining advertising, content marketing and cross-channel technology. This offer is available either as a service or as a licensed cloud-based software with its MDirector suite. In 2016, Antevenio posted a consolidated turnover of €25.4 million. Antevenio is listed on Euronext Paris Alternext since February 15th, 2007 (ISIN code: ES0109429037) and is eligible for French « PEA PME » tax shielded investment in SMEs.


Next release: FY 2016 earnings, April 20th, 2017, before stock market opening





Contacts _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Joshua NOVICK |Chairman and CEO

Tél. : + 34 91 414 91 91


Sophie BOULILA / Nicolas HELIN
Tél. : +33 1 53 65 68 68






