Antevenio: Continued growth in 2017 with annual sales up 13% at €28.6 million

27 Feb 2018 08:00 CET

Company Name





Euronext Growth




Continued growth in 2017 with annual sales up 13% at €28.6 million


The Group confirms the success of its growth strategy
with revenue growth driven by its Marketing Technology business



Madrid, February 27th, 2018 (8:00) - The Antevenio Group (ISIN ES0109429037), leader in Southern Europe and Americas in publishing and marketing technologies, publishes its net consolidated revenues for the year ended December 31st, 2017.


In million euros



Change %





Marketing Technology




Digital Media Trading




Consolidated revenues (1)




Net revenues (2)




(1) Excluding intra-group sales: €1.3 million (€1.4 million in 2016) 


(2) Consolidated revenues less volume discounts on ad sales





Strong revenue growth driven by the Marketing Technology business__________________________________

In 2017, Antevenio confirmed its growth momentum driven by the strong development of its Marketing Technology division and the start of its operations in the United States, and despite the reorganization of its Italian subsidiary. The Group thus recorded a 13% revenue increase to € 28.6 million.

As a reminder, in 2016 the Italian subsidiary accounted for nearly 30% of the Group's business. The change of management followed by the reorganization of the subsidiary in the first half of the year weighed on the Publishing and Digital Media Trading businesses. After a 40% decline in the first half, the Italian subsidiary is recovering in the second half with a decline in sales limited to 18%. For the whole year, the subsidiary's sales represent only 17% of total sales.


By business line, the trends for 2017 were as follows:

  • the Publishing division (creation of content via the Group’s main vertical portals: travel, fashion, jobs/education and health/lifestyle), impacted by the reorganization of the Italian subsidiary, was down 10%, with sales of €11.3 million (compared with €12.6 million € in 2016).
  • the Marketing Technology division (MDirector software suite in SaaS mode and associated services) continued its strong growth in 2017, with sales up 80% to €8.3 million, versus €4.6 million in 2016. The division sales are broken down as follows: €2.0 million in software sales, up 14%, and €6.3 million in associated services, posting a very strong +146% growth. In line with the strategy pursued by the Group in favor of its higher-margin activities, the division's share of total sales increased from 10% in 2015 to over 29% in 2017.
  • the Digital Media Trading division (media buying and selling activities, programmatic marketing, content advertising and affiliation) is stable with sales of €11.1 million, compared with €10.8 million in 2016.






Antevenio started its US activities in June 2017 with the acquisition of the New York company React2Media. Over the year, sales in the United States amounted to €2.7 million (consolidated into the accounts from July 1st 2017), or 9% of Group sales. In other countries in which the Group operates, with the exception of Italy, Antevenio consolidated its positions, particularly in Latin America. The geographic distribution of sales over the year is as follows: 17% for Latin America (vs. 15% in 2016), 47% in Spain (vs. 45% in 2016), 10% in France (vs. 12% in 2016), 17% in Italy (vs. 30%) and 9% in the United States.





After sales were weighed down in the first half by the Italian subsidiary. The strong increase in sales in the second half validates Antevenio's strategy to accelerate its growth by internationalizing its offer and developing new solutions with higher added value. Solutions, like the associated services, which are very successful and bolster the activity of the Marketing Technology division. The strong sales growth of this higher-margin division allows the Group to anticipate EBIT growth above its revenue growth in 2017.


For 2018, Fernando Gárate and Pablo Pérez García-Villoslada are banking on a new year of profitable growth. Positive progression is expected to resume in Italy, as the reorganization of the Italian subsidiary is now finalized. International development will also be supported by the rollout of activities in the United States and the implementation of the synergies existing between Antevenio and React2Media. Lastly, momentum is continuing in Latin America and the roll-out of the associated services of the Marketing Technology division should enable the Group to continue on its path of profitable growth.





About Antevenio ________________________________________________________________________________


Antevenio is an innovative company in publishing and marketing technology, leader in Southern Europe and Americas. It helps brands to convey their value proposition to consumers through a comprehensive offering combining advertising, content marketing and cross-channel technology. This offer is available either as a service or as a licensed cloud-based software with its MDirector suite. In 2017, Antevenio posted a consolidated turnover of €28.6 million. Antevenio is listed on Euronext Growth Paris since February 15th, 2007 (ISIN code: ES0109429037).

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Next release: 2017 annual earnings, April 12th, 2018





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Sophie BOULILA / Nicolas HELIN
Ph. : +33 1 53 65 68 68






