Informations générales
Type | Actions |
Sub type | Ordinary Shares |
Marché | Euronext Growth Oslo |
Code ISIN | NO0010963275 |
Code Euronext | NO0010963275 |
Classification CFI
E = Actions |
S = Actions ordinaires |
V = Voting |
U = Free |
F = Fully paid |
R = Registered |
Poids dans les indices
Classification ICB
Industrie | 55, Basic Materials |
Super-Secteur | 5520, Chemicals |
Secteur | 552010, Chemicals |
Sous-Secteur | 55201020, Specialty Chemicals |
Devise | NOK |
Quantité exprimée en | Unité monétaire |
Titres admis | 53 747 977 |
Nominal value | 0,003 |
Groupe de cotation | O9 |
Mode de cotation | Continuous |
Pas de cotation | Index 22 |
Closing Price type | Last Traded Price (LTP) |
Eligibilité PEA Eligible to PEA
Eligibilité SRD Instrument neither eligible for the SRD, nor eligible for the Loan and Lending Market
No Compartment
IPO date 14 Apr 2021
Closing Price type Last Traded Price (LTP)