Carrefour SA - Dividend Future

Euronext Derivatives Paris
Dividend Stock Futures

Volume 22/03/2025 15:32
Position ouverte 20/03/2025
Fuseau horaire

Stock Dividend Futures

 Single Stock Dividend Futures
Contract sizeDividend payments in relation to a contract size of 10,000 shares
Unit of trading10,000 at contract initiation [1]
Pricing unit/quotationEUR/USD/CHF/GBX/NOK/SEK per share
Minimum price movement (tick size and value)Central Order Book: EUR/USD/CHF/NOK/SEK 0.0001 (EUR/USD/CHF/NOK/SEK 1 per contract); GBX 0.01 (GBX 100 per contract)
Large-in-Scale Facility: EUR/USD/CHF/GBX/NOK/SEK 0.0001 (EUR/USD/CHF/GBX/SEK 1 per contract)
Expiry monthsFor SSDFs with annual expiries:
12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months (of the December cycle for non-US underlyings; of the January cycle for all US underlyings)

For SSDFs with semi-annual expiries (non-US underlyings only):
6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 months (of the June-December cycle)

For SSDFs with quarterly expiries (non-US underlyings only):
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 months quarterly (of the March, June, September, December cycle); 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60 months half-yearly (of the June, December cycle)
Introduction of new expiry monthsNew expiry months are available for trading on the first business day after the expiry of a maturity.
Wholesale servicesLarge-in-Scale Facility.
See the “LIS Thresholds” document for the minimum size thresholds.
Euronext MarketAmsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, Paris
Last trading dayTrading ceases at 12:00 CET on the third Friday of the expiry month. In the event that the third Friday is not a business day, the Last Trading Day shall normally be the last business day preceding the third Friday.
SettlementCash settlement based on the EDSP
Settlement dayFirst business day after the Last Trading Day
Exchange Delivery Settlement Price (EDSP)The final settlement value as established by Euronext at 12:00 (CET) on the third Friday of the expiry month, determined to four decimal places.  The final settlement value is equal to the cumulative value of ordinary dividends declared by the relevant company without an adjustment for withholding taxes, tax credits or tax repayments. Declared ordinary dividends are taken into account if their ex-date falls on or between, the start and end date of the reference period of the relevant expiry. For non-US underlyings, the reference period starts on the day following the third Friday in December and ends on the third Friday of June (the expiry date) half year later or in December (the expiry date) one year later. For US underlyings, the reference period starts on the day following the third Friday in January and ends on the third Friday in January (the expiry date) one year later.
The complete dividend rules are explained in the document "Dividend rules SSDFs" in "Related documentation".
Clearing organizationEuronext Clearing
Trading hoursCentral Order Book: 09:00 – 17:30 CET (Oslo underlyings 09:00-16:20)
Large-in-Scale Facility: 07:15 - 18:30 CET
Trading platformOptiq
AlgorithmCentral order book applies a price-time trading algorithm with priority given to the first order at the best price.
Last update9 SEP 2024
 [1] Apart from exceptions or temporary adjustments for corporate actions. See the document "Unusual Contract sizes" in "Related documentation" to find an overview of non-standard contract size classes.
 This product may not be offered and sold to US persons
 Regarding Corporate Actions in SSDFs with US underlyings the following applies for technical reasons: in case of a Corporate Action where the price of the underlying is needed to calculate the adjusted contract specification, no trading is allowed in the respective SSDF on the effective date of the Corporate Action. The adjustment will be based on the official US close price of the underlying on the day before the effective date of the Corporate Action, and the changes to the referential of the SSDF contract will be entered into the system on the effective date.

If the effective date is not a Euronext business day, the contract will also be closed the business day after the effective date. In case the effective date of an adjustable event is on the last trading day of the contract (normally the last trading day is a Friday), the expiry day will be changed to the following business day. Please note that trading in this case is not allowed on both the Friday and the following business day.