14 Mar 2025 09:46 CET


Circio Holding ASA

Oslo, Norway 14 March 2025: Reference is made to Circio Holding ASA's (the
"Company") stock exchange announcement on 29 May 2024, regarding the financing
commitment provided by Atlas to fund the Company´s operations until the end of
June 2025 (the "Financing Commitment").

The Company has by a notice of exercise under the Agreement and the Financing
Commitment requested Atlas to subscribe and pay for one additional tranche of
convertible bonds, consisting of 8 convertible bonds with an aggregate principal
amount equal to NOK 4,000,000. Atlas will be allocated these bonds under the
terms and conditions of the Investment Agreement.

For further information, please contact:
Erik Digman Wiklund, CEO
Phone: +47 413 33 536
Email: erik.wiklund@circio.com

Lubor Gaal, CFO
Phone: +34 683343811
Email: lubor.gaal@circio.com

About Circio

Building next generation RNA technology for nucleic acid medicine

Circio Holding ASA is a biotechnology company developing powerful circular RNA
vector expression technology for next generation nucleic acid medicine.

Circio has established a unique circular RNA (circRNA) vector expression
platform for novel DNA, RNA and viral therapeutics. The proprietary circVec
technology is based on a modular genetic cassette design for efficient
biogenesis of multifunctional circRNA inside cells, which can be deployed in
multiple therapeutic settings, including genetic medicine, cell therapy and
chronic disease. The circVec platform has demonstrated up to 15-fold enhanced
and more significantly more durable protein expression vs. classic mRNA vector
systems and has the potential to become a new gold-standard platform technology
for nucleic acid and viral therapeutics in the future. The circRNA R&D
activities are being conducted by the wholly owned subsidiary Circio AB based at
the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

In addition, Circio is developing a pan-RAS cancer vaccine, TG01, targeting KRAS
driver mutations. TG01 is currently being tested in two clinical trials: RAS
-mutated pancreatic and lung cancer in the USA and multiple myeloma in Norway.
These studies are being run through academic and industry collaborative
networks, supported by prestigious research grants from Innovation Norway and
the Norwegian Research Council, creating read-outs and future optionality for
the program at low cost to Circio.


Circio Holding ASA

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