
Codice ISIN
Products family
Market organization
Delivery Services
Activity description

The Company transports goods and documents around the world with a focus on time-certain and/or daydefinite delivery. Its headquarters are in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands. The Company has own operations in 62 countries and can deliver in more than 200 countries through own operations, subcontractors and agents. The Company employs more than 83,000 people and runs a fleet of more than 30,000 road vehicles and 50 aircraft.

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Data IPO
Gio 26/05/2011
Tipologia IPO

Spin-off TNT's express business into TNT Express N.V.

Tipologia IPO
Initial Public offering

As from 26/05/2011 listing on "As,If and When (AIW)"-conditions. The shares will be irrevocably listed on 31/05/2011.

Profilo società

TNT Express provides express shipment and delivery of documents and packages. At the end of 2015, the group had a fleet of 56 aircrafts. Net sales break down geographically as follows: the Netherlands (37.3%), Europe (41.4%), Asia/Middle East/Africa (14.5%) and other (6.8%).

Fonte: Cofisem - Ultimo aggiornamento: 06 Jul 2016
Dirigenti principali
Direttore generale Tex Gunning
Segretario generale Tjeerd Wassenaar
Finanze Maarten Vries
Fonte: Cofisem - Ultimo aggiornamento: 10 Mar 2016
Dati principali
Millenium 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Fatturato 6.674.000 6.472.000 6.516.000 7.162.000 7.156.000
Income from ordinary activities 6.914.000 6.680.000 6.693.000 7.327.000 7.246.000
Risultato operativo 38.000 -86.000 48.000 89.000 -105.000
Cost of net financial indebtedness -34.000 -18.000 -22.000 -31.000 -35.000
Risultato delle aziende associate al bilancio di g 7.000 7.000 17.000 -8.000 -22.000
Net profit from discontinued activities -29.000
Utile netto -56.000 -190.000 -122.000 -81.000 -272.000
Utile netto: quota del gruppo -50.000 -195.000 -122.000 -83.000 -270.000
Chiusura esercizio fiscale 12,15 12,14 12,13 12,12 12,11
Durata esercizio fiscale (mesi) 12 12 12 12 12
Valuta e unità di misura EUR - migliaia EUR - migliaia EUR - migliaia EUR - migliaia EUR - migliaia
Principi Contabili
Fonte: Cofisem - Ultimo aggiornamento: 06 Jul 2016
Informazioni sull’azionariato
PostNL 14,80 %
Tweedy Browne Company LLC 4,90 %
Syquant Capital 3,03 %
AQR Capital Management 2,99 %
Franklin Templeton Investment Funds 2,95 %
Pentwater Capital Management 2,95 %
JP Morgan Chase & Co 2,92 %
Magnetar Financial 2,78 %
Mackenzie Financial Corporation 2,63 %
UBS Group AG 2,50 %
Goldman Sachs Group 0,95 %
Fonte: Cofisem - Ultimo aggiornamento: 28 Apr 2015