Codice ISIN
Euronext Access
Data IPO
Gio 26/02/2004
Tipologia IPO
Offre à Prix Ferme
Prezzo IPO
12.41 euros
Tipologia IPO
Initial Public offering
- Une Offre à Prix Ferme portant sur 2 000 actions, soit 0,14 % du capital
- Transmission des ordres de l'Offre à Prix Ferme : jusqu'au 25 février 2004 inclus, 17 heures au plus tard - 26 février 2004 : date de l'Offre à Prix Ferme - 26 février 2004 : publication du résultat par Euronext Paris - 27 février 2004 : début des négociations sur le Marché Libre
Intervallo di prezzo
12.41 euros
Profilo società
The group Direct Energie is the France's third player on the electricity and gas market. The group has already secured the loyalty of 1.6 million residential and business customer sites. Direct Energie has also developed its offer for companies and local authorities with 100,000 delivery locations.
As an integrated actor in energy, Direct Energie operates in France in the production and supply of electricity, supply of gas, and offers energy services to its customers. The group is also present in Belgium.
In 2015, the group realized a consolidated net sales excluding energy management of 1,016.9 million Euros and delivered over 11.4 TWh of energy.
Direct Energie's success has been underpinned for more than the past decade by its technical expertise, excellent customer relationships and capacity for innovation.
Ultimo aggiornamento:
27 Sep 2018
Dirigenti principali
Presidente Direttore generale | Xavier Caïtucoli | ||||
Direttore generale delegato | Fabien Choné | ||||
Direttore generale delegato | Sébastien Loux | ||||
Segretario generale | Martial Houlle | ||||
Direttore finanziario | Mathieu Behar | ||||
Investor Relations | Mathieu Behar | ||||
Fonte: Cofisem - Ultimo aggiornamento: 26 Sep 2018 |
Dati principali
Millenium | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 |
Fatturato | 1.966.284 | 1.676.957 | 1.016.870 | 809.554 | 760.228 |
Income from ordinary activities | 1.966.284 | 1.692.429 | 1.016.535 | 809.917 | 763.309 |
Risultato operativo | 96.161 | 104.959 | 15.731 | 15.188 | 6.999 |
Cost of net financial indebtedness | -14.417 | -10.819 | -3.743 | -1.541 | -1.528 |
Risultato delle aziende associate al bilancio di g | -66 | 352 | -62 | -99 | -27 |
Net profit from discontinued activities | -1.754 | ||||
Utile netto | 51.885 | 123.557 | 27.247 | 15.198 | 5.597 |
Utile netto: quota del gruppo | 51.871 | 123.557 | 27.247 | 15.198 | 5.738 |
Chiusura esercizio fiscale | 12,17 | 12,16 | 12,15 | 12,14 | 12,13 |
Durata esercizio fiscale (mesi) | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Valuta e unità di misura | EUR - migliaia | EUR - migliaia | EUR - migliaia | EUR - migliaia | EUR - migliaia |
Principi Contabili | |||||
Fonte: Cofisem - Ultimo aggiornamento: 27 Sep 2018 |