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Informations générales

Type Actions
Sub type Ordinary Shares
Marché Euronext Amsterdam
Code ISIN NL0012866412
Code Euronext NL0012866412

Classification CFI

E = Actions
S = Actions ordinaires
V = Voting
U = Free
F = Fully paid
N = Bearer/Registered

Poids dans les indices


Devise EUR
Price multiplier 1
Quantité exprimée en Unité monétaire
Titres admis 81 146 738
Nominal value 0,01
Groupe de cotation J0
Mode de cotation Continuous
Pas de cotation Index 24
Closing Price type Last Traded Price (LTP)


Eligibilité PEA Eligible to PEA

Eligibilité SRD Instrument neither eligible for the SRD, nor eligible for the Loan and Lending Market

Compartment A (Large Cap)

Closing Price type Last Traded Price (LTP)