14 Mar 2025 09:15 CET

Nom de l'emetteur

Floatel International Ltd

Oslo, March 14, 2025

Floatel International is pleased to announce that the previously communicated
Letter of Intent (LOI) with an undisclosed client for Floatel Triumph has now
been converted into a firm contract.

The assignment, located offshore Western Australia, is scheduled for 3-5 months,
with an expected commencement date from Q4 2025.

This contract reinforces Floatel International’s strong presence in the offshore
accommodation sector and highlights the company’s ongoing commitment to
delivering high-quality services to its clients.

For further information, please contact:
Peter Jacobsson, CEO, +47 934 00 232
Tomas Hjelmstierna, CFO, +47 934 00 381
Tel: +47 46 50 01 33
Email: ir@floatel.no

This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12
of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

About Floatel International Ltd

Floatel International Ltd was founded in 2006 to meet the growing demand for
next-generation offshore accommodation vessels. The Company’s vision is to own
and operate a modern, safe, and reliable flotel fleet. Since 2021, the Company’s
principal place of business has been in Norway.

The Floatel Group operates a fleet of four semisubmersible accommodation units
delivered between 2010 and 2016. Floatel Endurance and Floatel Superior are
approved for operations in the Norwegian sector. The entire fleet is approved
for operations in the UK sector. A fifth unit, Floatel Reliance, is currently
laid up and held for sale.

The Group employs approximately 450 personnel globally, including offshore

All flotels are equipped with dynamic positioning systems and comply with the
latest health, safety, and environmental standards, ensuring quality and comfort
for onboard personnel. Accommodation capacity ranges from 440 to 560 beds. Each
flotel includes large deck areas, workshops, and crane support, enabling them to
handle complex offshore hook-up projects as well as maintenance and
modifications of existing offshore installations.

The Company’s senior secured bonds are listed on Oslo Børs under the ticker code

For more information, visit: https://floatel.no.


Floatel International Ltd


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Floatel Internatio Ltd 24/29 9,75% USD C




Oslo Børs