Displaying 10451 - 10500 of 81840 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
30 Apr 2024
16:49 CEST
Lime Petroleum AS 22/25 FRN FLOOR C LIME PETROLEUM ISSUES ITS ANNUAL REPORT 2023 - Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
16:40 CEST
ARCTICZYMES TECHNOLOGIES ArcticZymes Technologies ASA - Annual Report and ESG report for 2023 20103010 Biotechnology Annual financial and audit Reports
30 Apr 2024
16:31 CEST
Genel Energy Finance 4 plc Genel Energy PLC: Director / PDMR Shareholding - Major shareholding notifications
30 Apr 2024
16:21 CEST
EUROPRIS Europris ASA: Minutes from the annual general meeting 40401010 Diversified Retailers Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
16:18 CEST
Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA Wallenius Wilhelmsen: 2024 AGM minutes 50206030 Marine Transportation Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
16:16 CEST
Veidekke ASA Veidekke: Building Mediebyen in Stavanger 50101010 Construction Non-regulatory press releases
30 Apr 2024
16:15 CEST
HYDROGENPRO ASA HydrogenPro ASA - Invitation to Q1 2024 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
16:15 CEST
EAM SOLAR EAM Solar ASA: Annual report 2023 30202000 Diversified Financial Services Annual financial and audit Reports
30 Apr 2024
16:15 CEST
EAM SOLAR EAM Solar ASA: Årsrapport 2023 30202000 Diversified Financial Services Årsrapporter og revisjonsberetninger
30 Apr 2024
16:14 CEST
BALTIC SEA PROPERTIES Financial calendar 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
16:14 CEST
BALTIC SEA PROPERTIES Finansiell kalender 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
30 Apr 2024
16:07 CEST
GRAM CAR CARRIERS ASA Gram Car Carriers ASA: Mandatory notification of trade by close associate 50206030 Marine Transportation Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
30 Apr 2024
16:06 CEST
Sparebanken Sør Boligkreditt Financial report Q1 2024 - Half yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited reviews
30 Apr 2024
16:05 CEST
Bonheur ASA Summon to the Annual General Meeting 50203000 Diversified Industrials Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
16:05 CEST
Nortura Konsernpensjonskasse Nortura Konsernpensjonskasse: successful issuance of subordinated tier 2 bonds - Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
16:05 CEST
Nortura Konsernpensjonskasse Nortura Konsernpensjonskasse: vellykket utstedelse av nytt ansvarlig lån - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
30 Apr 2024
16:00 CEST
Veidekke ASA Veidekke: Bygger Mediebyen i Stavanger 50101010 Construction Ikke-informasjonspliktige pressemeldinger
30 Apr 2024
16:00 CEST
Telenor ASA Proposal for election of members of Telenor ASA's Board of Directors 15102015 Telecommunications Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
16:00 CEST
GIGANTE SALMON AS Gigante Salmon AS: Innkalling til ordinær generalforsamling den 15. mai 2024 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
30 Apr 2024
16:00 CEST
SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA Trading of own shares as part of employee’s savings scheme 30101010 Banks Acquisition or disposal of the issuer’s own shares
30 Apr 2024
16:00 CEST
Bergen Kommune Bergen kommune – Årsmelding og revisjonsberetning 2023 - Årsrapporter og revisjonsberetninger
30 Apr 2024
16:00 CEST
Telenor ASA Forslag til valg av medlemmer til Telenor ASAs styre 15102015 Telecommunications Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
30 Apr 2024
16:00 CEST
GIGANTE SALMON AS Gigante Salmon AS: Notice of the annual general meeting on 15 May 2024 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
16:00 CEST
ENDÚR Endúr ASA – Notice of Ordinary General Meeting 2024 50203000 Diversified Industrials Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
16:00 CEST
SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA Erverv av egne aksjer som ledd i konsernets spareprogram for ansatte 30101010 Banks Utsteders meldeplikt ved handel i egne aksjer
30 Apr 2024
15:50 CEST
Å Energi AS Annual Report 2023, etc. in English from Å Energi - Annual financial and audit Reports
30 Apr 2024
15:43 CEST
DNB BANK ASA DNBA70 - Nøkkelinformasjon ved innfrielse av hele obligasjonslånet 30101010 Banks Endringer i rettighetene til aksjer / verdipapirer
30 Apr 2024
15:41 CEST
AKER BP Aker BP: Minutes of Annual General Meeting 60101010 Oil: Crude Producers Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
15:40 CEST
LIFECARE Minutes from Annual General Meeting 20103010 Biotechnology Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
15:30 CEST
Protector Forsikring ASA Mandatory notification of trade - Protector Forsikring ASA 30302010 Full Line Insurance Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
30 Apr 2024
15:29 CEST
SEABIRD EXPLORATION Seabird Exploration Plc: Annual Report 2023 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annual financial and audit Reports
30 Apr 2024
15:29 CEST
E Forland AS 13/18 FRN C Årsrapport 2023 - Årsrapporter og revisjonsberetninger
30 Apr 2024
15:29 CEST
E Forland AS 13/18 FRN C Annual Report 2023 - Annual financial and audit Reports
30 Apr 2024
15:24 CEST
Nord-Trøndelag Elektrisitetsvk Års- og bærekraftsrapport 2023 - Årsrapporter og revisjonsberetninger
30 Apr 2024
15:23 CEST
Hjelmeland Sparebank Hjelmeland Sparebank: Vellykket utstedelse av ansvarlig obligasjonslån og fondsobligasjonslån - Endringer i rettighetene til aksjer / verdipapirer
30 Apr 2024
15:23 CEST
Archer Norge AS 23/27 FRN USD FLOOR C Archer Norge AS: Annual report for 2023 - Annual financial and audit Reports
30 Apr 2024
15:17 CEST
AWILCO DRILLING PLC Financial calendar 60101015 Offshore Drilling and Other Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
15:10 CEST
KID Kid ASA - Invitation to presentation of First quarter 2024 results 40401025 Home Improvement Retailers Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
15:07 CEST
SPAREBANK 1 SØRØST-NORGE Meldepliktig handel: Tilbakekjøp 30101010 Banks Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
30 Apr 2024
15:04 CEST
Gjensidige Forsikring ASA GJF, GJF01, GJF03, GJF04, GJF05, GJF06, GJF07: S&P affirms A rating on Gjensidige and outlook remains stable; BBB+ rating on tier 2 debt and BBB rating on restricted tier 1 subordinated debt affirmed 30302010 Full Line Insurance Non-regulatory press releases
30 Apr 2024
15:00 CEST
5TH PLANET GAMES 11-2024 5th Planet Games A/S - Annual Report ESEF format for 2023 40203045 Toys Annual financial and audit Reports
30 Apr 2024
14:57 CEST
VOW VOW ASA: Annual and Sustainability Report 2023 50204000 Machinery: Industrial Annual financial and audit Reports
30 Apr 2024
14:55 CEST
SpareBank 1 Nordmøre SpareBank 1 Nordmøre: Lavere kostnader og bedret resultat 30101010 Banks Halvårsrapporter og revisjonsberetninger / uttalelser om forenklet revisorkontroll
30 Apr 2024
14:40 CEST
PGS Notification of major holdings 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Major shareholding notifications
30 Apr 2024
14:38 CEST
DNB BANK ASA DNB Bank ASA - Kjøp av aksjer av primærinnsidere 30101010 Banks Meldepliktig handel for primærinnsidere
30 Apr 2024
14:38 CEST
DNB BANK ASA DNB Bank ASA - Acquisition of shares by primary insiders 30101010 Banks Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
30 Apr 2024
14:23 CEST
HUDDLY AS Huddly AS – Invitation to presentation of first quarter results 2024 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Non-regulatory press releases
30 Apr 2024
14:08 CEST
Lyse AS Lyse AS – Utvidelse av obligasjonslån - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
30 Apr 2024
14:07 CEST
AUTOSTORE HOLDINGS LTD. AutoStore: Notice of Annual General Meeting (corrected) 50204000 Machinery: Industrial Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
14:05 CEST
ROMREAL RomReal - Annual report 2023 esef 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Half yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited reviews