Displaying 77301 - 77350 of 81673 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
20 Dec 2021
21:30 CET
Nordea Bank Abp 20/25 FRN Nordea Bank Abp: Repurchase of own shares on 20.12.2021 30101010 Banks Acquisition or disposal of the issuer’s own shares
20 Dec 2021
21:13 CET
NORTHERN DRILLING NODL: Seadrill Settlement 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
20 Dec 2021
20:46 CET
Kongsberg Gruppen ASA Transactions carried out under the share buy-back program 50203000 Diversified Industrials Acquisition or disposal of the issuer’s own shares
20 Dec 2021
20:46 CET
Kongsberg Gruppen ASA Transaksjoner foretatt under aksjetilbakekjøpsprogram 50203000 Diversified Industrials Utsteders meldeplikt ved handel i egne aksjer
20 Dec 2021
20:34 CET
Pareto Bank ASA Meldepliktig handel 30101010 Banks Meldepliktig handel for primærinnsidere
20 Dec 2021
20:32 CET
Pareto Bank ASA Meldepliktig handel 30101010 Banks Meldepliktig handel for primærinnsidere
20 Dec 2021
18:49 CET
ADEVINTA Adevinta ASA (ADE) - Redemption of shares in Blommenholm industrier AS and share sale in Adevinta ASA 40201070 Consumer Services: Misc. Non-regulatory press releases
20 Dec 2021
18:24 CET
Santander Consumer Bank AS Financial calendar - Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
20 Dec 2021
18:18 CET
FRONTLINE FRO - Notification of trade 50206030 Marine Transportation Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
20 Dec 2021
18:01 CET
EDDA WIND AS Edda Wind ASA - Update on stabilization 50101015 Engineering and Contracting Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
20 Dec 2021
17:58 CET
Romsdal Sparebank Finansiell kalender 30101010 Banks Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
20 Dec 2021
17:00 CET
ADEVINTA Adevinta ASA (ADE) - Mandatory notification of trade - Employee Share Purchase Plan 40201070 Consumer Services: Misc. Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
20 Dec 2021
16:58 CET
NYKODE THERAPEUTICS AS Nykode Therapeutics AS - Mandatory notification of purchase by related party to primary insider 20103010 Biotechnology Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
20 Dec 2021
16:51 CET
SalMar ASA Correction: SalMar - Aksjebasert incentivprogram 2021 for ledende ansatte og nøkkelperson 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Meldepliktig handel for primærinnsidere
20 Dec 2021
16:51 CET
SalMar ASA Correction: SalMar - 2021 share-based incentive scheme for senior executives and key personnel 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
20 Dec 2021
16:48 CET
OCEANTEAM Oceanteam secures cable transport and extends storage contract 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Non-regulatory press releases
20 Dec 2021
16:41 CET
Sparebanken Vest Sparebanken Vest har mottatt vedtak om fastsettelse av minimumskrav til summen av ansvarlig kapital og konvertibel gjeld (MREL) 30101010 Banks Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
20 Dec 2021
16:41 CET
Sparebanken Vest Sparebanken Vest has received an updated Minimum Requirement for Own Funds and Eligible Liabilities (MREL) 30101010 Banks Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
20 Dec 2021
16:41 CET
Klaveness Combination Carriers KCC: Prospectus Summary for transfer of listing from Euronext Expand to Oslo Børs 50206030 Marine Transportation Prospectus / admission document
20 Dec 2021
16:38 CET
SalMar ASA SalMar - 2021 share-based incentive scheme for senior executives and key personnel 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
20 Dec 2021
16:38 CET
SalMar ASA SalMar - Aksjebasert incentivprogram 2021 for ledende ansatte og nøkkelperson 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Meldepliktig handel for primærinnsidere
20 Dec 2021
16:33 CET
NYKODE THERAPEUTICS AS Share capital increase from exercise of warrants 20103010 Biotechnology Total number of voting rights and capital
20 Dec 2021
16:20 CET
ECIT AS B-AKSJER Agreement on a new credit facility 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
20 Dec 2021
16:13 CET
MÅSØVAL AS MÅSØVAL AS: ANNOUNCEMENT OF CAPITAL INCREASE 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Total number of voting rights and capital
20 Dec 2021
16:01 CET
MÅSØVAL AS MÅSØVAL AS: ANNOUNCEMENT 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
20 Dec 2021
15:31 CET
SpareBank 1 SMN Finanstilsynet har fastsatt minstekrav til summen av ansvarlig kapital og konvertibel gjeld (MREL) for SpareBank 1 SMN 30101010 Banks Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
20 Dec 2021
15:31 CET
SpareBank 1 SMN SpareBank 1 SMN has received its Minimum Requirement for Own Funds and Eligible Liabilities (MREL) 30101010 Banks Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
20 Dec 2021
15:30 CET
BEWI BEWI - Sale of the plastics company Biobe 50203030 Containers and Packaging Non-regulatory press releases
20 Dec 2021
15:20 CET
Sparebanken Sør Sparebanken Sør has received its Minimum Requirement for Own Funds and Eligible Liabilities (MREL) 30101010 Banks Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
20 Dec 2021
15:20 CET
Sparebanken Sør Fastsatt minstekrav til summen av ansvarlig kapital og konvertibel gjeld (MREL) for Sparebanken Sør 30101010 Banks Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
20 Dec 2021
15:14 CET
ANDFJORD SALMON Financial calendar 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
20 Dec 2021
15:12 CET
Helgeland Boligkreditt AS Helgeland Boligkreditt: Setter opp utlånsrenten - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
20 Dec 2021
15:10 CET
SPAREBANK 1 HELGELAND SpareBank 1 Helgeland: Setter opp utlånsrenten 30101010 Banks Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
20 Dec 2021
14:54 CET
ZAPTEC Financial calendar 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
20 Dec 2021
14:30 CET
AKOBO MINERALS AB (PUB) Akobo Minerals significantly increases it drilling capacity by buying 3 second hand Diamec 262 drill rigs 55103025 Gold Mining Non-regulatory press releases
20 Dec 2021
14:22 CET
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt Rentefastsettelse - Renteregulering
20 Dec 2021
14:11 CET
Vaksdal komm 21/23 FRN Ny rente - Renteregulering
20 Dec 2021
14:10 CET
LIFECARE Lifecare newsletter December 2021 20103010 Biotechnology Non-regulatory press releases
20 Dec 2021
14:09 CET
FERT01 Ny rente - Renteregulering
20 Dec 2021
13:52 CET
MINTRA HOLDING Mintra signs elearning contracts valued over NOK 2 million - Non-regulatory press releases
20 Dec 2021
13:42 CET
Orkla Sparebank Renteregulering - Renteregulering
20 Dec 2021
13:42 CET
Landbruksforsikring AS 18/28 FRN C SUB Renteregulering - Renteregulering
20 Dec 2021
13:42 CET
Entra ASA Renteregulering 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Renteregulering
20 Dec 2021
13:42 CET
Totens Sparebank Renteregulering 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
20 Dec 2021
13:42 CET
Sparebanken Sør Renteregulering 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
20 Dec 2021
13:42 CET
Bonheur ASA Renteregulering 50203000 Diversified Industrials Renteregulering
20 Dec 2021
13:42 CET
Haugesund Sparebank Renteregulering - Renteregulering
20 Dec 2021
13:42 CET
Schibsted ASA Renteregulering 10101020 Consumer Digital Services Renteregulering
20 Dec 2021
13:42 CET
SpareBank 1 Modum Renteregulering - Renteregulering
20 Dec 2021
13:42 CET
SpareBank 1 Ringerike Hadeland Renteregulering 30101010 Banks Renteregulering