Displaying 4651 - 4700 of 5643 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
03 May 2018
20:16 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informs on Resolutions taken at the Annual Shareholders General Meeting held today Specialty Finance Other subject
03 May 2018
20:16 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informa sobre as deliberações tomadas na Assembleia Geral Anual de Accionistas de 3 de Maio de 2018 Specialty Finance Other subject
03 May 2018
19:58 CEST
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, S.A. informs on the appointment of the Statutory External Auditor for the remainder of the current mandate 2015-2018 Food Retailers&Wholesalers -
03 May 2018
19:57 CEST
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informa sobre eleição do revisor oficial de contas até ao termo do mandato em curso 2015-2018 Food Retailers&Wholesalers -
03 May 2018
19:56 CEST
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, S.A. informs on Resolutions taken at Sonae's Shareholders' Annual General Meeting Food Retailers&Wholesalers -
03 May 2018
19:55 CEST
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informa sobre deliberações tomadas em Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas Food Retailers&Wholesalers -
03 May 2018
18:58 CEST
SONAE Sonae Investimentos, SGPS, SA informa sobre eleição dos Órgãos Sociais para o quadriénio 2018/2021 Food Retailers&Wholesalers -
03 May 2018
18:56 CEST
SONAE Sonae Investimentos, SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Extrato da Ata da Assembleia Geral Anual Food Retailers&Wholesalers -
03 May 2018
18:49 CEST
SONAECOM,SGPS Sonaecom. SGPS, SA informs on the 2017 Corporate Governance Report approved at the Shareholders Annual General Meeting held today May 3, 2018 Mobile Telecommunications General meeting / Board Meeting
03 May 2018
18:47 CEST
SONAECOM,SGPS Sonaecom, SGP S. SA informa sobre Relatório do Governo da Sociedade de 2017 aprovado em Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas de 03 de maio de 2018 Mobile Telecommunications General meeting / Board Meeting
03 May 2018
18:46 CEST
SONAECOM,SGPS Sonaecom, SGPS. SA informs on the 2017 Annual Report and Accounts approved at the Shareholders Annual General Meeting held today May 3, 2018 Mobile Telecommunications General meeting / Board Meeting
03 May 2018
18:46 CEST
SONAECOM,SGPS Sonaecom. SGPS, SA informa sobre Relatório e Contas de 2017 aprovado em Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas de 03 de maio de 2018 Mobile Telecommunications General meeting / Board Meeting
03 May 2018
18:44 CEST
SONAECOM,SGPS Sonaecom, SGPS, SA informs on Resolutions taken at the Shareholders' Annual General Meeting held today May 3, 2018 Mobile Telecommunications General meeting / Board Meeting
03 May 2018
18:43 CEST
SONAECOM,SGPS Sonaecom, SGPS, SA informa sobre deliberações tomadas na Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas de 3 de maio de 2018 Mobile Telecommunications General meeting / Board Meeting
30 Apr 2018
19:26 CEST
SONAE Sonae Investimentos - SGPS, SA informs on FY17 Report and Accounts Food Retailers&Wholesalers -
30 Apr 2018
19:25 CEST
SONAE Sonae Investimentos SGPS, S.A. - Relatório e Contas - Exercício de 2017 Food Retailers&Wholesalers -
30 Apr 2018
18:39 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS Transação de Dirigentes Durable Household Products Other subject
30 Apr 2018
18:04 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria, SGPS, SA informa sobre comunicação recebida relativa a participação qualificada e operação de dirigente Building Materials&Fixtures Other subject
30 Apr 2018
18:01 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS SA informs on communication received regarding qualified shareholding and management transaction Building Materials&Fixtures Other subject
30 Apr 2018
17:43 CEST
IMOB.C GRAO PARA Imobiliária Construtora Grão-Pará, SA Informa sobre Relatório de Governo Societário do exercício de 2017 Heavy Construction -
30 Apr 2018
17:42 CEST
IMOB.C GRAO PARA Imobiliária Construtora Grão-Pará, SA Informa sobre Relatório e Contas Individuais/cONSOLIDADAS de 2017 a submeter a apreciação da AG de 30 de Maio Heavy Construction -
30 Apr 2018
17:40 CEST
IMOB.C GRAO PARA Imobiliária Construtora Grão-Pará, SA Informa sobre propostas a submeter a Assembleias Gerais Heavy Construction -
30 Apr 2018
17:38 CEST
IMOB.C GRAO PARA Imobiliária Construtora Grão-Pará, SA Informa sobre Convocatórias de Assembleia Geral Heavy Construction -
27 Apr 2018
20:12 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins SGPS, S.A. informs on Qualified Shareholding - Aggregate of Standard Life Aberdeen plc Food Retailers&Wholesalers -
27 Apr 2018
20:11 CEST
J.MARTINS,SGPS Jerónimo Martins SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Participação Qualificada – Aggregate of Standard Life Aberdeen plc Food Retailers&Wholesalers -
27 Apr 2018
20:06 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Representante Vogal CR - AG Anual 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Apr 2018
20:03 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Representante Vogal CR - AG Anual 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Apr 2018
19:36 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Representante Presidente CR - AG Anual de 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Apr 2018
19:30 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Representante Presidente CR - AG Anual de 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Apr 2018
19:27 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Suplente do CF - AG Anual de 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Apr 2018
19:26 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Vogal CF - AG Anual 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Apr 2018
19:24 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Vogal CF - AG Anual 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Apr 2018
19:22 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Presidente do CF - AG Anual 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
21:09 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV Vogal do CA - AG Anual de 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
21:07 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Vogal do CA - AG Anual de 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
21:05 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Vogal do CA - AG Anual de 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
21:03 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Vogal do CA - AG Anual de 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
21:01 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Vogal do CA - AG Anual de 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
20:59 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Vogal do CA - AG Anual de 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
20:57 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Vogal do CA - AG Anual de 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
20:55 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV da Vogal do CA - AD Anual de 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
20:52 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Vice-Presidente do CA - AG Anual de 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
20:50 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Presidente do CA - AG Anual de 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
20:48 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Secretária da Mesa da AG - AG Anual 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
20:45 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS CV - Presidente Mesa da AG Anual 2018 Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
20:42 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS Relatório e Contas 2017 Durable Household Products Commercial results
26 Apr 2018
20:40 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS Proposta - Ponto Quinto da Ordem dos Trabalhos Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
20:38 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS Ponto Quarto da Ordem dos Trabalhos Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
20:35 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS Proposta - Ponto Terceiro da Ordem de Trabalhos Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Apr 2018
20:33 CEST
PTVAA0AE0001.XLIS Proposta do CA - Ponto Segundo da Ordem de Trabalhos Durable Household Products General meeting / Board Meeting