Displaying 4101 - 4150 of 5635 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
03 Apr 2019
18:56 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informa sobre Transacção de Dirigente Specialty Finance Legal
01 Apr 2019
23:54 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informs on FY18 Corporate Governance Report Specialty Finance Legal
01 Apr 2019
23:53 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informs sobre Relatório de Governo da Sociedade do exercício de 2018 Specialty Finance Legal
01 Apr 2019
23:44 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informs on Item 1 - 9 of the Agenda of the Shareholders General Meeting, to be held on 29 April 2019 Specialty Finance General meeting / Board Meeting
01 Apr 2019
23:43 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informa sobre Propostas números 1 a 9 relativas à Ordem de Trabalhos da Assembleia Geral de Accionistas convocada para o dia 29 de Abril de 2019 Specialty Finance General meeting / Board Meeting
01 Apr 2019
23:41 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informs on Notice of Meeting for Shareholders Annual General Meeting, to be held on 29 April 2019 Specialty Finance General meeting / Board Meeting
01 Apr 2019
23:39 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informa sobre Convocatória para Assembleia Geral de Accionistas, a realizar a 29 de Abril de 2019 Specialty Finance General meeting / Board Meeting
01 Apr 2019
23:38 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informs on FY18 Annual Report & Accounts Specialty Finance Sales
01 Apr 2019
23:36 CEST
SONAE CAPITAL Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA informa sobre Relatório e Contas do exercício de 2018 Specialty Finance Sales
01 Apr 2019
22:38 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, S.A. informs on IFRS 16 adoption in Sonae MC Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
01 Apr 2019
22:37 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, S.A. informa sobre aplicação da IFRS 16 na Sonae MC Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
01 Apr 2019
18:55 CEST
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria, SGPS, SA informa sobre correção à versão em Português do Comunicado de Resultados 2018 Building Materials&Fixtures Other subject
29 Mar 2019
18:48 CET
FARMINVESTE Farminveste-SGPS, S.A. informa sobre o calendário financeiro para 2019 Health Care Providers Other subject
29 Mar 2019
17:51 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, SA informs about proposal of item 6 of the agenda of the annual general meeting to be held on the 7th of May of 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
17:50 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, SA informs about proposal of item 4 of the agenda of the annual general meeting to be held on the 7th of May of 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
17:50 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, SA informs about proposal of item 3 of the agenda of the annual general meeting to be held on the 7th of May of 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
17:49 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre proposta do ponto 6 da ordem de trabalhos da assembleia geral de acionista a realizar a 7 de maio de 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
17:48 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre proposta do ponto 4 da ordem de trabalhos da assembleia geral de acionista a realizar a 7 de maio de 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
17:46 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre proposta do ponto 3 da ordem de trabalhos da assembleia geral de acionista a realizar a 7 de maio de 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
17:22 CET
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria, SGPS, SA - Exercício de 2018 - Relatório sobre o Governo da Sociedade - para apreciação na próxima Assembleia Geral Anual da sociedade Building Materials&Fixtures General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
17:20 CET
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria, SGPS, SA – 2018 Financial Year - Corporate Governance Report - to be approved on the next Shareholders Annual General Meeting of the company Building Materials&Fixtures General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
17:17 CET
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria, SGPS, SA - Financial Statements of fiscal year 2018 - to be approved on the next Shareholders Annual General Meeting of the company Building Materials&Fixtures General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
17:15 CET
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria, SGPS, SA - Exercício de 2018 - para apreciação na próxima Assembleia Geral Anual da sociedade Building Materials&Fixtures General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
17:12 CET
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria, SGPS, SA informa sobre Propostas da Ordem de Trabalhos da Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas convocada para o dia 29 de Abril de 2019 Building Materials&Fixtures General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
17:11 CET
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria, SGPS, SA announces on the Proposals of the Agenda of the Shareholders Annual General Meeting convened for April 29th, 2019 Building Materials&Fixtures General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
17:10 CET
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria, SGPS, SA announces notice of convening of the Shareholders' Annual General Meeting to be held on April 29th, 2019 Building Materials&Fixtures General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
17:08 CET
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria, SGPS, SA informa sobre Convocatória para a Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas a realizar a 29 de Abril de 2019 Building Materials&Fixtures General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Mar 2019
10:04 CET
SONAE Sonae – SGPS, SA announces Proposals no. 5 to 13 concerning the Agenda Items of the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting convened for the 30th April 2019 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
29 Mar 2019
10:02 CET
SONAE Sonae – SGPS, SA informa sobre Propostas n.ºs 5 a 13 relativas à Ordem de Trabalhos da Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas convocada para 30 abril de 2019 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
29 Mar 2019
10:00 CET
SONAE Sonae – SGPS, SA announces Proposals no. 1 to 4 concerning the Agenda Items of the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting convened for the 30th April 2019 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
29 Mar 2019
09:59 CET
SONAE Sonae – SGPS, SA informa sobre Propostas n.ºs 1 a 4 relativas à Ordem de Trabalhos da Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas convocada para 30 abril de 2019 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
29 Mar 2019
09:57 CET
SONAE Sonae – SGPS, SA informs about Notice convening the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting for the 30th April 2019 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
29 Mar 2019
09:56 CET
SONAE Sonae – SGPS, SA informa sobre Convocatória para Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas a realizar a 30 de abril de 2019 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
29 Mar 2019
02:08 CET
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informs on estimated impacts of IFRS 16 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
29 Mar 2019
02:05 CET
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informa sobre impactos estimados com a aplicação da IFRS 16 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
29 Mar 2019
01:57 CET
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informs on 2018 Corporate Governance Report Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
29 Mar 2019
01:56 CET
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informa sobre Relatório do Governo das Sociedades 2018 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
29 Mar 2019
01:54 CET
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informs on 2018 Annual Report Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
29 Mar 2019
01:53 CET
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informa sobre Relatório e Contas 2018 Food Retailers&Wholesalers Other subject
28 Mar 2019
19:15 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, SA, informs about Corporate Governance Report of 2018 for appreciation at the next general meeting of shareholders to be held on the 7th of May of 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
28 Mar 2019
19:14 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, SA informs about 2018 Accounts for appreciation at the next general meeting of shareholders to be held on the 7th of May of 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
28 Mar 2019
19:11 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, SA informs about proposal of item 2 of the agenda of the annual general meeting to be held on the 7th of May of 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
28 Mar 2019
19:09 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, S.A. informs about the call to the Annual General Meeting to be held on the 7th of May of 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
28 Mar 2019
19:08 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, SA informa sobre Relatório de Governo da Sociedade de 2018 para apreciação na próxima assembleia geral de acionistas a realizar a 7 de maio de 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
28 Mar 2019
19:06 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, SA informa sobre Contas Consolidadas e Individuais de 2018 para apreciação na próxima assembleia geral de acionistas a realizar a 7 de maio de 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
28 Mar 2019
19:04 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre proposta do ponto 5 da ordem de trabalhos da assembleia geral de acionista a realizar a 7 de maio de 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
28 Mar 2019
19:02 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre proposta do ponto 2 da ordem de trabalhos da assembleia geral de acionista a realizar a 7 de maio de 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
28 Mar 2019
19:01 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre proposta do ponto 1 da ordem de trabalhos da assembleia geral de acionista a realizar a 7 de maio de 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
28 Mar 2019
18:59 CET
NOVABASE,SGPS Novabase SGPS, S.A. informa sobre a convocatória para a assembleia geral anual a realizar no dia 7 de maio de 2019 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Mar 2019
23:57 CET
SONAE IND.SGPS Sonae Indústria SGPS SA informa sobre resultados consolidados do exercício de 2018 Building Materials&Fixtures Other subject