Displaying 51 - 100 of 153 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
28 Jun 2023
14:54 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Interest Adjustment 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
28 Jun 2023
14:54 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Rentefastsettelse 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
22 Jun 2023
08:15 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Informasjon til obligasjonseiere i HAVI04 og HAVI07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
22 Jun 2023
08:15 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Information to bondholders in HAVI04 and HAVI07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
20 Jun 2023
08:47 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Forlengelse av kontrakter for PSVer 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
20 Jun 2023
08:47 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Contract extensions for PSVs 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
23 May 2023
15:04 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: First quarter 2023 report 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
23 May 2023
15:04 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Kvartalsrapport første kvartal 2023 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
23 May 2023
14:28 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Ordinær generalforsamling 2023 er avholdt 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
23 May 2023
14:28 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Annual General Meeting 2023 held 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
02 May 2023
12:53 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Innkalling til Ordinær Generalforsamling 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
02 May 2023
12:53 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Notice of Annual General Meeting 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
28 Apr 2023
10:22 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Contract extension for the PSV Havila Fanø 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
28 Apr 2023
10:22 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Forlengelse av kontrakten for PSV Havila Fanø 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
27 Apr 2023
15:13 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Godkjent årsregnskap for 2022 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Årsrapporter og revisjonsberetninger
27 Apr 2023
15:13 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Annual report 2022 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annual financial and audit Reports
30 Mar 2023
10:05 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Rentefastsettelse 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
30 Mar 2023
10:05 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Interest Adjustment 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
21 Mar 2023
13:40 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Informasjon til obligasjonseiere i Havi04 og Havi07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
21 Mar 2023
13:40 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Information to bondholders in Havi04 and Havi07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
13 Mar 2023
09:53 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Contract extension for PSVs Havila Borg and Havila Herøy with Peterson den Helder BV 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
13 Mar 2023
09:53 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Kontraktsforlengelse for PSVene Havila Borg og Havila Herøy med Peterson den Helder BV 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
28 Feb 2023
14:37 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Fourt quarter 2022 report/2022 Preliminary report 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
28 Feb 2023
14:37 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Regnskap for fjerde kvartal 2022 / Foreløpig årsregnskap for 2022 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
15 Feb 2023
08:08 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Contract With Equinor Energy for PSV Havila Clipper 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
15 Feb 2023
08:08 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Kontrakt med Equinor Energy for PSV en Havila Clipper 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
30 Dec 2022
09:47 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Financial calendar 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Dec 2022
09:47 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Finansiell kalender 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
29 Dec 2022
13:46 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Rentefastsettelse 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
29 Dec 2022
13:46 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Interest Adjustment 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
20 Dec 2022
08:40 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Informasjon til obligasjonseiere i HAVI04 og HAVI07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
20 Dec 2022
08:40 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Information to bondholders in HAVI04 and HAVI07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
23 Nov 2022
14:25 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Third quarter 2022 accounts 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
23 Nov 2022
14:25 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Regnskap for tredje kvartal 2022 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
12 Oct 2022
14:44 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Contracts for PSV Havila Borg and PSV Havila Herøy 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2022
14:44 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Kontrakter for PSV fartøyene Havila Borg og Havila Herøy 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
28 Sep 2022
16:00 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Rentefastsettelse 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
28 Sep 2022
16:00 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Interest Adjustment 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
20 Sep 2022
15:17 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Information to bondholders in HAVI04 and HAVI07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
20 Sep 2022
15:17 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Informasjon til obligasjonseiere i HAVI04 og HAVI07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
05 Sep 2022
08:20 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Sale of ship 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
05 Sep 2022
08:20 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Avtale om salg av skip 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
30 Aug 2022
15:01 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Second quarter 2022 accounts 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Half yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited reviews
30 Aug 2022
15:01 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Regnskap for andre kvartal 2022 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Halvårsrapporter og revisjonsberetninger / uttalelser om forenklet revisorkontroll
29 Jun 2022
08:08 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Rentefastsettelse 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
29 Jun 2022
08:08 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Interest Adjustment 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
21 Jun 2022
13:46 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Information to bondholders in Havi04 and Havi07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
21 Jun 2022
13:46 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Informasjon til obligasjonseiere i Havi04 og Havi07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
25 May 2022
14:55 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Ordinær generalforsamling avholdt 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
25 May 2022
14:55 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Ordinary General Meeting held 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State