Displaying 1 - 50 of 496 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
16 Jul 2024
18:00 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance obtient la certification Great Place To Work® dans 69 pays 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Products and services
16 Jul 2024
18:00 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Earns Great Place To Work® Certification in 69 Countries 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Products and services
08 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance reçoit la médaille d'or de la meilleure innovation technologique reposant sur l'IA 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Products and services
08 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Receives Gold Award for Best AI-driven Tech Innovation 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Products and services
03 Jul 2024
19:03 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
03 Jul 2024
19:03 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Half-Year Liquidity Contract Statement 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
03 Jul 2024
18:17 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Monthly Information Regarding Shares and Voting Rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
03 Jul 2024
18:17 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
02 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance reçoit le prix de la meilleure opération financière 2023 décerné par le Club des Trente pour l’acquisition de Majorel 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
02 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Awarded the Prize for Best Financial Transaction 2023 by the Club des Trente for its Acquisition of Majorel 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
06 Jun 2024
18:06 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
06 Jun 2024
18:06 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Monthly Information Regarding Shares and Voting Rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
30 May 2024
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance s’associe à Kore.ai pour transformer la relation client grâce à des solutions d’IA de pointe 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
30 May 2024
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Partners With Kore.ai to Transform Customer Engagement Through Advanced AI Solutions 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
24 May 2024
08:00 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of May 23, 2024 50205020 Professional Business Support Services General meeting / Board Meeting
24 May 2024
08:00 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Assemblée Générale Mixte des actionnaires du 23 mai 2024 50205020 Professional Business Support Services General meeting / Board Meeting
23 May 2024
19:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Cancellation of Repurchased Shares Representing 4.7% of the Capital of Teleperformance 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Change in Capital
23 May 2024
19:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Annulation des actions rachetées représentant 4,7 % du capital de Teleperformance 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Change in Capital
03 May 2024
18:20 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Monthly Information Regarding Shares and Voting Rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
03 May 2024
18:20 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
30 Apr 2024
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: First-quarter 2024 Revenue 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Sales
30 Apr 2024
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Chiffre d’affaires au 1er trimestre 2024 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Sales
17 Apr 2024
18:39 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE: Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of May 23, 2024 50205020 Professional Business Support Services General meeting / Board Meeting
17 Apr 2024
18:39 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE : Assemblée Générale Mixte du 23 mai 2024 50205020 Professional Business Support Services General meeting / Board Meeting
16 Apr 2024
18:10 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE: Statement on Transactions on Own Shares Carried out from April 9 to April 15, 2024 (inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
16 Apr 2024
18:10 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 9 au 15 avril 2024 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
09 Apr 2024
18:04 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE: Statement on Transactions on Own Shares Carried out from April 2 to April 8, 2024 (inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
09 Apr 2024
18:04 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 2 au 8 avril 2024 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
04 Apr 2024
18:02 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Monthly Information Regarding Shares and Voting Rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
04 Apr 2024
18:02 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
25 Mar 2024
18:36 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 18 au 22 mars 2024 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
25 Mar 2024
18:36 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE: Statement on Transactions on Own Shares Carried out From March 18 to March 22, 2024 (Inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
18 Mar 2024
18:31 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 11 au 15 mars 2024 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
18 Mar 2024
18:31 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE: Statement on Transactions on Own Shares Carried out From March 11 to March 15, 2024 (Inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
14 Mar 2024
18:00 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Dépôt Du Document D’enregistrement Universel 2023 Incluant Le Rapport Financier Annuel 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
14 Mar 2024
18:00 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance :  Filing of the 2023 Universal Registration Document Including the Annual Financial Report 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
11 Mar 2024
18:26 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 4 au 8 mars 2024 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
11 Mar 2024
18:26 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Statement on Transactions on Own Shares Carried out From March 4 to March 8, 2024 (Inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
08 Mar 2024
18:05 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
08 Mar 2024
18:05 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Monthly information regarding shares and voting rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
06 Mar 2024
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: 2023 Annual Results: Profitable Growth and Strong Cash Flow 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
06 Mar 2024
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Résultats annuels 2023 : croissance rentable et forte génération de cash 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
04 Mar 2024
19:11 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 26 février au 1er mars 2024 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
04 Mar 2024
19:11 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE: Statement on Transactions on Own Shares Carried out From February 26 to March 1, 2024 (Inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
28 Feb 2024
14:52 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Press Release 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
28 Feb 2024
14:52 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE TELEPERFORMANCE : COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
27 Feb 2024
18:00 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance reçoit le prix French deal of the year par Global Capital pour le financement de l’acquisition de Majorel 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
27 Feb 2024
18:00 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Wins the French Deal of The Year award by Global Capital for the Financing of Majorel Acquisition 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
22 Feb 2024
08:30 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance in Colombia Receives Diversity and Inclusion Management Certification from AENOR 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
22 Feb 2024
08:30 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance en Colombie reçoit de l’AENOR la certification de gestion de la diversité et de l'inclusion 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life