29 Sep 2021 10:00 CEST

Nom de l'emetteur




• Value of production of approximately €36.8 million, up approximately 96.8% versus 30 June 2020

• EBITDA1 of approximately €6.9 million, up by approximately 409% compared to 30 June 2020 (EBITDA margin: 18.9%)

  • EBIT of approximately €5.5 million, up sharply compared to 30 June 2020 (EBIT margin: 15%)

  • Net profit of approximately €1.6 million, up strongly compared to 30 June 2020

  • Net Financial Position (NFP) equal to €7.7 million (debt), substantially unchanged

    compared to 30 June 2020

    Genoa, 27 September 2021 – EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. (“Company” or “EDAC”), the parent of the group of the same name, specialised in construction such as maintenance and renovation of buildings and other architectural structures using double safety ropes, listed on the AIM Italia segment of the Italian stock exchange (ticker symbol EDAC) and on Euronext Growth (ticker symbol ALEAC), announces that the Board of Directors met today and examined and approved the consolidated half-yearly report as at 30 June 2021, drawn up in accordance with the AIM Italia Regulation and in accordance with Italian accounting standards.

    Riccardo Iovino, CEO & Founder of EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A., commented "I am particularly proud of the results achieved by the group in the first half of this year. The first six months of 2021 were still affected by the restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and represented a further challenge for EdiliziAcrobatica. A challenge that, as the data show, it won not only by consolidating its position and confirming itself as a leading company in the construction sector in Italy, but by creating new initiatives aimed at replicating its business model in Europe. I'm referring specifically to the acquisition of a business unit of the Spanish company Accés Vertical, finalised last week, which marks EdiliziAcrobatica's official entry into the Iberian peninsula. At the same time, the group is continuing to work to strengthen its presence in France, which has been more strongly affected by the pandemic, making the development of the company EdiliziAcrobatica France – still in its start-up phase – slightly more complex. However, it is worth remembering that Acrobatica France contributed to generate revenues of €1.7 million. Then, in April 2021 EdiliziAcrobatica created the NewCo Energy Acrobatica 110 S.p.A. whose purpose is to act as main contractor for projects and construction sites operating under the 110% tax relief regime, the first of which is getting under way in the next few days. The fact that it generated a consolidated value of production of approximately €36.8 million with an increase of approximately 97% compared to 2020 revenues of approximately 18.7 million once again demonstrates the ability to adapt and react of a group that to date has 1,300 human resources, 233 of which hired since the beginning of the year, this last figure being one that makes me especially proud since it means that EdiliziAcrobatica generates employment wherever it has or creates its own area of operations".

    1EBITDA: Alternative Measure of Performance: The EBITDA (Earning Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation) represents an alternative performance indicator not defined by the Italian accounting standards but used by the company's management to monitor and assess its operating performance, as it is not influenced by the volatility due to the effects of the different criteria for determining the taxable income, the amount and characteristics of the capital used and the relative amortisation and depreciation policies. This indicator is defined for EDAC as the Gain/(Loss) for the period gross of depreciation, amortisation and write-downs of tangible and intangible as- sets, financial income and expenses and income taxes


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Communiqué intégral et original au format PDF : https://www.actusnews.com/news/71231-ediliziacrobatica-s.p.a_the-board-approves-the-half-yearly-financial-statements-report.pdf






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Euronext Growth