Displaying 101 - 150 of 196 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
02 Nov 2022
20:14 CET
MAREL Marel Q3 2022: Revenues up 36% to EUR 451m and improved EBIT of 10.3% 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Commercial results
02 Nov 2022
20:14 CET
MAREL Marel 3F 2022: Tekjur voru 451 milljón evra, upp 36% á milli ára og EBIT framlegð 10,3% 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Commercial results
02 Nov 2022
20:04 CET
MAREL Marel: Introducing Focus First operating model and organizational changes 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
02 Nov 2022
20:04 CET
MAREL Marel: Breyting á framkvæmdastjórn og innra skipulagi félagsins (Focus First) 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
26 Oct 2022
16:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Q3 2022 results published on 2 November, investor meeting on 3 November 2022 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
26 Oct 2022
16:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Uppgjör þriðja ársfjórðungs 2022 birt 2. nóvember, afkomufundur 3. nóvember 2022 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
05 Sep 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun. Endurkaupum lokið 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
05 Sep 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to a share buyback program. End of share buyback program 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
31 Aug 2022
19:35 CEST
MAREL Marel: Viðskipti stjórnanda 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
31 Aug 2022
19:35 CEST
MAREL Marel: Manager's transaction 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
29 Aug 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
29 Aug 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to a share buyback program 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
24 Aug 2022
14:49 CEST
MAREL Marel: Manager's transaction 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
24 Aug 2022
14:49 CEST
MAREL Marel: Viðskipti stjórnanda 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
22 Aug 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to a share buyback program 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
22 Aug 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
15 Aug 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to a share buyback program 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
15 Aug 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
08 Aug 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to a share buyback program 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
08 Aug 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
01 Aug 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to a share buyback program 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
01 Aug 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
28 Jul 2022
10:15 CEST
MAREL Marel: 2F 2022 Fjárfestakynning 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
28 Jul 2022
10:15 CEST
MAREL Marel: Q2 2022 Investor Meeting Presentation 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
27 Jul 2022
19:38 CEST
MAREL Marel 2F 2022: Met í pöntunum, EBIT framlegð undir væntingum, verð- og kostnaðaraðgerðir til að bæta rekstrarafkomu komnar til framkvæmda 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Commercial results
27 Jul 2022
19:38 CEST
MAREL Marel Q2 2022: Record orders, margins below expectations, price and cost measures enacted to improve operational performance 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Commercial results
25 Jul 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
25 Jul 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to a share buyback program 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
20 Jul 2022
14:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Q2 2022 results published on 27 July, virtual investor meeting on 28 July 2022 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
20 Jul 2022
14:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Uppgjör annars ársfjórðungs 2022 birt 27. júlí, rafrænn afkomufundur 28. júlí 2022 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
19 Jul 2022
19:28 CEST
MAREL Marel: Preliminary results for Q2 2022 show new record in orders received of EUR 472m, revenues of EUR 397m and operational performance of 6.3% EBIT 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Commercial results
19 Jul 2022
19:28 CEST
MAREL Marel: Bráðabirgðauppgjör annars ársfjórðungs 2022 sýnir metpantanir sem nema 472 milljónum evra, tekjur voru 397 milljónir evra og EBIT framlegð 6,3% 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Commercial results
18 Jul 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to a share buyback program 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
18 Jul 2022
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
11 Jul 2022
14:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to a share buyback program 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
11 Jul 2022
14:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
04 Jul 2022
14:54 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to share buyback programs. Buyback on Nasdaq Iceland discontinued 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
04 Jul 2022
14:54 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlanir. Lok endurkaupaáætlunar á Nasdaq Iceland 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
27 Jun 2022
14:17 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlanir 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
27 Jun 2022
14:17 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to share buyback programs 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
20 Jun 2022
13:41 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlanir 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
20 Jun 2022
13:41 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to share buyback programs 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
13 Jun 2022
15:43 CEST
MAREL Leiðrétting: Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
13 Jun 2022
15:43 CEST
MAREL Correction: Marel: Transactions in relation to share buyback programs 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
13 Jun 2022
14:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to share buyback programs 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
13 Jun 2022
14:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
09 Jun 2022
21:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Wenger acquisition successfully closed 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
09 Jun 2022
21:30 CEST
MAREL Marel lýkur kaupum á Wenger 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
08 Jun 2022
16:59 CEST
MAREL Marel: Transactions in relation to share buyback programs 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
08 Jun 2022
16:59 CEST
MAREL Marel: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject