Euronext creates, calculates an publishes indices. Euronext indices play a crucial role in providing benchmarks for the performance of various segments of the market. These indices are designed to reflect the overall health and trends of the markets they represent, serving as essential tools for investors, fund managers, and analysts.
The main indices of Euronext include the CAC 40, AEX, BEL 20, PSI, and ISEQ 20. The CAC 40 is the flagship index of the French stock market, comprising the 40 largest and most actively traded companies on Euronext Paris. The AEX index represents the top 25 companies listed on Euronext Amsterdam, while the BEL 20 includes the 20 leading companies on Euronext Brussels. The PSI is the benchmark index for the Portuguese market, and the ISEQ 20 represents the top 20 companies on Euronext Dublin. These indices provide a snapshot of the economic performance and investor sentiment within their respective regions.
Investors can use an index in various ways to enhance their investment strategies. One common approach is to invest in index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the performance of a specific index, providing broad market exposure and diversification. Indices can also be used as benchmarks to evaluate the performance of individual portfolios or investment managers. Additionally, traders can engage in index options and futures to speculate on market movements or hedge against potential risks. By leveraging the information and opportunities provided by indices, investors can make more informed decisions and optimise their investment outcomes.
Below you will find short introductions to the (new) Euronext indices:
Euronext Europe SBT 1.5 Index
The first Europe climate-oriented index part of the SBT Family.
The SBT family includes several indices validated by the SBTi. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) helps companies to…
#ESG Indices -
Euronext Eurozone SBT 1.5 Index
The first Eurozone climate-oriented index part of the SBT Family.
The SBT family includes several indices validated by the SBTi. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) helps companies to…
#ESG Indices -
Euronext Thematic Index Solutions
Why invest in thematic indices?
Thematic investing is an alternative to traditional investment, offering diversification and aiming to create long-term value on future trends.
#Thematic Indices
New… -
The national ESG blue-chip index dedicated to the Belgian market.
Serving as the new Belgium ESG Index reference
The BEL® ESG Index is designed to identify the 20 highest ranking companies in…
#ESG Indices -
Euronext Helios Space Index
The first European Space index to measure the stock market performance of European space companies.
Why invest in the Euronext Helios Space Index?
Euronext and the European Space Agency, in…
#Thematic Indices -
Euronext Crypto-asset Indices
A Crypto Index family to provide aggregated reference prices.
Why invest in Crypto assets?
Crypto-assets represent a major shift in the financial market, and in recent years have grown in…
#Thematic Indices -
The national ESG blue-chip index dedicated to the Dutch market.
Serving as the new Dutch ESG index reference
The AEX® ESG Index is designed to identify the 25 companies in The Netherlands which…
#ESG Indices -
The national ESG blue-chip index dedicated to the Norwegian market.
The new ESG index reference in Norway
The OBX® ESG Index was created for the Norwegian market to serve as the new national ESG…
#ESG Indices -
OBX® ESG-Indeks
Den nasjonale ESG-blue-chip-indeksen dedikert til det norske markedet.
Den nye ESG-referansen i Norge
OBX® ESG-indeksen ble opprettet for det norske markedet som den nye nasjonale ESG-referansen…
#ESG Indices -
Euronext Biodiversity Screened World Index
The Euronext Biodiversity Index that excludes companies which significantly harm biodiversity.
Why support companies that protect biodiversity?
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) defines…
#ESG Indices