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27 Apr 2018
15:09 CEST
ATENOR 2018.04.27 - Dividende brut de € 2,08 par action Real Estate Holding&Development Dividend
27 Apr 2018
15:08 CEST
ATENOR 2018.04.27 - Gross dividend of € 2.08 per share Real Estate Holding&Development Dividend
04 Apr 2018
10:37 CEST
ATENOR 2018.04.04 - Déclaration d'Eligibilité au plan d'épargne PEA-PME Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
04 Apr 2018
10:37 CEST
ATENOR 2018.04.04 - Verklaring over het in aanmerking komen voor het PEA-PME spaarplan Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
04 Apr 2018
10:36 CEST
ATENOR 2018.04.04 - Declaration of Eligibility for PEA-PME savings plan Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
26 Mar 2018
19:54 CEST
ATENOR 2018.03.26 - Vervroegde afsluiting van het openbare aanbod tot inschrijving op "retail" obligaties Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
26 Mar 2018
19:52 CEST
ATENOR 2018..03.26 - Clôture anticipée de l’offre en souscription publique d’obligations « retail » Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
26 Mar 2018
19:50 CEST
ATENOR 2018.03.26 - Early closing of the public "retail" bond offer Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
21 Mar 2018
19:41 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.21 - Openbaar aanbod tot inschrijving van "retail"- obligaties Real Estate Holding&Development Other financial transaction
21 Mar 2018
19:39 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.21 - Offre en souscription publique d'obligations "retail" Real Estate Holding&Development Other financial transaction
21 Mar 2018
19:38 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.21 - Public offering of retail bonds Real Estate Holding&Development Other financial transaction
15 Mar 2018
18:32 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.15 - Liquiditeitscontract met Kepler Cheuvreux Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
15 Mar 2018
18:31 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.15 - Mise en oeuvre d’un contrat de liquidité avec Kepler Cheuvreux Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
15 Mar 2018
18:30 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.15 - Liquidity contract with Kepler Cheuvreux Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
13 Mar 2018
19:01 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.13 - Evolutie van het aandeelhouderschap van ATENOR Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
13 Mar 2018
19:00 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.13 - Evolution de l'actionnariat d'ATENOR Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
13 Mar 2018
18:58 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.13 - Changes to the shareholding of ATENOR Real Estate Holding&Development -
08 Mar 2018
18:52 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.08 - Jaarresultaten 2017 (kort) Real Estate Holding&Development Income
08 Mar 2018
18:51 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.08 - résultats annuels 2017 Real Estate Holding&Development Income
08 Mar 2018
18:50 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.08 - annual results 2017 (short) Real Estate Holding&Development Income
08 Mar 2018
18:47 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.08 - jaarresultaten 2017 (verslag) Real Estate Holding&Development Income
08 Mar 2018
18:46 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.08 - Résultats annuels 2017 (rapport) Real Estate Holding&Development Income
08 Mar 2018
18:45 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.08 - Annual results 2017 Real Estate Holding&Development Income
08 Mar 2018
18:44 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.08 - Eerste verhuring van kantoren in het gebouw THE ONE Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
08 Mar 2018
18:43 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.08 - Première location de bureaux dans l'immeuble THE ONE Real Estate Holding&Development -
08 Mar 2018
18:42 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.08 - First offices let in THE ONE building Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
02 Mar 2018
15:44 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.02 - Oplevering en afronding van de verkoop van het 4de gebouw van Vaci Greens Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
02 Mar 2018
15:43 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.02 - Livraison et finalisation de la vente du 4ième bâtiment de Vaci Greens (Budapest) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
02 Mar 2018
15:41 CET
ATENOR 2018.03.02 - Delivery and closing of sale of the 4th Vaci Greens building (Budapest) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
28 Feb 2018
18:15 CET
ATENOR 2018.02.28 - ATENOR lanceert een kantoorproject in Warschau (Polen) Real Estate Holding&Development -
28 Feb 2018
18:14 CET
ATENOR 2018.02.28 - ATENOR lance un projet de bureaux à Varsovie (Pologne) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
28 Feb 2018
18:13 CET
ATENOR 2018.02.28 - ATENOR launches an office project in Warsaw (Poland) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
22 Jan 2018
07:26 CET
ATENOR 2018.01.22 - ATENOR zet de diversificatie van haar financieringen voort Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
22 Jan 2018
07:25 CET
ATENOR 2018.01.22 - ATENOR poursuit la diversification de ses financements Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
22 Jan 2018
07:24 CET
ATENOR 2018.01.22 - ATENOR pursues its financing diversification Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
27 Nov 2017
18:09 CET
ATENOR 2017.11.27 - Nieuw vastgoedproject in Luxemburg Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
27 Nov 2017
18:08 CET
ATENOR 2017.11.27 - Nouveau project immobilier au Luxembourg Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
27 Nov 2017
18:07 CET
ATENOR 2017.11.27 - New real estate project in Luxembourg Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
15 Nov 2017
18:48 CET
ATENOR 2017.11.15 - Atenor verkoopt in Boedapest een 4de gebouw in minder dan een jaar Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
15 Nov 2017
18:47 CET
ATENOR 2017.11.15 - Atenor vend un 4ième immeuble à Budapest en moins d'un an Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
15 Nov 2017
18:46 CET
ATENOR 2017.11.15 - Atenor sells a 4th building in Budapest in less than a year Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
15 Nov 2017
18:45 CET
ATENOR 2017.11.15 - Tussentijds bericht over het 3de kwartaal van 2017 Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
15 Nov 2017
18:44 CET
ATENOR 2017.11.15 - Déclaration intermédiaire du 3ième trimestre 2017 Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
15 Nov 2017
18:42 CET
ATENOR 2017.11.15 - Intermediate press release 3rd quarter 2017 Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
02 Oct 2017
18:14 CEST
ATENOR 2017.10.02 - ATENOR investeert in een nieuwe kantoorproject in Boekarest Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
02 Oct 2017
18:13 CEST
ATENOR 2017.10.02 - ATENOR investit dans une nouveau projet de bureaux à Bucarest Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
02 Oct 2017
18:12 CEST
ATENOR 2017.10.02 - ATENOR invests in a new office project in Bucharest Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
12 Sep 2017
18:25 CEST
ATENOR 2017.09.12 - Atenor verwelkomt nieuwe gerenommeerde huurders in Boedapest Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
12 Sep 2017
18:24 CEST
ATENOR 2017.09.12 - Atenor accueille de nouveaux locataires de renom à Budapest Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
12 Sep 2017
18:24 CEST
ATENOR 2017.09.12 - Atenor welcomes new prestigious tenants in Budapest Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject