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28 Mar 2019
08:27 CET
ATENOR 2019.03.27 - New project for Atenor in the district 3 of Budapest Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
28 Mar 2019
08:24 CET
ATENOR 2019.03.27 - Nieuw project voor Atenor in het District 3 van Boedapest Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
28 Mar 2019
08:20 CET
ATENOR Nouveau projet pour Atenor dans le district 3 de Budapest Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
15 Jan 2019
18:39 CET
ATENOR 2019.01.15 - Atenor first project in Flanders Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
21 Dec 2018
08:31 CET
ATENOR 2018.12.21 - Akkoord over de verkoop van THE ONE OFFICE (Brussel) Real Estate Holding&Development Sales
21 Dec 2018
08:30 CET
ATENOR 2018.12.21 - Accord sur la vente de THE ONE OFFICE (Bruxelles) Real Estate Holding&Development Sales
21 Dec 2018
08:29 CET
ATENOR 2018.12.21 - Agreement on the sale of THE ONE OFFICE (Brussels) Real Estate Holding&Development Sales
13 Dec 2018
18:31 CET
ATENOR 2018.12.13 - Atenor zet zijn eerste stappen op de residentiële vastgoedmarkt in Boekarest Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
13 Dec 2018
18:29 CET
ATENOR 2018.12.13 - Premiers pas sur le marché résidentiel à Bucarest Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
13 Dec 2018
18:26 CET
ATENOR 2018.12.13 - Atenor's first steps in the residential property market in Bucharest Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
07 Dec 2018
08:39 CET
ATENOR 2018.12.07 - Afronding van de verkoop van NAOS (Luxemburg) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
07 Dec 2018
08:38 CET
ATENOR 2018.12.07 - Finalisation de la vente de NAOS (Luxembourg) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
07 Dec 2018
08:37 CET
ATENOR 2018.12.07 - Completion of the sale of NAOS (Luxembourg) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
04 Dec 2018
18:24 CET
ATENOR 2018.12.04 - Overeenkomst over de verkoop van Buzzcity (Leudelange - Luxemburg) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
04 Dec 2018
18:22 CET
ATENOR 2018.12.04 - Accord sur la vente de Buzzcity (Leudelange - Luxembourg) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
04 Dec 2018
18:20 CET
ATENOR 2018.12.04 - Agreement on the sale of Buzzcity (Leudelange - Luxembourg) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
19 Nov 2018
18:40 CET
ATENOR 2018.11.19 - Eerste stappen van ATENOR in Duitsland Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
19 Nov 2018
18:37 CET
ATENOR 2018.11.19 - Premiers pas d'ATENOR en Allemagne Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
19 Nov 2018
18:36 CET
ATENOR 2018.11.19 - ATENOR's first steps in Germany Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
15 Nov 2018
18:50 CET
ATENOR 2018.11.15 - Tussentijds bericht over het 3de kwartaal van 2018 Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
15 Nov 2018
18:49 CET
ATENOR 2018.11.15 - Déclaration intermédiaire du 3ième trimestre 2018 Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
15 Nov 2018
18:48 CET
ATENOR 2018.11.15 - Intermediate Press Release 3rd quarter 2018 Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
16 Oct 2018
18:20 CEST
ATENOR 2018.10.16 - ATENOR start in partnerschap met HRO met de bouw van Bords de Seine, hernoemd Com'Unity, haar eerste kantoorproject in de regio Parijs Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
16 Oct 2018
18:18 CEST
16 Oct 2018
18:15 CEST
ATENOR 2018.10.16 - ATENOR, in partnership with HRO is starting building work on Bords de Seine, renamed COM’UNITY, its first office project in the Paris Region Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
03 Oct 2018
18:47 CEST
ATENOR 2018.10.03 - IWG (ex Regus), eerste huurovereenkomst in het kantoorgebouw City Dox (Geïntegreerde diensten aan ondernemingen) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
03 Oct 2018
18:46 CEST
ATENOR 2018.10.03 - IWG (ex Regus), première location dans l'immeuble de bureaux (Services intégrés aux entreprises) de City Dox Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
03 Oct 2018
18:44 CEST
ATENOR 2018.10.03 - IWG (Ex Regus), first lease in the City Dox office Building (Integrated business services) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
17 Sep 2018
18:00 CEST
ATENOR 2018.09.17 - Akkoord over de verkoop van NAOS (Luxemburg) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
17 Sep 2018
17:59 CEST
ATENOR 2018.09.17 - Accord sur la vente de Naos (Luxembourg) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
17 Sep 2018
17:58 CEST
ATENOR 2018.09.17 - Agreement on the sale of NAOS (Luxembourg) Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
03 Sep 2018
07:28 CEST
ATENOR 2018.09.03 - Duidelijke rechtzetting van de verkeerde informatie die door het agentschap Belga verspreid werd op 31 augustus aangaande een beroepsprocedure Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
03 Sep 2018
07:27 CEST
ATENOR 2018.09.03 - Démenti catégorique de l’information erronée diffuse par l’Agence Belga le 31 août et portant sur une procédure d’appel Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
03 Sep 2018
07:26 CEST
ATENOR 2018.09.03 - Categorical denial of the erroneous information as diffused by the agency Belga on 31 August concerning an appeal procedure Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
30 Aug 2018
18:29 CEST
ATENOR 2018.08.30 - Haljaarkijks Financieel Verslag 2018 Real Estate Holding&Development Corporate life
30 Aug 2018
18:27 CEST
ATENOR 2018.08.30 - Rapport Financier Semestriel 2018 Real Estate Holding&Development Income
30 Aug 2018
18:26 CEST
ATENOR 2018.08.30 - Half Year Financial Report 2018 Real Estate Holding&Development Income
30 Aug 2018
18:25 CEST
ATENOR 2018.08.30 - Halfjaarresultaten 2018 Real Estate Holding&Development Corporate life
30 Aug 2018
18:24 CEST
ATENOR 2018.08.30 - Résultats semestriels 2018 Real Estate Holding&Development Income
30 Aug 2018
18:23 CEST
ATENOR 2018.08.30 - Half year results 2018 Real Estate Holding&Development Income
30 Aug 2018
18:22 CEST
ATENOR 2018.08.30 - Een nieuw lid in het Uitvoerend Comité van ATENOR Real Estate Holding&Development Corporate life
30 Aug 2018
18:20 CEST
ATENOR 2018.08.30 - Un nouveau membre dans le Comité Exécutif d'ATENOR Real Estate Holding&Development Corporate life
30 Aug 2018
18:19 CEST
ATENOR 2018.08.30 - A new member in the ATENOR Executive Committee Real Estate Holding&Development Corporate life
28 May 2018
18:16 CEST
ATENOR 2018.05.28 - CITY DOX - Bejaardentehuis Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
28 May 2018
18:15 CEST
ATENOR 2018.05.28 - City Dox - Maison de repos Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
28 May 2018
18:14 CEST
ATENOR 2018.05.28 - City Dox - Elderly home Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
17 May 2018
18:20 CEST
ATENOR 2018.05.17 - Tussentijds bericht eerste kwartaal 2018 Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
17 May 2018
18:19 CEST
ATENOR 2018.05.17 - Déclaration intermédiaire du premier trimestre 2018 Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
17 May 2018
18:18 CEST
ATENOR 2018.05.17 - Intermediate Press Release first quarter 2018 Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
27 Apr 2018
15:13 CEST
ATENOR 2018.04.27 - Dividend: € 2,08 bruto per aandeel Real Estate Holding&Development Dividend