Displaying 12501 - 12550 of 14706 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
28 Feb 2019
07:24 CET
AB INBEV Anheuser-Busch InBev publie les résultats du quatrième trimestre et de l’exercice 2018 Brewers Commercial results
28 Feb 2019
07:21 CET
AB INBEV Anheuser-Busch InBev publiceert resultaten voor het volledige jaar en het vierde kwartaal van 2018 Brewers Commercial results
28 Feb 2019
07:19 CET
AB INBEV Anheuser-Busch InBev reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2018 Results Brewers Commercial results
27 Feb 2019
07:30 CET
VAN DE VELDE VAN DE VELDE : Résultats annuels 2018 Clothing&Accessories Commercial results
27 Feb 2019
07:30 CET
VAN DE VELDE VAN DE VELDE : Annual result 2018 Clothing&Accessories Commercial results
27 Feb 2019
07:30 CET
VAN DE VELDE VAN DE VELDE : Jaarresultaten 2018 Clothing&Accessories Commercial results
25 Feb 2019
23:07 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Report on the progress of the share buy-back programme Software Other financial transaction
25 Feb 2019
23:05 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Rapport sur l'état d’exécution du programme de rachat d'actions propres Software Other financial transaction
25 Feb 2019
23:03 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Verslag over de stand van uitvoering van het programma voor de inkoop van eigen aandelen Software Other financial transaction
25 Feb 2019
18:30 CET
IEP INVEST Geconsolideerde financiële staten op 31 december 2018 Industrial Machinery Other subject
25 Feb 2019
18:00 CET
ACCENTIS Jaarresultaten 2018 Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
25 Feb 2019
17:57 CET
GBL GBL - Inkoop van eigen aandelen 25-02-2019 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
25 Feb 2019
17:55 CET
GBL GBL - Rachat d'actions propres 25-02-2019 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
25 Feb 2019
17:54 CET
GBL GBL - Share buyback 25-02-2019 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
25 Feb 2019
17:40 CET
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL: Repurchase of own shares in the context of the liquidity contract Period 2019/02/18 until 2019/02/22 Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
25 Feb 2019
16:29 CET
LU1883301340.XBRU FY Results 2018 Shurgard Self Storage SA Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
22 Feb 2019
17:58 CET
22 Feb 2019
17:48 CET
CENERGY PRESS RELEASE OF CENERGY HOLDINGS SA Diversified Industrials Other subject
22 Feb 2019
14:33 CET
EURONAV Euronav: Share Buyback Marine Transportation Share history
21 Feb 2019
17:57 CET
JENSEN-GROUP Recordomzet Rentabiliteit beïnvloed door orkaan Michael Industrial Machinery Other subject
21 Feb 2019
17:54 CET
JENSEN-GROUP Record revenue Profitability affected by hurricane Michael. Industrial Machinery Other subject
20 Feb 2019
11:14 CET
EURONAV Euronav sells LR1 Genmar Compatriot Marine Transportation Products and services
19 Feb 2019
17:45 CET
CARE PROPERTY INV. Acquisitie van een woonzorgcentrum te Riemst Residential REITs Commercial operations
18 Feb 2019
23:19 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Report on the progress of the share buy-back programme Software Other financial transaction
18 Feb 2019
23:17 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Rapport sur l'état d’exécution du programme de rachat d'actions propres Software Other financial transaction
18 Feb 2019
23:15 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Verslag over de stand van uitvoering van het programma voor de inkoop van eigen aandelen Software Other financial transaction
18 Feb 2019
21:47 CET
GBL GBL - Inkoop van eigen aandelen 18-02-2019 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
18 Feb 2019
21:45 CET
GBL GBL - Rachat d'actions propres 18-02-2019 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
18 Feb 2019
21:44 CET
GBL GBL - Share buyback 18-02-2019 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
18 Feb 2019
17:40 CET
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL: Repurchase of own shares in the context of the liquidity contract Period 2019/02/11 until 2019/02/15 Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
15 Feb 2019
08:00 CET
ZENITEL Zenitel 2018 Results Telecommunications Equipment Commercial results
13 Feb 2019
11:29 CET
EURONAV Euronav: Share Buyback Marine Transportation Share history
11 Feb 2019
22:37 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Report on the progress of the share buy-back programme Software Other financial transaction
11 Feb 2019
22:35 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Rapport sur l'état d’exécution du programme de rachat d'actions propres Software Other financial transaction
11 Feb 2019
22:34 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Verslag over de stand van uitvoering van het programma voor de inkoop van eigen aandelen Software Other financial transaction
11 Feb 2019
17:52 CET
GBL GBL - Inkoop van eigen aandelen 11-02-2019 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
11 Feb 2019
17:51 CET
GBL GBL - Rachat d'actions propres 11-02-2019 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
11 Feb 2019
17:50 CET
GBL GBL - Share buyback 11-02-2019 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
11 Feb 2019
17:40 CET
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL: Repurchase of own shares in the context of the liquidity contract Period 2019/02/04 until 2019/02/08 Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
11 Feb 2019
08:17 CET
LOTUS BAKERIES 2018 Annual Results Food Products Other subject
07 Feb 2019
16:11 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU FULL YEAR RESULTS: Second consecutive year of solid margin expansion, with topline growth in 2nd half Electronic Equipment Commercial results
05 Feb 2019
16:00 CET
IMMOBEL IMMOBEL: CEDET als finalist genomineerd voor de MIPIM Awards 2019 in de categorie “Best Refurbished Building” Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
05 Feb 2019
15:19 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Keyware delighted to be acquitted Software Legal
05 Feb 2019
15:16 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Keyware verheugd over vrijspraak Software Legal
05 Feb 2019
10:30 CET
QRF Qrf - Disclosure pursuant to article 14 of the law of 2 May 2007 regarding the disclosure of major holdings (transparancy law) Retail REITs Legal
04 Feb 2019
21:40 CET
GBL GBL - Inkoop van eigen aandelen 04-02-2019 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
04 Feb 2019
21:38 CET
GBL GBL - Rachat d'actions propres 04-02-2019 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
04 Feb 2019
21:36 CET
GBL GBL - Share buyback 04-02-2019 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
04 Feb 2019
21:19 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Report on the progress of the share buy-back programme Software Other financial transaction
04 Feb 2019
21:18 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Rapport sur l'état d’exécution du programme de rachat d'actions propres Software Other financial transaction