Displaying 251 - 300 of 690 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
31 Jul 2021
11:46 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informs that it has reached an agreement to sell 24.99% of the share capital of Sonae MC, SGPS 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
31 Jul 2021
11:44 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informa que estabeleceu um acordo para vender 24,99% do capital da Sonae MC, SGPS 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
29 Jul 2021
21:12 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informs on Sonae MC 1H21 Results 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
29 Jul 2021
21:10 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informa sobre Resultados do 1S21 da Sonae MC 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
29 Jul 2021
21:03 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS SA, informa sobre Resultados Consolidados do 1S21 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
04 Jun 2021
12:14 CEST
SONAE Sonae informs about Payment of Interests of Coupon Number 1, concerning the bond – Sonae SGPS - Emp. Obrig. EO SONAE ESG 20/25. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
04 Jun 2021
12:12 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informa sobre pagamento de juros do cupão nº 1, referente ao empréstimo obrigacionista – Sonae SGPS - Emp. Obrig. EO SONAE ESG 20/25. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
28 May 2021
18:50 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA – 1Q21 Report and Accounts 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
28 May 2021
18:46 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA - Exercício do 1º trimestre de 2021 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
28 May 2021
10:17 CEST
SONAE Sonae informs about Payment of Interests of Coupon Number 1, concerning the bond – Sonae SGPS - Emp. Obrig. Son ESG 20/25. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
28 May 2021
10:16 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informa sobre pagamento de juros do cupão nº 1, referente ao empréstimo obrigacionista – Sonae SGPS - Emp. Obrig. Son ESG 20/25. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
26 May 2021
23:32 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informs about additional details about the agreement by Sonae MC SGPS SA to sell its 50% stake in Modelo – Distribuição de Materiais de Construção, SA (“Maxmat”) 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
26 May 2021
23:30 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS informa detalhes adicionais sobre acordo alcançado pela Sonae MC SGPS SA para a alienação de 50% do capital da Modelo - Distribuição de Materiais de Construção, SA (“Maxmat”) 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
25 May 2021
09:00 CEST
SONAE Sonae, SGPS, SA informs that its subsidiary Sonae MC, SGPS, S.A. has reached an agreement to sell its 50% share capital in Modelo – Distribuição de Materiais de Construção S.A. (“Maxmat”) 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
25 May 2021
08:59 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informa que a sua subsidiária Sonae MC, SGPS, S.A. chegou a um acordo para alienar a sua participação de 50% no capital social da Modelo – Distribuição de Materiais de Construção S.A. (“Maxmat”) 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
20 May 2021
19:44 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informs on Sonae MC 1Q21 Results 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
20 May 2021
19:42 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informa sobre Resultados do 1T21 da Sonae MC 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
20 May 2021
19:37 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS SA, informs on 1Q21 Consolidated Results 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
20 May 2021
19:36 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS SA, informa sobre Resultados Consolidados do 1T21 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
30 Apr 2021
19:55 CEST
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, S.A. informs about dividend payment 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
30 Apr 2021
19:53 CEST
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, S.A. informa sobre pagamento de dividendos 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
30 Apr 2021
19:44 CEST
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, S.A. informs on Resolutions taken at Sonae's Shareholders' Annual General Meeting 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
30 Apr 2021
19:42 CEST
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informa sobre deliberações tomadas na Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
30 Apr 2021
19:27 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS SA, informs on 2020 Sonae MC SGPS SA Annual Report 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
30 Apr 2021
19:26 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS SA, informa sobre Relatório Anual de 2020 da Sonae MC SGPS SA 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
01 Apr 2021
18:17 CEST
SONAE Sonae, SGPS, SA informs on partnership between Sonae Financial Services and Banco CTT 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
01 Apr 2021
18:16 CEST
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informa sobre parceria entre Sonae Financial Services e Banco CTT 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
01 Apr 2021
01:08 CEST
SONAE Sonae – SGPS, SA announces Proposals concerning the Agenda Items of the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting convened for the 30th April 2021 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
01 Apr 2021
01:06 CEST
SONAE Sonae – SGPS, SA informa sobre Propostas relativas à Ordem de Trabalhos da Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas convocada para 30 abril de 2021 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
01 Apr 2021
01:05 CEST
SONAE Sonae – SGPS, SA informs about Notice convening the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting for the 30th April 2021 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
01 Apr 2021
01:03 CEST
SONAE Sonae – SGPS, SA informa sobre Convocatória para Assembleia Geral Anual de Acionistas a realizar a 30 de abril de 2021 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
01 Apr 2021
01:03 CEST
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informa sobre Relatório do Governo das Sociedades 2020 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
01 Apr 2021
01:01 CEST
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informs on 2020 Annual Report 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
01 Apr 2021
01:00 CEST
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informa sobre Relatório e Contas 2020 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
25 Mar 2021
17:55 CET
SONAE Sonae informs about Payment of Interests of Coupon Number 4, concerning the bond – Sonae SGPS/2019-2026 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
25 Mar 2021
17:52 CET
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informa sobre pagamento de juros do cupão nº 4, referente ao empréstimo obrigacionista – SONAE SGPS/2019-2026 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
24 Mar 2021
12:38 CET
SONAE Sonae informs about Payment of Interests of Coupon Number 2, concerning the bond – Sonae SGPS/2020-2027 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
24 Mar 2021
12:35 CET
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informa sobre pagamento de juros do cupão nº 2, referente ao empréstimo obrigacionista – SONAE SGPS/2020-2027. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
18 Mar 2021
08:22 CET
SONAE Sonae SGPS, S.A. informs on Sonae MC FY20 Results 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
18 Mar 2021
08:20 CET
SONAE Sonae SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Resultados de 2020 da Sonae MC 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
18 Mar 2021
08:18 CET
SONAE Sonae SGPS SA, informs on FY20 Consolidated Results 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
18 Mar 2021
08:17 CET
SONAE Sonae SGPS SA, informa sobre Resultados Consolidados de 2020 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
05 Mar 2021
23:02 CET
SONAE Sonae, SGPS, SA informs on communication received from Grosvenor Investments (Portugal) S.Àr.L. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
05 Mar 2021
23:01 CET
SONAE Sonae SGPS, SA informa sobre comunicação recebida da Grosvenor Investments (Portugal) S.Àr.L. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
01 Mar 2021
20:15 CET
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informs about the completion of the transaction by its subsidiary Worten – Equipamentos do Lar, S.A. with Media Markt Saturn S.A.U 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
01 Mar 2021
20:13 CET
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informa sobre conclusão da transação realizada pela sua subsidiária Worten - Equipamentos do Lar, S.A. com Media Markt Saturn S.A.U 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
29 Jan 2021
20:22 CET
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, S.A. informs on Sonae MC 2020 Trading Statement 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
29 Jan 2021
20:21 CET
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, S.A. informa sobre Vendas Preliminares da Sonae MC de 2020 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
13 Jan 2021
18:09 CET
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informs about the reorganisation of the Spanish operation of its subsidiary Worten – Equipamentos do Lar, S.A. 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject
13 Jan 2021
18:07 CET
SONAE Sonae - SGPS, SA informa sobre reorganização da operação da sua subsidiária Worten - Equipamentos do Lar, S.A. em Espanha 45201010 Food Retailers and Wholesalers Other subject