Displaying 301 - 350 of 496 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
20 Mar 2023
18:41 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of April 13, 2023 50205020 Professional Business Support Services General meeting / Board Meeting
20 Mar 2023
18:41 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Assemblée Générale Mixte du 13 avril 2023 50205020 Professional Business Support Services General meeting / Board Meeting
10 Mar 2023
17:59 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 2 au 9mars 2023 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
10 Mar 2023
17:59 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Statement on Transactions on Own Shares Carried out from March 2 to March 9, 2023 (inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
02 Mar 2023
17:58 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Monthly Information Regarding Shares and Voting Rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
02 Mar 2023
17:58 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
27 Feb 2023
18:17 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Filing of the 2022 Universal Registration Document Including the Annual Financial Report 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
27 Feb 2023
18:17 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Dépôt du Document d’enregistrement universel 2022 incluant le rapport financier annuel 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
16 Feb 2023
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : 2022 : croissance solide et rentabilité record pour une année pleine de défis 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
16 Feb 2023
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: 2022: Robust Growth and Record Profitability in a Highly Challenging Year 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
13 Feb 2023
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Après la Colombie, Teleperformance obtient la certification indépendante de Bureau Veritas sur l'utilisation et l'inclusion de la norme internationale ISO 26000 dans six autres pays 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Products and services
13 Feb 2023
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE After Colombia, Teleperformance Receives Independent Assurance from Bureau Veritas Regarding Use and Inclusion of International Standard ISO 26000 Guidelines in Six Countries 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Products and services
01 Feb 2023
18:21 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
01 Feb 2023
18:21 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Monthly Information Regarding Shares and Voting Rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
31 Jan 2023
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance annonce les résultats de l'enquête mondiale sur l’environnement de travail de ses employés dans les activités de modération de contenu 50205020 Professional Business Support Services New
31 Jan 2023
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Announces Results of Trust and Safety Global Employee Experience Survey 50205020 Professional Business Support Services New
30 Jan 2023
07:15 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Commended by the OECD French National Contact Point for Implementing Its Recommendations and Maintaining Duty of Care 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
30 Jan 2023
07:15 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance salué par le Point de Contact National de l’OCDE pour l’application de ses recommandations et le maintien de son devoir de diligence 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
27 Jan 2023
17:55 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Statement on Transactions on Own Shares Carried out From January 20 to January 26, 2023 (inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
27 Jan 2023
17:55 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 20 au 26janvier 2023 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
26 Jan 2023
17:55 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Opens Its Sites to Investors in Six Countries Across Four Continents 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
26 Jan 2023
17:55 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance a ouvert ses sites aux investisseurs en janvier dans six pays sur quatre continents 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
23 Jan 2023
18:00 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Supported Education for More Than 60,000 Vulnerable Children In 2022 - Corporate life
23 Jan 2023
18:00 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance a contribué à l'éducation de plus de 60 000 enfants vulnérables en 2022 - Corporate life
20 Jan 2023
18:12 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Statement on Transactions on Own Shares Carried out From January 13 to January 19, 2023 (Inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
20 Jan 2023
18:12 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 13 au 19janvier 2023 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
13 Jan 2023
17:59 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 6 au 12janvier 2023 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
13 Jan 2023
17:59 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Statement on transactions on own shares carried out from January 6 to January 12, 2023 (inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
10 Jan 2023
18:44 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
10 Jan 2023
18:44 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Half-year Liquidity Contract Statement 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
09 Jan 2023
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance obtient la certification Verego Social Responsibility Standard à l’échelle du groupe pour la 9ème année consécutive 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Commercial results
09 Jan 2023
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Earns 9th Consecutive Full Enterprise-wide Social Responsibility Standard Certification From Verego 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Commercial results
06 Jan 2023
18:39 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Statement on Transactions on Own Shares Carried out From December 30, 2022 to January 5, 2023 (inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
06 Jan 2023
18:39 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 30 décembre 2022 au 5janvier 2023 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
03 Jan 2023
17:58 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Monthly Information Regarding Shares and Voting Rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
03 Jan 2023
17:58 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
30 Dec 2022
08:29 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Statement on transactions on own shares carried out from December 23 to December 29, 2022 (inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
30 Dec 2022
08:29 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 23 au 29décembre 2022 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
23 Dec 2022
08:34 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Statement on Transactions on Own Shares Carried out From December 16 to December 22, 2022 (inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
23 Dec 2022
08:34 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 16 au 22décembre 2022 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
19 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance’s For Fun Festival Goes Viral With More Than Two Thousand Participants Worldwide and Over 300 Million Video Views 50205020 Professional Business Support Services New
19 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Le For Fun Festival de Teleperformance s’est achevé avec succès, totalisant plus de 2 000 participants et plus de 300 millions de vues de ses vidéos 50205020 Professional Business Support Services New
16 Dec 2022
18:11 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 9 au 15décembre 2022 (inclus) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
16 Dec 2022
18:11 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE: Statement on Transactions on Own Shares Carried out from December 9 to December 15, 2022 (inclusive) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
15 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance obtient la première place du classement 2022 de la gestion de l’expérience client dans le secteur de la santé en Amérique du Nord établi par Everest Group 50205020 Professional Business Support Services New
15 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Scores Highest Rating as a Leader in Everest Group’s Healthcare CX Management Assessment in North America in 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services New
13 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance obtient la certification Great Place to Work® dans toute la région Amérique latine en 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Products and services
13 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Certified as Great Place to Work® in the Entire Latin American Region For 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Products and services
12 Dec 2022
07:00 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Named to PEOPLE’s Annual List of “100 Companies that Care” for 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Polls / Surveys
12 Dec 2022
07:00 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance est reconnu par le magazine américain PEOPLE comme l’une des 100 entreprises s’engageant le plus en faveur du bien-être de leurs collaborateurs en 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Polls / Surveys