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03 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: New financial agenda for 2024 and half-year report on the liquidity contract 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
03 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Nouveau calendrier financier 2024 et publication du bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
12 Jun 2024
20:05 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : McPhy Energy met à disposition un amendement au document d’enregistrement universel 2023 et un prospectus d’admission des actions susceptibles d’être émises à la suite de son émission d’OCEANEs 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
12 Jun 2024
19:05 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : McPhy réalise une émission de 30 M€ d’obligations convertibles en actions ordinaires nouvelles et/ou échangeables en actions ordinaires existantes (OCEANEs) au profit d’EDF Pulse Holding et de l’EPIC Bpifrance [1] 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
10 Jun 2024
17:45 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: Monthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and outstanding shares (May 31, 2024) 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
10 Jun 2024
17:45 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Déclaration du nombre total des droits de vote et du nombre d’actions au 31 mai 2024 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
30 May 2024
18:15 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Compte rendu de l'Assemblée Générale Mixte et Conseil d’administration de McPhy Energy du 30 mai 2024 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment General meeting / Board Meeting
30 May 2024
18:15 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: Approval by the Combined General Meeting of May 30, 2024 of the transfer of the listing of McPhy shares from Euronext Paris to Euronext Growth Paris 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
30 May 2024
18:15 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: Summary of the Combined General Meeting and Board of Directors of McPhy Energy of May 30, 2024 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment General meeting / Board Meeting
30 May 2024
18:15 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Approbation par l'Assemblée Générale Mixte du 30 mai 2024 du transfert de cotation des titres McPhy du marché Euronext Paris vers Euronext Growth Paris 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
27 May 2024
07:30 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Hytlantic et McPhy conviennent de mettre fin à leur accord de coopération 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Alliances and agreements
27 May 2024
07:30 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: Hytlantic and McPhy agree to terminate cooperation agreement 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Alliances and agreements
17 May 2024
22:00 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy met à disposition des informations concernant une émission envisagée d’OCEANEs au bénéfice d’EDF Pulse Holding et de l’EPIC Bpifrance[1] et, le cas échéant, d’autres investisseurs 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Other financial transaction
17 May 2024
22:00 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy is making available information concerning a contemplated issue of bonds convertible into new ordinary shares and/or exchangeable for existing ordinary shares 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Other financial transaction
15 May 2024
17:45 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Déclaration du nombre total des droits de vote et du nombre d’actions au 30 avril 2024 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
15 May 2024
17:45 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: Monthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and outstanding shares (April 30, 2024) 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
13 May 2024
18:00 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: McPhy and the VALOREM Group sign a contract to supply equipment as part of the "Rouen Vallée Hydrogène" project to support energy transition in Normandy 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Alliances and agreements
13 May 2024
18:00 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : McPhy et le Groupe VALOREM signent un contrat de fourniture d’équipements dans le cadre du projet « Rouen Vallée Hydrogène » pour accompagner la transition énergétique du territoire normand 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Alliances and agreements
29 Apr 2024
07:30 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy 2023 Universal Registration Document and new 2024 financial agenda are available 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
29 Apr 2024
07:30 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy annonce la mise à disposition de son Document d’Enregistrement Universel 2023 et de son nouvel agenda financier 2024 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
26 Apr 2024
18:30 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Monthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and outstanding shares 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
26 Apr 2024
18:30 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total des droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
22 Apr 2024
17:45 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: Combined shareholders’ general meeting of May 30, 2024: Terms of availability of the preparatory documents 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment General meeting / Board Meeting
22 Apr 2024
17:45 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Assemblée générale mixte des actionnaires du 30 mai 2024 : Modalités de mise à disposition des documents préparatoires 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment General meeting / Board Meeting
10 Apr 2024
18:05 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Projet de transfert de la cotation des titres McPhy sur Euronext Growth Paris 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
10 Apr 2024
18:05 CEST
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: Proposed transfer of the listing of McPhy shares on Euronext Growth Paris 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
14 Mar 2024
17:45 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Déclaration du nombre total des droits de vote et du nombre d’actions au 29 février 2024 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Share history
14 Mar 2024
17:45 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: Monthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and outstanding shares (February 29, 2024) 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Share history
13 Mar 2024
18:00 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : McPhy remporte un nouveau contrat ferme dans le domaine industriel pour la fourniture d’un McLyzer 800 avec l’entreprise AAK en Suède 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Corporate life
13 Mar 2024
18:00 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: McPhy awarded a new firm contract in the industrial field for the supply of a McLyzer 800 to AAK in Sweden 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Corporate life
07 Mar 2024
19:00 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Résultats annuels 2023 de McPhy 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Income
07 Mar 2024
19:00 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: McPhy 2023 Annual Results 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Income
19 Feb 2024
07:30 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: McPhy receives a binding offer from Atawey for the sale of its station business 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
19 Feb 2024
07:30 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : McPhy reçoit une offre engageante de la part d’Atawey pour la cession de son activité stations 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
15 Feb 2024
17:45 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: Monthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and outstanding shares (January 31, 2024) 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
15 Feb 2024
17:45 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Déclaration du nombre total des droits de vote et du nombre d’actions au 31 janvier 2024 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
05 Feb 2024
18:00 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy: McPhy Reports Annual Revenue Growth of +17% Overall and +25% for its Electrolyzer Business 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Commercial results
05 Feb 2024
18:00 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : McPhy enregistre un chiffre d’affaires annuel en croissance de +17% au total et +25% pour l’activité électrolyseurs 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Commercial results
11 Jan 2024
17:45 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: Monthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and outstanding shares (December 31, 2023) 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
11 Jan 2024
17:45 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Déclaration du nombre total des droits de vote et du nombre d’actions au 31 décembre 2023 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
08 Jan 2024
17:45 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité avec Natixis ODDO BHF 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
08 Jan 2024
17:45 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: Half-year report on the liquidity contract with Natixis ODDO BHF 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
19 Dec 2023
20:05 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: McPhy renews an equity financing line with Vester Finance 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Other financial transaction
19 Dec 2023
18:45 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : McPhy annonce le renouvellement d’une ligne de financement en fonds propres avec Vester Finance 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Other financial transaction
18 Dec 2023
07:30 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : McPhy remporte un contrat important dans le domaine de la fourniture d’hydrogène vert par pipeline avec HMS Oil & Gas en Allemagne 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Commercial operations
18 Dec 2023
07:30 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: McPhy awarded a major contract in the field of green hydrogen pipeline supply with HMS Oil & Gas in Germany 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Commercial operations
14 Dec 2023
18:00 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : McPhy entre en négociations exclusives avec Atawey en vue de la cession de son activité stations de recharge hydrogène 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Alliances and agreements
14 Dec 2023
18:00 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy: McPhy enters into exclusive negotiations with Atawey for the sale of its hydrogen refueling station business 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Alliances and agreements
13 Dec 2023
19:31 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy : Monthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and outstanding shares 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal
13 Dec 2023
19:31 CET
MCPHY ENERGY McPhy Energy : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total des droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Legal