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09 Oct 2023
18:24 CEST
ORANGE Total number of shares and voting rights at September 30, 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
09 Oct 2023
18:24 CEST
ORANGE Nombre d'actions et de droits de vote au 30 septembre 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
26 Sep 2023
10:22 CEST
ORANGE Press Release: Enovacom, Orange Business’ healthcare subsidiary, strengthens its leadership in e-health with the acquisition of NEHS Digital and Xperis 15102015 Telecommunications Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
26 Sep 2023
10:22 CEST
ORANGE Communiqué de presse : Enovacom, filiale santé d’Orange Business, renforce son leadership dans le domaine de la e-santé avec l’acquisition de NEHS Digital et Xperis 15102015 Telecommunications Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
12 Sep 2023
18:03 CEST
ORANGE Total number of shares and voting rights at August 31, 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
12 Sep 2023
18:03 CEST
ORANGE Nombre d'actions et de droits de vote au 31 août 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
04 Sep 2023
19:31 CEST
ORANGE Press release : Orange successfully completes its inaugural sustainability-linked bond issuance for EUR 500M 15102015 Telecommunications Services Other financial transaction
04 Sep 2023
19:31 CEST
ORANGE Communiqué : Orange réalise avec succès son émission inaugurale d'obligations indexées sur des objectifs de performance durable pour 500 millions d'euros 15102015 Telecommunications Services Other financial transaction
04 Aug 2023
17:25 CEST
ORANGE Total number of shares and voting rights at July 31, 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
04 Aug 2023
17:25 CEST
ORANGE Nombre d'actions et de droits de vote au 31 juillet 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
28 Jul 2023
17:56 CEST
ORANGE Orange: Publication of Orange’s 2023 interim financial report 15102015 Telecommunications Services Share history
26 Jul 2023
19:54 CEST
ORANGE Orange : Publication du rapport financier du premier semestre 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Share history
26 Jul 2023
07:31 CEST
ORANGE Communiqué : Orange - résultats du premier semestre 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Sales
26 Jul 2023
07:31 CEST
ORANGE Press release : Orange - first half 2023 results 15102015 Telecommunications Services Sales
12 Jul 2023
18:10 CEST
ORANGE Nombre d'actions et de droits de vote au 30 juin 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
12 Jul 2023
18:10 CEST
ORANGE Total number of shares and voting rights at June 30, 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
28 Jun 2023
22:00 CEST
ORANGE Press release: The Orange Group announces the completion of its strategic review of Orange Bank and the opening of exclusive negotiations with BNP Paribas 15102015 Telecommunications Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
28 Jun 2023
22:00 CEST
ORANGE Communiqué: Le groupe Orange annonce les conclusions de la revue stratégique d’Orange Bank et l’entrée en négociation exclusive avec BNP Paribas 15102015 Telecommunications Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
13 Jun 2023
18:09 CEST
ORANGE Total number of shares and voting rights at May 31, 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
13 Jun 2023
18:09 CEST
ORANGE Nombre d'actions et de droits de vote au 31 mai 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
02 Jun 2023
12:57 CEST
ORANGE Press release: Orange Belgium completes the acquisition of a 75% stake minus 1 share in telco operator VOO SA 15102015 Telecommunications Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
02 Jun 2023
12:57 CEST
ORANGE Communiqué : Orange Belgium finalise l’acquisition de 75 % du capital moins une action de l’opérateur de télécommunications VOO SA 15102015 Telecommunications Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
23 May 2023
18:47 CEST
ORANGE Press release: 2023 Combined Shareholders’ Meeting renews the composition of the Orange Board of Directors 15102015 Telecommunications Services General meeting / Board Meeting
23 May 2023
18:47 CEST
ORANGE Communiqué: L’Assemblée générale mixte 2023 renouvelle la composition du Conseil d’administration d’Orange 15102015 Telecommunications Services General meeting / Board Meeting
09 May 2023
19:07 CEST
ORANGE Total number of shares and voting rights at April 30, 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
09 May 2023
19:07 CEST
ORANGE Nombre d'actions et de droits de vote au 30 avril 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
26 Apr 2023
07:30 CEST
ORANGE Communiqué de presse : Orange - Premier trimestre en ligne avec les objectifs annuels 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Commercial results
26 Apr 2023
07:30 CEST
ORANGE Press Release: Orange - First quarter in line with full-year 2023 targets 15102015 Telecommunications Services Commercial results
25 Apr 2023
11:17 CEST
ORANGE Communiqué de presse : Bruno Zerbib est nommé Chief Technology & Innovation Officer du groupe Orange 15102015 Telecommunications Services Journal / appointments
25 Apr 2023
11:17 CEST
ORANGE Press Release: Bruno Zerbib is appointed Chief Technology & Innovation Officer of the Orange group 15102015 Telecommunications Services Journal / appointments
21 Apr 2023
10:16 CEST
ORANGE Orange: Assemblée générale du 23 mai 2023 - Modalités de mise à disposition ou de consultation des informations relatives à l'Assemblée générale mixte des actionnaires 15102015 Telecommunications Services General meeting / Board Meeting
21 Apr 2023
10:16 CEST
ORANGE Orange: Shareholders' Meeting 23 May 2023 - Details concerning the availability of information on the Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 15102015 Telecommunications Services General meeting / Board Meeting
14 Apr 2023
11:01 CEST
ORANGE Press release : Orange announces the results of its tender offer on outstanding NC2024 hybrid notes 15102015 Telecommunications Services Other financial transaction
14 Apr 2023
11:01 CEST
ORANGE Communiqué : Orange annonce les résultats de l’offre de rachat sur sa souche obligataire hybride NC2024 15102015 Telecommunications Services Other financial transaction
13 Apr 2023
18:19 CEST
ORANGE Press release: Laurent Martinez appointed Chief Financial Officer of the Orange group 15102015 Telecommunications Services Journal / appointments
13 Apr 2023
18:19 CEST
ORANGE Communiqué : Laurent Martinez est nommé Directeur financier du groupe Orange 15102015 Telecommunications Services Journal / appointments
07 Apr 2023
18:10 CEST
ORANGE Total number of shares and voting rights at March 31, 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
07 Apr 2023
18:10 CEST
ORANGE Nombre d'actions et de droits de vote au 31 mars 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
06 Apr 2023
00:13 CEST
ORANGE Press release: Orange issues a 1 billion euros of hybrid notes 15102015 Telecommunications Services Other financial transaction
06 Apr 2023
00:13 CEST
ORANGE Communiqué : Orange émet 1 milliard d’euros d'obligations hybrides 15102015 Telecommunications Services Other financial transaction
05 Apr 2023
09:02 CEST
ORANGE Press release: Orange intends to issue a new series of Euro-denominated hybrid notes and to launch a tender offer on its outstanding hybrid notes 15102015 Telecommunications Services Other financial transaction
05 Apr 2023
09:02 CEST
ORANGE Communiqué : Orange a l’intention d’émettre une nouvelle souche d'obligations hybrides et de lancer une offre de rachat sur ses obligations hybrides existantes 15102015 Telecommunications Services Other financial transaction
29 Mar 2023
18:50 CEST
ORANGE Orange: Publication du document d’enregistrement universel 2022 15102015 Telecommunications Services Share history
29 Mar 2023
18:50 CEST
ORANGE Orange: Publication of the 2022 Universal Registration Document 15102015 Telecommunications Services Share history
20 Mar 2023
15:07 CET
ORANGE Communiqué : Orange Belgium salue la décision de la Commission européenne d'autoriser l'acquisition d'une participation majoritaire dans VOO SA 15102015 Telecommunications Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
20 Mar 2023
15:07 CET
ORANGE Press release: Orange Belgium welcomes the decision of the European Commission to authorize the acquisition of a majority stake in VOO SA 15102015 Telecommunications Services Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
13 Mar 2023
18:17 CET
ORANGE Nombre d'actions et de droits de vote au 28 février 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
13 Mar 2023
18:17 CET
ORANGE Total number of shares and voting rights at February 28, 2023 15102015 Telecommunications Services Corporate life
02 Mar 2023
07:32 CET
ORANGE Press release: The EIB renews its support towards Orange with financing of 500 million euros for the deployment of 5G and 4G networks in France 15102015 Telecommunications Services Other financial transaction
02 Mar 2023
07:32 CET
ORANGE Communiqué : La BEI renouvelle son soutien à Orange avec un financement de 500 millions d’euros pour le déploiement des réseaux 5G et 4G en France 15102015 Telecommunications Services Other financial transaction