Viser 101 - 129 av 129 resultater
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07 Dec 2021
06:55 CET
RECTICEL Special Shareholders Meeting authorises the sale of the Engineered Foams business to Carpenter Co., as proposed by the Board of Directors 50203015 Plastics Other subject
22 Nov 2021
06:55 CET
RECTICEL De onafhankelijke stemadviseurs ISS en Glass Lewis raden de aandeelhouders van Recticel aan 50203015 Plastics Other subject
22 Nov 2021
06:55 CET
RECTICEL Independent proxy advisors ISS and Glass Lewis recommend Recticel shareholders vote “FOR” the sale of its Engineering Foams business to Carpenter Co. 50203015 Plastics Other subject
18 Nov 2021
07:00 CET
RECTICEL Recticel sluit bindende overeenkomst met de Aquinos Group over de afstoting van zijn business line Slaapcomfort 50203015 Plastics Other subject
18 Nov 2021
07:00 CET
RECTICEL Recticel enters into binding agreement with the Aquinos Group on the divestment of its Bedding business line 50203015 Plastics Other subject
05 Nov 2021
18:24 CET
RECTICEL Convocation Special Shareholders Meeting 50203015 Plastics Other subject
05 Nov 2021
18:24 CET
RECTICEL Bijeenroeping Bijzondere Algemene Vergadering 50203015 Plastics Other subject
29 Oct 2021
14:00 CEST
RECTICEL Recticel advises shareholders not to sell their shares under the Greiner Offer - Response Memorandum published today 50203015 Plastics Other subject
29 Oct 2021
14:00 CEST
RECTICEL Recticel raadt aandeelhouders aan hun aandelen niet te verkopen onder het Greiner bod - Memorie van Antwoord vandaag gepubliceerd 50203015 Plastics Other subject
29 Oct 2021
06:58 CEST
RECTICEL Trading update 3rd quarter 2021 - Strong performance despite significant cost inflation 50203015 Plastics Other subject
29 Oct 2021
06:58 CEST
RECTICEL Trading update 3e kwartaal 2021 - Sterke prestatie ondanks aanzienlijke kosteninflatie 50203015 Plastics Other subject
28 Oct 2021
18:00 CEST
RECTICEL Participation notification by CANDRIAM 50203015 Plastics Other subject
28 Oct 2021
18:00 CEST
RECTICEL Participatiemelding van CANDRIAM 50203015 Plastics Other subject
15 Oct 2021
18:07 CEST
RECTICEL Verduidelijking met betrekking tot de strategische intentie van Recticel 50203015 Plastics Other subject
15 Oct 2021
18:07 CEST
RECTICEL Clarification with regard to Recticel’s strategic intent 50203015 Plastics Other subject
11 Oct 2021
13:15 CEST
RECTICEL Recticel kondigt update van strategie aan en de voorgenomen verkoop van zijn Engineered Foams activiteiten 50203015 Plastics Other subject
11 Oct 2021
13:15 CEST
RECTICEL Recticel announces strategy update and the intended sale of its Engineered Foams business 50203015 Plastics Other subject
06 Oct 2021
19:27 CEST
RECTICEL Recticel neemt kennis van de goedkeuring van de prospectus van Greiner door de FSMA 50203015 Plastics Other subject
06 Oct 2021
19:27 CEST
RECTICEL Recticel acknowledges the approval by the FSMA of the prospectus of Greiner 50203015 Plastics Other subject
27 Sep 2021
18:00 CEST
RECTICEL Participatiemelding van BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT SA 50203015 Plastics Other subject
27 Sep 2021
18:00 CEST
RECTICEL Participation notification by BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT SA 50203015 Plastics Other subject
31 Aug 2021
18:00 CEST
RECTICEL Participation notification by CANDRIAM 50203015 Plastics Other subject
31 Aug 2021
18:00 CEST
RECTICEL Participatiemelding van CANDRIAM 50203015 Plastics Other subject
27 Aug 2021
06:55 CEST
RECTICEL First half-year 2021 results - Strong volumes – Solid margins – Integration of FoamPartner 50203015 Plastics Other subject
27 Aug 2021
06:55 CEST
RECTICEL Resultaten eerste halfjaar 2021 - Stevige volumes – Solide marges – Integratie van FoamPartner 50203015 Plastics Other subject
03 Aug 2021
18:00 CEST
RECTICEL Capital increase through exercise of warrants - Disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 2 May 2007 50203015 Plastics Other subject
03 Aug 2021
18:00 CEST
RECTICEL Kapitaalverhoging door uitoefening van warranten - Openbaarmaking overeenkomstig de bepalingen van de Wet van 2 mei 2007 50203015 Plastics Other subject
27 Jul 2021
07:00 CEST
RECTICEL 1H2021 sales of EUR 596.2 million (+59.3%) - Full-year 2021 guidance confirmed 50203015 Plastics Other subject
27 Jul 2021
07:00 CEST
RECTICEL Omzet 1H2021 van EUR 596,2 miljoen (+59,3%) - Vooruitzichten voor het volledige jaar 2021 bevestigd 50203015 Plastics Other subject