Viser 251 - 300 av 345 resultater
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02 Dec 2022
08:00 CET
KBC KBC Groupe: KBC Bank Ireland salue la décision du ministre des Finances d'approuver la vente de la quasi-totalité de ses actifs et passifs de crédits performants à Bank of Ireland Group 30101010 Banks Other subject
18 Nov 2022
08:00 CET
KBC KBC Group: Publication of transparency notification(s) received by KBC Group NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
18 Nov 2022
08:00 CET
KBC KBC Groep: Openbaarmaking van transparantiekennisgeving(en) ontvangen door KBC Groep NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
10 Nov 2022
08:00 CET
KBC KBC Group: information regarding the traditional annual capital increase reserved for staff 30101010 Banks Other subject
10 Nov 2022
08:00 CET
KBC KBC Groep: informatie m.b.t. traditionele jaarlijkse kapitaalverhoging voor het personeel 30101010 Banks Other subject
09 Nov 2022
07:00 CET
KBC KBC Groep: Resultaat derde kwartaal van 776 miljoen euro 30101010 Banks Other subject
09 Nov 2022
07:00 CET
KBC KBC Group: Third-quarter result of 776 million euros 30101010 Banks Other subject
09 Nov 2022
07:00 CET
KBC KBC Groupe: Bénéfice de 776 millions d'euros au troisième trimestre 30101010 Banks Other subject
31 Oct 2022
18:00 CET
KBC KBC Group: Publication of transparency notification(s) received by KBC Group NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
31 Oct 2022
18:00 CET
KBC KBC Groep: Openbaarmaking van transparantiekennisgeving(en) ontvangen door KBC Groep NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
13 Oct 2022
07:00 CEST
KBC KBC Group: KBC Mobile again crowned best mobile banking app in Belgium by independent international research agency, Sia Partners 30101010 Banks Products and services
13 Oct 2022
07:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groupe: KBC Mobile est à nouveau élue meilleure app bancaire mobile de Belgique par le bureau d'études international indépendant Sia Partners 30101010 Banks Products and services
13 Oct 2022
07:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: KBC Mobile nogmaals tot beste mobile banking app in België bekroond door onafhankelijk internationaal onderzoeksbureau Sia Partners 30101010 Banks Products and services
11 Aug 2022
07:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groupe: Bénéfice de 811 millions d'euros au deuxième trimestre 30101010 Banks Other subject
11 Aug 2022
07:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: Resultaat tweede kwartaal van 811 miljoen euro 30101010 Banks Other subject
11 Aug 2022
07:00 CEST
KBC KBC Group: Second-quarter result of 811 million euros 30101010 Banks Other subject
15 Jul 2022
08:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: Openbaarmaking van transparantiekennis-geving(en) ontvangen door KBC Groep NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
15 Jul 2022
08:00 CEST
KBC KBC Group: Publication of transparency notification(s) received by KBC Group NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
07 Jul 2022
17:45 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: KBC rondt de overname van de Bulgaarse activiteiten van Raiffeisen Bank International af 30101010 Banks Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
07 Jul 2022
17:45 CEST
KBC KBC Group: KBC completes acquisition of Raiffeisen Bank International's Bulgarian operations 30101010 Banks Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
07 Jul 2022
17:45 CEST
KBC KBC Groupe: KBC finalise l'acquisition des opérations bulgares de Raiffeisen Bank International 30101010 Banks Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
25 May 2022
18:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: Openbaarmaking van transparantiekennis-geving(en) ontvangen door KBC Groep NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
25 May 2022
18:00 CEST
KBC KBC Group: Publication of transparency notification(s) received by KBC Group NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
24 May 2022
08:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: KBC Bank Ireland neemt nota van de beslissing van de CCPC om de verkoop van vrijwel al zijn performing kredieten en passiva aan Bank of Ireland Group goed te keuren. 30101010 Banks Other subject
24 May 2022
08:00 CEST
KBC KBC Group: KBC Bank Ireland takes note of CCPC decision to approve the sale of substantially all of its performing loan assets and liabilities to Bank of Ireland Group 30101010 Banks Other subject
24 May 2022
08:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groupe: KBC Bank Ireland prend note de la décision de la CCPC d'approuver la vente de la quasi-totalité de ses actifs et passifs de crédits performants à Bank of Ireland Group 30101010 Banks Other subject
19 May 2022
18:00 CEST
KBC KBC Group: Publication of transparency notification(s) received by KBC Group NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
19 May 2022
18:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: Openbaarmaking van transparantiekennis-geving(en) ontvangen door KBC Groep NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
18 May 2022
08:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: Bericht aan de aandeelhouders en obligatiehouders van KBC Groep 30101010 Banks General meeting / Board Meeting
18 May 2022
08:00 CEST
KBC KBC Group: Notification for bondholders and shareholders of KBC Group 30101010 Banks General meeting / Board Meeting
12 May 2022
07:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: Resultaat eerste kwartaal van 458 miljoen euro 30101010 Banks Commercial results
12 May 2022
07:00 CEST
KBC KBC Group: First-quarter result of 458 million euros 30101010 Banks Commercial results
12 May 2022
07:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groupe: Bénéfice de 458 millions d'euros au premier trimestre 30101010 Banks Commercial results
05 May 2022
18:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groupe: Dividende 30101010 Banks Dividend
05 May 2022
18:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: Dividendaankondiging 30101010 Banks Dividend
05 May 2022
18:00 CEST
KBC KBC Group: Dividend announcement 30101010 Banks Dividend
22 Apr 2022
08:00 CEST
KBC KBC Group: Notification for bondholders of KBC IFIMA 30101010 Banks Other subject
22 Apr 2022
08:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: Bericht aan de obligatiehouders van KBC IFIMA 30101010 Banks Other subject
08 Apr 2022
08:00 CEST
KBC KBC Group: Notification regarding KBC Bank 30101010 Banks Other subject
08 Apr 2022
08:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: Bericht met betrekking tot KBC Bank 30101010 Banks Other subject
04 Apr 2022
08:00 CEST
KBC KBC Group: Notification for bondholders and shareholders of KBC Group 30101010 Banks Other subject
04 Apr 2022
08:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: Bericht aan de aandeelhouders en obligatiehouders van KBC Groep 30101010 Banks Other subject
31 Mar 2022
18:00 CEST
KBC KBC Group: Publication of transparency notification(s) received by KBC Group NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
31 Mar 2022
18:00 CEST
KBC KBC Groep: Openbaarmaking van transparantiekennisgeving(en) ontvangen door KBC Groep NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
22 Mar 2022
18:00 CET
KBC KBC Groep: Openbaarmaking van transparantiekennisgeving(en) ontvangen door KBC Groep NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
22 Mar 2022
18:00 CET
KBC KBC Group: Publication of transparency notification(s) received by KBC Group NV 30101010 Banks Other subject
18 Mar 2022
08:00 CET
KBC KBC Groep: Aleš Blažek : nieuwe CEO van ČSOB, Tsjechische divisie KBC Groep 30101010 Banks Other subject
18 Mar 2022
08:00 CET
KBC KBC Group: Aleš Blažek : new CEO at ČSOB, Czech Business Unit of KBC Group 30101010 Banks Other subject
18 Mar 2022
08:00 CET
KBC KBC Groupe: Changement au sein du conseil d'administration de KBC Groupe 30101010 Banks Other subject
18 Mar 2022
08:00 CET
KBC KBC Groupe: Aleš Blažek nouveau CEO de ČSOB, division tchèque du groupe KBC 30101010 Banks Other subject