Ticker CompanyUnsorted SurnameUnsorted First nameUnsorted Title Unsorted PositionDescending
ALT Alternus Energy Group Plc Farrell Laurence Chief Information Officer
REBA06, REBA05 Resurs Bank AB (publ) Persson Ronny General Counsel
VOW Vow ASA Hansen Jonny COO
ABL ABL Group ASA Phillips Katherine Chief Transformation Officer
GLX02 ESG GLX Holding Eidem Henny Board member Glamox
EWIND Edda Wind ASA Eidesvik Toril Boardmember
HAEC04 ESG, HNA114, ECEN24 PRO, ECEN27 PRO, HAEC02, HAEC09 ESG, HAEC10 ESG, ECEN22 PRO, HAEC08 Hafslund AS Benum Toril Konserndirektør
DNBA74, DNBA70, SBKR59, SBKR55, DNBA80, DNBO, DNB, DNBA81, DNBA77, DNBA78, DNBA83, DNBA87, DNBA86, DNBA85, DNBA79, DNBA94, DNBA89, DNBA84, DNBA93, DNBA88, DNBA82, DNBA75, DNBA76, DNBA90, DNBA91, DNBA92 DNB Bank ASA Figenschou Rasmus Aage Konserndirektør
AEN75 ESG, AEN76 ESG, AEN48, AEN61 ESG, AEN54, AEN77 ESG, AEN26 ESG, AEN60, AEN66, AEN69, AEN71 ESG, AEN73 ESG, AEN74 ESG Å Energi AS Knudsen Atle Konserndirektør Ny industri
YAR17, YAR18, YAR11, YAR13, YAR, YAR12 Yara International ASA Holsether Svein Corporate Management
PARB36 PRO, PARB38 PRO, PARB, PARB34 PRO, PARB35 PRO, PARB52 PRO, PARB48 PRO, PARB37 PRO, PARB47 PRO, PARB40 PRO, PARB45 PRO, PARB53 PRO, PARB46 PRO, PARB49 PRO, PARB42 PRO, PARB44 PRO, PARB43 PRO, PARB51 PRO, PARB50 PRO Pareto Bank ASA Schiong Per Øyvind Direktør Kreditt og juridisk Pareto Bank ASA
STORK16, STORK17, STORK15, STORK19 ESG, STORK18, STORK20 Storebrand Boligkreditt AS Leikanger Einar Daglig leder Storebrand Boligkreditt AS
JORA01 Jordanes Investments AS Sunde Karl Kristian Styremedlem
HUNT, HUNT Hunter Group ASA Astrup Morten Chairman of the board
GLX02 ESG GLX Holding Haukedal Geir CFO
NSOL Norsk Renewables AS Stensland Hanne Legal Counsel
EWIND Edda Wind ASA Geelmuyden Adrian Boardmember
HAUTO Höegh Autoliners ASA Peters Mirjam Chief Customer Sustainability Officer
AEN75 ESG, AEN76 ESG, AEN48, AEN61 ESG, AEN54, AEN77 ESG, AEN26 ESG, AEN60, AEN66, AEN69, AEN71 ESG, AEN73 ESG, AEN74 ESG Å Energi AS Levy Håkon Konserndirektør Finans og virksomhetsstyring
CLOUD Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA Bragnes Ole-Kristofer CFO