Displaying 251 - 300 of 410 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
25 Oct 2022
07:20 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Third Quarter 2022: Strong Sales Growth and Solid Investment Momentum Illustrating the Resilience of the Business Model 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Sales
25 Oct 2022
07:20 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide : Résultats du 3ème trimestre 2022 : Ventes en forte croissance et solide dynamique d’investissement illustrant la résilience du modèle 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Sales
19 Oct 2022
08:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide to invest 500 million euros in three new plants for the semiconductor sector in Taiwan 55201020 Specialty Chemicals New
19 Oct 2022
08:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide investit 500 millions d’euros dans trois nouvelles unités de production destinées au secteur des semi-conducteurs à Taïwan 55201020 Specialty Chemicals New
06 Oct 2022
11:27 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Free Translation of Declaration to AMF on Number of Shares & Voting Rights 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
06 Oct 2022
11:27 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide : Informations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions prévues par l’article L.233-8 II du code du commerce et de l’article 223-16 du règlement général de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
03 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide : Mise en ligne du document « Pre-Q3 2022 Sales Communication » 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
03 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Availability of the Pre-Q3 2022 Sales Communication 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
12 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide cède ses activités Industriel Marchand en Arabie saoudite 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
12 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide Divests Its Industrial Merchant Business in Saudi Arabia 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
09 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide lance avec succès une émission obligataire à long terme de 600 millions d’euros 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
09 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide Successfully Launches a 600 Million Euros Long Term Bond Issuance 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
06 Sep 2022
08:51 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Moody’s Upgrades the Air Liquide Group Credit Rating 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
06 Sep 2022
08:51 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Moody’s relève la note de crédit du groupe Air Liquide 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
02 Sep 2022
14:02 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Voting Rights 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
02 Sep 2022
14:02 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE AIR LIQUIDE : DROITS DE VOTE 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
02 Sep 2022
08:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide Announces Its Plan to Disengage from Russia 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
02 Sep 2022
08:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide annonce son projet de désengagement de la Russie 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
10 Aug 2022
16:00 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Voting Rights 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
10 Aug 2022
16:00 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE AIR LIQUIDE : DROITS DE VOTE 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
10 Aug 2022
15:15 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Changes to Share Capital 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
10 Aug 2022
15:15 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide : Modification de Capital 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
28 Jul 2022
17:54 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide : Mise à disposition du rapport financier semestriel 2022 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
28 Jul 2022
17:54 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Availability of First Half 2022 Financial Report 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
28 Jul 2022
07:20 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide : Résultats du 1er semestre 2022 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Sales
28 Jul 2022
07:20 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: H1 2022 Results 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Sales
19 Jul 2022
08:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide va construire deux unités de production d’hydrogène avec captage de carbone dans le Parc industriel chimique de Shanghai 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
19 Jul 2022
08:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide to Build Two New Hydrogen Production Units With Carbon Capture Technology in Shanghai Chemical Industry Park 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
12 Jul 2022
08:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide Launches Its Biomethane Activity in China 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
12 Jul 2022
08:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide lance son activité biométhane en Chine 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
11 Jul 2022
14:02 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité AIR LIQUIDE 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
11 Jul 2022
14:02 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Semi-annual Update on the AIR LIQUIDE Liquidity Contract 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
04 Jul 2022
12:53 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Voting Rights 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
04 Jul 2022
12:53 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE AIR LIQUIDE : DROITS DE VOTE 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
04 Jul 2022
12:41 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Voting Rights 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
04 Jul 2022
12:41 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE AIR LIQUIDE : DROITS DE VOTE 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
01 Jul 2022
17:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Availability of the Pre-Half Year 2022 Results Communication 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
01 Jul 2022
17:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide : Mise en ligne du document « Pre-Half Year 2022 Results Communication » 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
23 Jun 2022
09:43 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide et Siemens Energy créent une coentreprise pour la production en Europe d’électrolyseurs hydrogène renouvelable de grande taille Commodity Chemicals Other subject
23 Jun 2022
09:43 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide and Siemens Energy Form a Joint Venture for the European Production of Large-scale Renewable Hydrogen Electrolyzers Commodity Chemicals Other subject
21 Jun 2022
08:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide renforce son approvisionnement en électricité renouvelable en signant aux Pays-Bas son plus grand contrat d'achat à long terme 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
21 Jun 2022
08:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide Steps up Its Renewable Energy Sourcing by Signing in the Netherlands the Group’s Largest Long-Term Power Purchase Agreement 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
15 Jun 2022
08:48 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide et le Groupe ADP annoncent leur ambition de créer la première coentreprise pour accompagner le développement des infrastructures hydrogène dans les aéroports 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
15 Jun 2022
08:48 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide and Groupe ADP Announce Their Ambition to Create the First Joint Venture to Facilitate the Development of Hydrogen Infrastructure at Airports 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
08 Jun 2022
17:40 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE  Air Liquide: Changes to Share Capital 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Change in Capital
08 Jun 2022
17:40 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Modification de Capital 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Change in Capital
03 Jun 2022
17:02 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Voting Rights 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
03 Jun 2022
17:02 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE AIR LIQUIDE : DROITS DE VOTE 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
20 May 2022
08:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide’s 2035 CO2 trajectory validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
20 May 2022
08:45 CEST
AIR LIQUIDE La trajectoire de réduction de CO2 d’Air Liquide à horizon 2035 est validée par la Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject