Displaying 76001 - 76050 of 81428 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
10 Dec 2021
13:53 CET
SpareBank 1 Hallingdal Valdres Renteregulering - Renteregulering
10 Dec 2021
13:53 CET
SpareBank 1 SMN Renteregulering 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
10 Dec 2021
13:53 CET
Helgeland Boligkreditt AS Renteregulering - Renteregulering
10 Dec 2021
13:53 CET
SpareBank 1 Ringerike Hadeland Renteregulering 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
10 Dec 2021
13:53 CET
Totens Sparebank Renteregulering 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
10 Dec 2021
13:53 CET
Tysnes Sparebank Renteregulering - Renteregulering
10 Dec 2021
13:53 CET
Høland og Setskog Sparebank Renteregulering 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
10 Dec 2021
13:53 CET
Bien Sparebank ASA Renteregulering - Renteregulering
10 Dec 2021
13:53 CET
Selbu Sparebank Renteregulering - Renteregulering
10 Dec 2021
13:53 CET
Vestfold og Telemark fylkeskom Renteregulering - Renteregulering
10 Dec 2021
13:53 CET
Santander Consumer Bank AS Renteregulering - Renteregulering
10 Dec 2021
13:45 CET
FRØY ASA Frøy ASA: Mandatory notification of trade by primary insider 50206030 Marine Transportation Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
10 Dec 2021
13:45 CET
SALMON EVOLUTION ASA Financial calendar 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
10 Dec 2021
13:33 CET
NORCOD Financial calendar 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
10 Dec 2021
13:33 CET
NORCOD Finansiell kalender 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
10 Dec 2021
12:58 CET
ARCTICZYMES TECHNOLOGIES ArcticZymes Technologies ASA: Primary insider exercising options 20103010 Biotechnology Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
10 Dec 2021
12:58 CET
ARCTICZYMES TECHNOLOGIES ArcticZymes Technologies ASA: Increase of share capital related to exercise of options 20103010 Biotechnology Total number of voting rights and capital
10 Dec 2021
12:53 CET
Næringsbanken ASA Næringsbanken ASA – Avholdt generalforsamling - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
10 Dec 2021
12:47 CET
Equinor ASA Equinor ASA: Notifiable trading 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
10 Dec 2021
12:47 CET
Equinor ASA Equinor ASA: Meldepliktig handel 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Meldepliktig handel for primærinnsidere
10 Dec 2021
12:31 CET
SOLSTAD OFFSHORE Exercise of warrants, conversion of convertible loan 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
10 Dec 2021
12:00 CET
Storebrand Bank ASA STOREBRAND BANK ASA - Buyback of bonds - Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
10 Dec 2021
12:00 CET
Storebrand Bank ASA STOREBRAND BANK ASA - Tilbakekjøp av obligasjoner - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
10 Dec 2021
11:38 CET
ABG SUNDAL COLLIER HOLDING Mandatory notification of trade 30202010 Asset Managers and Custodians Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
10 Dec 2021
11:30 CET
CONTEXTVISION INIFY Laboratories AB skilles ut i et eget selskap 10101015 Software Innsideinformasjon
10 Dec 2021
11:30 CET
CONTEXTVISION INIFY Laboratories AB becomes an independent company 10101015 Software Inside information
10 Dec 2021
11:25 CET
CONTEXTVISION ContextVision Extraordinary General Meeting 10101015 Software Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
10 Dec 2021
11:21 CET
TARGOVAX Targovax ASA - Exercise of subscription rights in the rights issue by close associate of a primary insider 20103010 Biotechnology Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
10 Dec 2021
11:09 CET
Klaveness Combination Carriers KCC: Internal shareholder reorganisation - disclosure of shareholding and transactions by closely associated parties of a primary insider 50206030 Marine Transportation Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
10 Dec 2021
11:00 CET
MÅSØVAL AS Måsøval AS: Innkalling til ekstraordinær generalforsamling 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
10 Dec 2021
10:17 CET
ARGEO AS Argeo – Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting 50101015 Engineering and Contracting Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
10 Dec 2021
09:42 CET
GENTIAN DIAGNOSTICS ASA Share capital increase registered - Correction* 20103010 Biotechnology Total number of voting rights and capital
10 Dec 2021
09:36 CET
Borgestad ASA Borgestad ASA - avholdt ekstraordinær generalforsamling 50204000 Machinery: Industrial Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
10 Dec 2021
09:28 CET
ABG SUNDAL COLLIER HOLDING Financial calendar 30202010 Asset Managers and Custodians Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
10 Dec 2021
09:21 CET
Avinor AS The largest increase in passenger numbers for November 2021 is seen in international traffic - Non-regulatory press releases
10 Dec 2021
09:21 CET
Avinor AS Størst økning i utenlandspassasjerer fra Avinors lufthavner i november - Ikke-informasjonspliktige pressemeldinger
10 Dec 2021
08:49 CET
Grong Sparebank TILBAKEKJØP AV EGNE EGENKAPITALBEVIS I GRONG SPAREBANK - Utsteders meldeplikt ved handel i egne aksjer
10 Dec 2021
08:30 CET
OTELLO CORPORATION Mandatory notification of trade 10101020 Consumer Digital Services Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
10 Dec 2021
08:30 CET
HORISONT ENERGI AS Horisont Energi and Helen enter cooperation for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) 60102010 Alternative Fuels Non-regulatory press releases
10 Dec 2021
08:14 CET
PROSAFE Financial calendar 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
10 Dec 2021
08:11 CET
HUDDLESTOCK FINTECH Huddlestock Fintech AS (OSE: HUDL) Stig Myrseth joins the Board of Directors 10101015 Software Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
10 Dec 2021
08:02 CET
Genel Energy Finance 4 plc Genel Energy PLC: Update on Bina Bawi and Miran PSCs - Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
10 Dec 2021
08:00 CET
SOLON EIENDOM FINANSKALENDER 2022 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
10 Dec 2021
08:00 CET
BORR DRILLING Borr Drilling Limited (BORR) - Key information relating to the reverse share split to be carried out by BORR 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Total number of voting rights and capital
10 Dec 2021
08:00 CET
AF GRUPPEN To build multi-storey car park in Gävle 50101010 Construction Non-regulatory press releases
10 Dec 2021
08:00 CET
HORISONT ENERGI AS Horisont Energi, Equinor and Vår Energi enter joint development agreement on Polaris Carbon Transport and Storage Project 60102010 Alternative Fuels Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
10 Dec 2021
08:00 CET
AF GRUPPEN Bygger parkeringshus i Gävle 50101010 Construction Ikke-informasjonspliktige pressemeldinger
10 Dec 2021
07:46 CET
Østfold Energi AS Intensjonsavtale om sammenslåing mellom SISO Energi AS og Salten Kraftsamband AS - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
10 Dec 2021
07:45 CET
Tensio AS Intensjonsavtale om sammenslåing mellom SISO Energi AS og Salten Kraftsamband AS - Innsideinformasjon
10 Dec 2021
07:00 CET
TARGOVAX Targovax ASA - Last day of trading in subscription rights 20103010 Biotechnology Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State