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Notification of major holdings
24 Jan 2025 17:07 CET
BlueNord ASA
Astaris Special Situations Master Fund Limited (the "Fund"), for which Astaris
Capital Management LLP acts as Investment Manager, acquired on 23 January 2025,
a holding of 5,000,000 in the convertible bonds of BlueNord ASA (the "Company")
ISIN: NO0012780867 (the "Convertible Bonds"), which are convertible into 97,000
shares in the Company (subject to any changes in the conversion price pursuant
to the bond terms). Following the acquisition, the Fund's total holding of
Convertible Bonds amounts to 71,560,971 which subject to the conversion price of
the bond terms, are convertible into 1,388,282 shares in the Company,
representing 5.24% of the Company's existing share capital and voting rights.
The Convertible Bonds may, subject to the bond terms, be converted into shares
at the bond holder's discretion no later than 15 December 2025. The maturity
date of the Convertible Bonds is on 26 July 2027.
This notification is made pursuant to section 4-3 of the Norwegian Securities
Trading Act.
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BlueNord ASA
Oslo Børs Newspoint
Company Name
BLUENORD ASA, BlueNord ASA 24/29 9,50% USD C
NO0010379266, NO0013261735
Oslo Børs