23 Sep 2024 07:00 CEST


Stadshypotek AB (publ)

Head of Communications, Pernilla Eldestrand, has been appointed to be included
in the Bank's Executive Team as of 1 October.

Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand, currently Head of Handelsbanken Sustainability
and Communications, will remain as part of the Executive Team in the role of
Head of Handelsbanken Sustainability.

For further information, please contact:
Michael Green, President and Chief Executive Officer, +46 8 22 92 20
Mats Olsson, Press Officer, +46 70 688 07 99

For more information about Handelsbanken, see: www.handelsbanken.com/



Stadshypotek AB (publ)


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Stadshypotek AB 20/25 FRN COVD, Stadshypotek AB 21/26 COVD, Stadshypotek AB 23/28 FRN C COVD, Stadshypotek AB 24/29 FRN C COVD


NO0010886054, NO0010936107, NO0013010363, NO0013331199


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