23 Sep 2024 07:02 CEST


Aker ASA

Reference is made to the stock exchange notice by Aker BP ASA ("Aker BP") today
regarding Aker BP's annual share purchase programme.

Sofie Valdersnes, employee elected board member in Aker ASA and employee in Aker
BP, has purchased 546 shares in Aker BP and Håkon Enerstvedt, a person closely
associated to Sofie Valdersnes and employee in Aker BP, has purchased 546

The shares in Aker BP are purchased at a discounted price of NOK 182.87 per
share, which represents a 20 percent discount to the reference market price, and
the shares are subject to a three-year lock-up period.

Following the transaction, Sofie Valdersnes owns a total of 2,442 shares in Aker
BP and no shares in Aker ASA and Håkon Enerstvedt owns a total of 1,579 shares
in Aker BP and no shares in Aker ASA.

The Aker BP shares are considered to be linked to the shares in Aker ASA, cf.
the Market Abuse Regulation ("MAR") article 19. Please see attached notification
forms in accordance with MAR article 19.


For more information, please contact:

Media contact
Atle Kigen, Head of Media Relations and Public Affairs Aker ASA
Tel: +47 90 78 48 78
E-mail: atle.kigen@akerasa.com

Investor contact
Fredrik Berge, Head of Investor Relations Aker ASA
Tel: +47 45 03 20 90
E-mail: fredrik.berge@akerasa.com
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in Regulation EU
596/2014 (MAR) article 19 number 3 and the Norwegian Securities Trading Act § 5



Aker ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

AKER, Aker ASA 19/24 FRN FLOOR C, Aker ASA 22/27 6.275pct, Aker ASA 22/27 FRN FLOOR, Aker ASA 22/29 6.50pct, Aker ASA 22/32 6.30pct, Aker ASA 24/31 FRN FLOOR


NO0010234552, NO0010868979, NO0012708801, NO0012708819, NO0012755810, NO0012759028, NO0013120493, NO0013200576




Oslo Børs