02 Sep 2024 14:29 CEST


Black Sea Property AS

Reference is made to the stock exchange notice from Black Sea Property AS (the
"Company") on 28 May 2024 regarding, inter alia, a proposed partially
underwritten rights issue (the "Rights Issue") where the underwriters have
provided the Company with certain shareholder loans and shall convert such
shareholder loans and accrued interest to fulfil their underwriting obligations
in the Rights Issue.
The share capital increase pertaining to the Rights Issue must be approved by
the Company's general meeting. The Board of Directors of the Company therefore
calls for an extraordinary general meeting to be held on 16 September 2024 at
14.00 CEST, at the offices of Advokatfirmaet CLP DA, Sommerrogata 13-15, 0255
Oslo, Norway.
The notice for such extraordinary general meeting is attached to this stock
exchange notice. The Board's statement on conversion of the shareholder loans,
and the auditor's opinion regarding the Board's statement, will be made
available at the web pages of the Company, www.blackseaproperty.no.

For further information, please contact:
Egil Melkevik, Chairman
Tel: +47 90 77 09 76
E-mail: em@ms-solutions.no
About Black Sea Property AS:
Black Sea Property AS is a real estate company with holdings in a real estate
project on the Black Sea coast called Sunrise River Beach Resort. Sunrise River
Beach Resort is a partially completed project and will upon completion comprise
approximately 950 apartments as well as significant commercial space. Black Sea
Property AS has indirect ownership to the project and will work to finalize
Sunrise River Beach Resort, to realize the project's added value through the
sale of residential units and hotel operations.

626869_Black Sea Property AS - Notice of EGM 16 September 2024 (003).pdf


Black Sea Property AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name







Euronext Growth