29 Aug 2024 07:05 CEST


Integrated Wind Solutions ASA

Integrated Wind Solutions ASA (“IWS”) has today published its Q2 2024 Financial
Report and Presentation.

•Total revenue of EUR 12.6m for Q2 2024, a 133% increase from Q1 and a 143%
increase compared with Q2 2023.
•Group EBITDA of EUR 1.6m for Q2 2024 compared with EUR -3.2m in Q1 and EUR
-1.0m in Q2 2023. The positive EBITDA was driven by the charter operations of
the first two vessels and positive contributions from IWS Services and PEAK
•Group net profit was EUR 0.6m for Q2 2024 compared with EUR -2.8 m in Q1 and
EUR -0.7m in Q2 2023.
•IWS Fleet revenue of EUR 4.9m in Q2 2024 versus EUR 0.6m in Q1 and EUR 0.0m in
Q2 2023. IWS Fleet had two vessels in operation in the quarter with IWS
Skywalker on charter at the Dogger Bank Wind Farm for the full quarter, and IWS
Windwalker on charter with TenneT TSO from early June. Furthermore, IWS
Seawalker was delivered from the yard on 23 August and will arrive in Europe in
late October.
•IWS Fleet signed two additional contracts as part of the frame term agreement
with Siemens Gamesa. Both contracts were signed with additional firm days above
the minimums defined in the frame agreement.
•IWS Services revenue of EUR 7.6m in Q2 2024, an increase of 65% from Q1, due to
the nature of the project-driven construction business. The book-to-bill ratio
in Q2 was well above 1, further improving the visibility for 2025. The guidance
for the full year 2024 remains unchanged.
•PEAK Wind continues its strong growth with an increase in net revenue for Q2 by
26% compared with Q2 2023. The Group’s share of the net profit in Q2 2024 was
EUR 0.2m, after EUR -0.1m amortisation of acquisition-related intangible assets.
•IWS announced on 12 June the completion of a strategic partnership with
Sumitomo Corporation (“Sumitomo”). IWS Fleet raised EUR 60m in equity in a
private placement to Sumitomo for 25.38% ownership. Consequently, the equity
attributable to the owners of the parent company increased by EUR 26.7m,
corresponding to about NOK 8 per share.
•IWS Fleet has secured credit approval for an expanded Green Senior Secured
Credit Facility of up to EUR 186.9m, securing debt financing for all six
vessels. The expanded facility is expected to become effective in Q3.

Lars-Henrik Røren, CEO, commented: “The second quarter was eventful with two
vessels in operation and the closing of the strategic partnership with Sumitomo
Corporation. We are proud that the vessels have shown excellent capabilities,
also recognised by our clients. Furthermore, we are pleased that IWS Services
improved significantly in Q2, and we expect further improvements in the second
half of the year, backed by higher revenues and margin improvements. IWS is now
on a solid business- and financial track, and we are continuously exploring
further growth initiatives.” 

For further information, please contact:

Lars-Henrik Røren
CEO Integrated Wind Solutions
Phone: +47 98 22 85 06
E-mail: lhr@integratedwind.com

Marius Magelie
Group CFO Integrated Wind Solutions
Phone: +47 920 27 419
E-mail: mm@integratedwind.com

Integrated Wind Solutions ASA offers a fleet of state-of-the-art service vessels
to the offshore wind industry combined with a suite of adhering services to
reduce the levelised cost of energy (“LCOE”) for offshore wind. The Company owns
74.62% of IWS Fleet AS, which has three Commissioning Service Operation Vessels
(“CSOVs”) delivered and three CSOVs under construction with delivery in 2024 and
2025. Furthermore, IWS owns the offshore wind supply-chain service company, IWS
Services A/S and owns 30% of the independent advisor, consultancy, data
intelligence and wind farm operator firm PEAK Wind Group.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

626501_Integrated Wind Solutions ASA Q2 2024 Financial Report.pdf
626501_Integrated Wind Solutions ASA Q2 2024 Presentation.pdf


Integrated Wind Solutions ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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