28 Aug 2024 14:40 CEST


Hafslund AS

Reference is made to notice to the stock exchange on 27 August 2024. Hafslund
has today issued four new green bonds:

- FRN: NOK 1,000 million with 3-year tenor and a coupon of 3 months NIBOR + 0.61
% p.a.
- FRN: NOK 500 million with 5.5-year tenor and a coupon of 3 months NIBOR + 0.81
% p.a.
- FRN: NOK 500 million with 7-year tenor and a coupon of 3 months NIBOR + 0.89 %
- Fixed: NOK 800 million with 10-year tenor and coupon of 4.35 % p.a.

The bond issues have settlement date on 5 September 2024 and will be applied for
listing at Oslo Børs.

Danske Bank, Handelsbanken and SpareBank 1 Markets, with Swedbank as advisor,
were arrangers of the transaction.

Hafslund AS
Oslo, 28. August 2024

For further information:

Andreas Wik, Head of treasury, tel.: +47 924 97 255 or e-mail:


Hafslund AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Hafslund ASA 12/24 LNK, Hafslund E-CO AS 20/25 FRN, Hafslund Eco AS 21/26 FRN, Hafslund AS 23/28 FRN, Hafslund AS 23/29 5,26%, E-CO Energi Holding AS 14/29 4,40%, E-CO Energi Holding AS 15/30 2,80%, E-CO Energi Holding AS 16/31 3,05%


NO0010657539, NO0010876352, NO0010960370, NO0013035220, NO0013035238, NO0010702947, NO0010734775, NO0010762909


Oslo Børs Nordic Alternative Bond Market