28 Aug 2024 07:30 CEST


Dolphin Drilling AS

(Oslo, 28 August 2024) Dolphin Drilling AS (Dolphin Drilling, OSE: DDRIL) today
announced its unaudited results for the second quarter and half year 2024.

The highlights and subsequent events include:

· Operating revenues of USD 16.4 million and an EBITDA of USD (6.3) million.
Earnings per share was USD (0.05) in the second quarter of 2024
· Operating revenues for the first half of 2024 were USD 26.4 million and an
EBITDA of USD (23.2) million. Earnings per share resulted in a loss of USD 0.11
per share
· The revenue backlog for Dolphin Drilling is USD 431 million as of the
reporting date
· In her first full quarter under Dolphin Drilling operations and
responsibility, Paul B. Loyd, Jr. had nearly 100% operational utilisation with
zero lost time incidents recorded
· In July 2024, Blackford Dolphin started its tow to India for its next
drilling campaign. An official contract signing ceremony with Oil India Ltd was
held in late July with drilling commencement expected in October 2024
· Borgland Dolphin towed from Norway to Las Palmas ahead of its upcoming
special periodic survey following the contract startup with EnQuest Ltd in the
UK in 2025
· On 10 April 2024, the company completed a private placement of 72 million
new shares, raising USD 40 million in equity to support its ongoing operations

"We are particularly pleased to report of a good safety record and close to 100%
uptime on the Paul B. Loyd, Jr. during the last quarter. Our two other rigs,
Blackford Dolphin and Borgland Dolphin, are on their way preparing for their
next contracts. Together with earnings from Paul B. Loyd, Jr., the contracts are
expected to provide a significant improvement in the financial results in the
coming quarters," said Bjørnar Iversen, CEO of Dolphin Drilling.

The preliminary earnings report and company presentation are enclosed.

The results will be presented on 28 August 2024 through an audiocast starting
15:00 CET. The presentation will be held by CEO Bjørnar Iversen and CFO Stephen

Link to audiocast:

Participants may also visit the Investor Relations section of the company's
website at www.dolphindrilling.com and click on the link to "Webcast". There
will be a Q&A session following the presentation. Written questions can be
submitted through the audiocast solution during the presentation, or by email to
Ingolf.gillesdal@dolphindrilling.com in advance.

For further information, please contact:

Ingolf Gillesdal, Corporate Finance and Investor Relations, tel: +47 920 45 320

Dolphin Drilling | www.dolphindrilling.com

Dolphin Drilling is a leading harsh environment drilling contractor for the
offshore oil and gas industry. Dolphin Drilling owns a fleet of three high
-technical standard 4th and 5th generation enhanced Aker H3 and H4 units,
Blackford Dolphin, Borgland Dolphin, and Paul B. Loyd, Jr., operated by an
experienced team with a strong operational track record. The company has
offshore and onshore offices and operations in Norway, Scotland, India and

This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to the
Securities Trading Act §5-12.



Dolphin Drilling AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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