10 Feb 2023 07:00 CET


Kongsberg Gruppen ASA

KONGSBERG delivered growth, strong results, and solid order intake in 2022. The
order backlog was record high with NOK 63.5 billion for the year 2022. The Board
of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting a total dividend payment of
NOK 2.1 billion, equivalent to NOK 12.00 per share.

- The order intake was NOK 45.15bn corresponding to a book/bill of 1.42
- Revenues were NOK 31.8m compared to NOK 27.4m in 2021, an increase of 15.9%
- EBITDA was NOK 4.6bn, up from NOK 4.1bn in 2021, an increase of 12.6%
- The EBITDA margin was 14.5% compared to 14.9% in 2021

4th quarter:
- Order intake was NOK 19.2bn compared to NOK 12.5bn in the fourth quarter 2021,
an increase
of 53.6%
- Revenues were NOK 9.4bn compared to NOK 8.1bn in the fourth quarter 2021, an
increase of 16.5%.
- EBITDA was NOK 1.4bn compared to NOK 1.2bn in the fourth quarter 2021, an
increase of 21.2%
- The EBITDA margin was 14.8% compared to 13.3% in the fourth quarter 2021

- We had a strong year with growth, solid results, and a good influx of new
orders. This provides optimism, predictability, and a solid platform for further
sustainable growth. We continued the strong trend from previous quarters, with
NOK 9.4 billion in revenue and NOK 1.4 billion in EBITDA in Q4. With an order
intake of more than NOK 19 billion in the quarter and more than NOK 45 billion
in 2022, we continue to build our order backlog. We have almost doubled the
order backlog over the past two years and by the end of 2022 we had secured
orders worth NOK 63 billion to be delivered going forward," says Geir Håøy,
President and CEO of KONGSBERG.
Based on the solid results for 2022 and KONGSBERG’s strong balance sheet, the
Board of Directors proposes a dividend of NOK 12.00 per share, a total of NOK
2.1 billion, to the Annual General Meeting on 11 May 2023.

Our commitment to contribute to solve challenges
- The year 2022 will be recorded in history as a dark year because of Russia's
brutal invasion of Ukraine. The new security situation in Europe has highlighted
the need to strengthen nations' defence capabilities. We are also experiencing
high and unpredictable energy prices and generally high inflation. At the same
time, the world is in a transition towards more environmentally friendly energy
sources with a significant need for emission reductions. KONGSBERG sees it as
our duty to actively contribute to solving all these challenges. National
security has risen higher on the world agenda, which has increased the demand
for surveillance and defence equipment. Within our maritime markets, ambitions
for reduced emissions are an important driver of demand, and we have great
success with our solutions for renewable energy sources, such as offshore wind,
says Håøy.

Growth in all business areas
There was a solid development in all business areas in 2022. Kongsberg Maritime
increased its operating revenues by 15 per cent and increased the EBITDA margin
from 12.0 to 12.6 per cent compared to the previous year. Kongsberg Defence &
Aerospace increased its operating revenues by 17.7 per cent and delivered an
EBITDA margin of 21,2 per cent. Kongsberg Digital increased its operating
revenues by 17 per cent and has increased both the number of users, and the
number of installed Kognitwin and Vessel Insight systems during the year.

Strong order intake
KONGSBERG signed orders for more than NOK 45bn in 2022 and the year ended with a
record high order backlog of more than NOK 63bn. Kongsberg Maritime signed
orders worth more than NOK 24.3bn and had a good order intake from both the
newbuilding and the aftermarket. The business area experienced, among others,
great success for its solutions to the offshore wind market, where orders worth
about NOK 1,7bn were signed.

In Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, the Naval Strike Missile (NSM) was the major
driver for order intake for the past two years. In 2022, missile orders worth
more than NOK 10bn were signed, the majority of which was signed in the last
quarter of the year. In addition to several new customers for the missile, both
Spain and the UK announced that they will acquire the NSM. In total, the missile
division has an order reserve of NOK 21bn when entering 2023.

New business area and good outlook for 2023
In December, KONGSBERG announced that the former Kongsberg Maritime division
Sensors & Robotics will operate as a separate business area from 2023. The first
reporting for the new area will be upon presentation of the Group's results for
the 1st quarter of 2023.

- KONGSBERG is an ocean space expert. Our sensor and robotics solutions are
important for the utilization and protection of the resources found in the sea,
and Sensor & Robotics represents an area where we see significant potential for
growth. We have a record high order backlog, and we are experiencing high degree
of trust from our customers. This makes me confident that KONGSBERG will seize
new opportunities, grow, and at the same time deliver solid results also in
2023, Håøy concludes.

For more information please contact:
Ronny Lie
Kongsberg Gruppen ASA
(+47) 91 61 07 98

Jan Erik Hoff
Group Vice President
Investor Relations
Kongsberg Gruppen ASA
(+47) 99 11 19 16

Kongsberg (OSE-ticker: KOG) is an international, knowledge-based group that
supplies high-tech systems and solutions to customers in the energy, merchant,
navy and defence and aerospace industries. Kongsberg has more than 12,000
employees in 40 countries and a total revenue of NOK 27.5bn in 2021.
Follow us on: kongsberg.com, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

581946_2022-Q4Investor Presentation.pdf


Kongsberg Gruppen ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

KONGSBERG GRUPPEN, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA 16/26 3,20%, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA 16/23 2,90%, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA 18/24 FRN, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA 21/26 FRN


NO0003043309, NO0010766512, NO0010779788, NO0010837602, NO0010940422




Oslo Børs