10 Feb 2023 07:00 CET


Circa Group AS

OSLO, NORWAY – 10 FEBRUARY 2023 – Circa Group AS (stock symbol: CIRCA) has
agreed with the French environmental permitting authority to progress with a
full permanent permitting application, which will extend the runway to ReSolute
commissioning by approximately six months.

The French authority, Direction Régionale de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement
et du Logement (DREAL), Division Moselle, and Circa, have agreed to proceed with
a permanent environmental permit. The permanent permit replaces the temporary
permit that was originally planned for the ReSolute plant located in the Grand
Est region in the north east of France.

This update will see a delay to the current start-up timetable of approximately
six months. During discussions with DREAL it was apparent that the permanent
environmental permit was an overall more efficient and appropriate process for
Circa’s technology.

Circa continues to engage with DREAL and all authorities to ensure the
permitting process is as time efficient as possible. Additionally, Circa is
working with all major vendors to maximise equipment pre-fabrication prior to
arrival on site, and reduce final construction timeframes.

Circa Group AS CEO Tony Duncan said “We are working constructively with the
authorities and our vendors towards the commissioning of ReSolute, and plans for
our industrial scale FC6 future plant remain on track. Our FC5 plant continues
to support organisations trialling the potential of Cyrene™ in their industrial
processes and continues to supply Merck, OQEMA, Will & Co, and direct customers
in Europe, Australia, Japan, US and elsewhere with volumes needed for early
market development.”

About Circa
Established in 2006, Circa Group converts sustainable, non-food biomass into
advanced bio-based chemicals with its proprietary Furacell™ process. Its
developing product portfolio includes flavours, biopolymers, and bio-solvents
including Cyrene™. By creating renewable chemicals from cellulose, Circa is
extracting value from non-food, biomass and addressing a gap in the market by
providing bio-based alternatives contributing to a more circular economy.

Media Contact
Amanda Keogh
General Manager Marketing and Sustainability
Circa Group
Tel: +61 407 275 126

Investor Contact
Tone Leivestad
Chief Financial Officer
Circa Group
Tel: +47 406 39 455

581939_20230210 Circa Group AS ReSolute Permit.pdf


Circa Group AS


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Euronext Growth