09 Feb 2023 07:00 CET



OSLO, Norway (9 February 2023) - TGS today reported interim financial results
for Q4 2022.

The results reflected the significant market improvement seen during 2022,
driven mainly by strong late sales growth of 159% y/y. Furthermore, the quarter
showed solid order inflow, and the total contract backlog (IFRS) was USD 567
million (including Magseis Fairfield ASA ("Magseis")) at year-end.

The balance sheet remained robust despite continued dividend payments and
significant M&A activity. The cash balance at year-end was USD 189 million, with
a strong working capital position from end-of-year sales. The solid financial
position allows TGS to maintain the quarterly dividend at USD 0.14 (NOK 1.46)
per share in Q4 2022, still allowing for a significant increase in investments
for 2023.

Through the acquisition of Magseis conducted in the quarter, TGS has gained a
leading position in the Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) industry. In combination with
the vast coverage of multi-client data in key mature basins, TGS is well set to
capitalize on the growth in near-field exploration and production seismic.

During the second half of 2022, TGS secured more than USD 140 million of pre-
funding for new investments and more than USD 200 million of multi-client
investments are committed currently. Adding a growing pipeline of further
project opportunities, organic investments in new surveys are expected to be in
the range of USD 320 - 350 million in 2023 (USD 224 million in 2022), with a PoC
early sales rate (measured according to the percentage of completion of the
relevant projects divided by the associated investments) of more than 70% (61%
in 2022).

"This quarter saw a further acceleration of the strong sales seen earlier in
2022. In Q4 2022, we achieved our highest fourth-quarter late sales since 2014.
In addition, we have seen solid growth in order inflow related to new
investments lately, meaning that the multi-client backlog increased
significantly in the quarter. I'm excited to welcome Magseis into the TGS Group.
With the combined portfolio of TGS and Magseis, we are well positioned to
capitalize on the strong growth in exploration activity, both in mature and
frontier areas," says Kristian Johansen, CEO of TGS.

Financial results

Percentage-of-completion (PoC) revenue (1) amounted to USD 227 million in Q4
2022, a 90% increase from USD 120 million in Q4 2021. The late sales portion of
revenues was USD 137 million, representing a substantial increase compared to
the USD 53 million reported for Q4 2021.

Total IFRS revenue amounted to USD 219 million in Q4 2022 versus USD 105 million
in Q4 2021.

Magseis was consolidated with effect from 11 October 2022 and contributed USD
54 million to revenues after eliminating revenues related to work conducted on
behalf of TGS.

EBITDA was USD 144 million, and the operating result was USD 65 million,
compared to USD 69 million and USD -101 million, respectively, in Q4 2021.

Management webcast presentation

CEO Kristian Johansen and CFO Sven Børre Larsen will present the results at CET
09:00 am today during a live webcast.

Access and registration for online attendees are available by copying and
pasting this link into your browser:

A recorded version of the entire presentation will be available on TGS.com
(http://www.tgs.com (http://www.tgs.com/)) after the live event.

For more information, visit TGS.com (http://www.tgs.com) or contact:

Sven Børre Larsen
Tel: +47 90 94 36 73
E-mail: investor@tgs.com (mailto:investor@tgs.com)

1 - Percentage-of-completion (PoC) revenue:
PoC revenue are measured by applying the percentage-of-completion method to
Early sales, added to Late sales and Proprietary sales. This is based on the
principles applied prior to the implementation of IFRS 15, Revenue from Customer
Contracts, on 1 January 2018.
Adjustments between IFRS and PoC revenue numbers for Q4 2022:
IFRS reported revenue: USD 219 million
- Revenue recognized from performance obligations met during Q4 for completed
projects: USD 23 million
+ Revenue recognized under PoC during Q4: USD 31 million
= PoC reported revenue: USD 227 million

About TGS
TGS provides scientific data and intelligence to companies active in the energy
sector. In addition to a global, extensive and diverse energy data library, TGS
offers specialized services such as advanced processing and analytics alongside
cloud-based data applications and solutions.

Forward Looking Statement
All statements in this press release other than statements of historical fact
are forward-looking statements, which are subject to a number of risks,
uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict and are based upon
assumptions as to future events that may not prove accurate. These factors
include volatile market conditions, investment opportunities in new and existing
markets, demand for licensing of data within the energy industry, operational
challenges, and reliance on a cyclical industry and principal customers. Actual
results may differ materially from those expected or projected in the forward-
looking statements. TGS undertakes no responsibility or obligation to update or
alter forward-looking statements for any reason.

581768_TGS Q4 2022 Earnings Release.pdf
581768_TGS Q4 2022 Presentation.pdf




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